Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

The picture at the right is meaningless. Koch wasn't a crony of our government. Anyone who says Stalin was a capitalist is a fucking moron. Your photo says nothing about our government.
Koch was a crony-capitalist who got rich from sucking up to Stalin before bringing his greed home:
State capitalism - Wikipedia
"Many scholars agree that the economy of the Soviet Union and of the Eastern Bloc countries modeled after it, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems, and some western commentators believe that the current economies of China and Singapore also constitute a form of state capitalism.[4][5][6][7][8][9]"
One possible answer to your questions is an economic system that rewards a miniscule percentage of humanity with vast fortunes that would never have come into existence in a world without war and debt.

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

"My book 'Super Imperialism' was about how the United States has gained a free lunch by establishing the dollar as international reserve currency by replacing gold.

"I also showed that the U.S. balance of payments deficit is almost entirely military related to support its 800 bases around the world."
That's horseshit, of course. Those "vast fortunes" represent the plant and equipment that are required to produce the vast wealth showered on the consumers of our society. Who do you believe should own it, the government?

You're a certified imbecile.
Koch was a crony-capitalist who got rich from sucking up to Stalin before bringing his greed home:
State capitalism - Wikipedia
"Many scholars agree that the economy of the Soviet Union and of the Eastern Bloc countries modeled after it, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems, and some western commentators believe that the current economies of China and Singapore also constitute a form of state capitalism.[4][5][6][7][8][9]"

That's awful!!!

Only liberals get to suck up to Stalin.
Koch was a crony-capitalist who got rich from sucking up to Stalin before bringing his greed home:
State capitalism - Wikipedia
"Many scholars agree that the economy of the Soviet Union and of the Eastern Bloc countries modeled after it, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems, and some western commentators believe that the current economies of China and Singapore also constitute a form of state capitalism.[4][5][6][7][8][9]"
How did Stalin make Koch rich?
Because A tyranny can only exist when people can arrest you, moron.
Definition of tyranny |

"noun, plural tyr·an·nies.
arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
undue severity or harshness.
a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action."

The arbitrary or despotic abuse of authority doesn't require controlling the monopoly of violence. People who get sick and die from cancerous emissions from for-profit refineries are victims of private tyrants.
Koch was a crony-capitalist who got rich from sucking up to Stalin before bringing his greed home:
State capitalism - Wikipedia
"Many scholars agree that the economy of the Soviet Union and of the Eastern Bloc countries modeled after it, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems, and some western commentators believe that the current economies of China and Singapore also constitute a form of state capitalism.[4][5][6][7][8][9]"

Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism with ownership or control by a state. By this definition, a state capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.[2] This designation applies regardless of the political aims of the state, even if the state is nominally socialist.[3] Many scholars agree that the economy of the Soviet Union and of the Eastern Bloc countries modeled after it, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems, and some western commentators believe that the current economies of China and Singapore also constitute a form of state capitalism.[4][5][6][7][8][9]

Socialism/communism, in other words. There's no meaningful difference.
Definition of tyranny |

"noun, plural tyr·an·nies.
arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
undue severity or harshness.
a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action."

The arbitrary or despotic abuse of authority doesn't require controlling the monopoly of violence. People who get sick and die from cancerous emissions from for-profit refineries are victims of private tyrants.
Show us where a private corporation can do that.
Virtually none.
"Koch Industries, a private company, is the United States’ 17th-largest producer of greenhouse gases and the 13th-biggest water polluter, according to research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst – ahead of oil giants Exxon Mobil, Occidental Petroleum and Phillips 66.

"The conglomerate has committed hundreds of environmental, workplace safety, labor and other violations.

"It allegedly stole oil from Indian reservations, won business in foreign countries with bribery, and one of its crumbling butane pipelines killed two teenagers, resulting in a nearly $300m wrongful death settlement."

Death and destruction: this is David Koch's sad legacy | Alex Kotch
"Koch Industries, a private company, is the United States’ 17th-largest producer of greenhouse gases and the 13th-biggest water polluter, according to research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst – ahead of oil giants Exxon Mobil, Occidental Petroleum and Phillips 66.

"The conglomerate has committed hundreds of environmental, workplace safety, labor and other violations.

"It allegedly stole oil from Indian reservations, won business in foreign countries with bribery, and one of its crumbling butane pipelines killed two teenagers, resulting in a nearly $300m wrongful death settlement."

Death and destruction: this is David Koch's sad legacy | Alex Kotch
So they have committed the same regulatory infractions every other industrial corporation has committed.
Politicians and government officials have defrauded them any times more.
Politicians and other government officials have defrauded Native Americans and much worse and all of the crimes were for the benefit of rich white male capitalists. Without genocide, war, and debt there are NO private fortunes like your heroic Koch brothers.
Capitalism is autocratic.
No, it's not. If that's your premise, let's stop right there. 'Autocratic' describes government. It assumes the entity has authority over you. Regardless of your sad world view, Bill Gates doesn't have that kind of power. He can't force you to do a fucking thing.

Capitalists bribe government for laws and institutions that ...
Any government that is open to bribes isn't legitimate, regardless of who is bribing them.
Politicians and other government officials have defrauded Native Americans and much worse and all of the crimes were for the benefit of rich white male capitalists.
True, so why do you want to give these vermin control over our economy?

Without genocide, war, and debt there are NO private fortunes like your heroic Koch brothers.
You conclusion doesn't follow from your premise.

In the first place, what's so evil about debt? Do you believe it should be illegal to loan money? That's a principle that has kept the Middle East mired in aqualor and poverty.

RIch white male capitalists have created the modern world. You can thank them for all our modern conveniences.
Government socializes the losses, moron, and in most cases government mismanagement creates the losses.
Government has been captured by business interests which profit from mismanagement and criminal fraud which is guaranteed to happen when a miniscule percentage of society (~2%) decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus:

Make sure you bomb one half of the country into oblivion AFTER you deny free elections peninsula-wide in 1945.

U.S. War Crimes of Korean War 2/2 - Impunity Watch

"Though the North Koreans had a reputation for viciousness, according to Cumings, U.S. soldiers actually engaged in more civilian massacres.

"This included dropping over half a million tons of bombs and thousands of tons of napalm, more than was loosed on the entire Pacific theater in World War II."

How many innocent human beings has the heroic US military murdered since 1945?

The commies in North Korea have had nearly 70 years of superior commie economics plus help from their commie friends in Russia and China and North Korea is still a commie shithole?
Their per capita GDP has to be double, maybe triple that of the US, because communism
stops the rich people from exploiting the poor people. Plus, communism doesn't have profits
or secondary markets, so the workers get all the benefits. Right?
Majority rule can certainly be totalitarian. And if you think majority rule should be applied to everything, that's exactly what you're asking for.

Can you name a totalitarian state that concerned itself with majority rule and/or minority rights?
Define private tyranny.
Creating the Horror Chambers: Noam Chomsky on the tyranny of libertarianism, the need for media democracy, and Latin American resistance to US imperialism

"Libertarianism has a special meaning predominantly in the United States.

"In the United States, it means dedication to extreme forms of tyranny.

"They don’t call it that, but it’s basically corporate tyranny, meaning tyranny by unaccountable private concentrations of power, the worst kind of tyranny you can imagine."
Just like a fucking Marxist to condemn the US for liberating South Korea from the Communists. And to ignore the fact that Capitalist SK has a booming democratic economy while Socialist NK is an authoritarian oppressive third world shithole.
Just like an ignorant capitalist to whitewash US aggression in Korea.

There would be no North or South Korea today if the US military had not prevented free elections on that peninsula in 1945, five years before NK attempted to liberate SK from an American-installed dictator.
DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

"a. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR
b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state
c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea"

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