Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

All this "bourgeois conservative" public is rushing with wide-closed eyes between three pines. They sincerely do not understand that it is not the bad liberal elite that leads them to the gay pride parade, but capitalism itself, the logic of its development. Uber liberalism in finance, life, family. All the troubles are from misunderstanding
1. The bourgeois revolution is over when private capital snatches the right to print the national currency.
2. WWI, apparently, was a battle of the Anglo-Saxon parasitic model of financial capital with the German "industrial" one. Financial capital won.
3. In capitalism, the most parasitic elite inevitably wins
4. When parasites realize that persuading the masses no longer works, they hide from the masses behind fascist stormtroopers
The best definition of "ignorant of economic history" is anyone today still in favor of communism.
Tell me where communism has ever been practiced, Rich-Bitch.
How did it do that?

Rockefeller - Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism

"In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Standard Oil New Jersey supplied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel.

"In 1936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Bankers, included board directors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-linked banks.

"It’s lawyers were John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles, leading Wall Street fascists who drummed up American investments in Germany and elsewhere.

"The Dulles law firm represented I.G. Farben and Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was Hitler’s biggest German financier.

"The Dulles brothers later became Secretary of State and CIA Director, respectively."

Rockefeller - Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism

"In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Standard Oil New Jersey supplied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel.

"In 1936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Bankers, included board directors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-linked banks.

"It’s lawyers were John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles, leading Wall Street fascists who drummed up American investments in Germany and elsewhere.

"The Dulles law firm represented I.G. Farben and Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was Hitler’s biggest German financier.

"The Dulles brothers later became Secretary of State and CIA Director, respectively."

Stalin was sending Hitler supplies up until the day he invaded. LOL!
You said private corporations control the government. Now your admitting it's the other way around.
I said democracy is the only way of controlling corporate excess.
Obviously, corporations control government in this country.
I said democracy is the only way of controlling corporate excess.
Obviously, corporations control government in this country.
Obviously, they don't. Government has guns. Guns beat money every time.

Who controls democratic excess? Who controls the mob?
Stalin was sending Hitler supplies up until the day he invaded. LOL!
In response, the USSR received very important industrial products, for example, machine tools, which then worked throughout the war against nazies.
By the way, some very big US companies continued to trade with Germany even after the outbreak of the war, up to D-day through neutrals. Very patriotic!

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