Capitalism is...Slavery; Democracy is Not

When the Industrial Revolution began many believed humanity would eventually be freed from the need to work for its basic subsistence. I think we've reached that point for many Americans.

A Guaranteed Annual Wage for all US citizens would be independent of any income earned from other sources, and for those who refuse to work would allow them a roof over their heads and regular meals.

The money for such a program already exists, imho.
It's locked away in hedge funds and tax shelters and Government Sachs.
For thousands of years government has redistributed wealth upwards.
That could easily be reversed.

Here's the problem with your utopian ideal. It's those people who don't work. You see eventually the people who do work resent the slackers and they stop working too. That's called human nature.

What will you do to compel the workers to continue slaving away to support those who choose not to work. Because that is what you advocate.

I do find it amusing how you claim governments for thousands of years have distributed wealth upwards. That is patently ridiculous by anyone who has read history. Most of the time there was no government only strong men who were either benevolent or not who were able to fight for territory and defend it from the other wolves out there. Most of them died violent deaths. Sometimes they were nice and protected those who lived in their domain and most were merely content to ignore the serfs till tax time. Some were beasts and were horrible to their serfs. But there was no government.

Government as you identify it has existed for a very short time.
CH Douglas, the originator of Social Credit, agreed with the classical economists' assessments of land, labor and capital as factors of production. Douglas added one more that he thought was primary: the cultural inheritance of society which he defined as "the knowledge, technique and processes that have been handed down to us incrementally from the origins of civilization."

If Douglas is correct that cultural inheritance is the property of all of us, without exception, and not solely the property of those who control the means of production, then it's the "knowledge, technique and processes" handed down since the dawn of civilization that provides the guaranteed annual wage to all citizens.

Some citizens will choose to work and add to their inheritance.
Others will choose not to work.
The former will in no way support the latter since both will share equally in "the fruits of industry assured by the National Dividend and Compensated Price."

Social Credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If farmers don't grow your food you starve. That is a fact of life. I love how you guys try and theorise about who deserves what. Nature says you deserve nothing. Nature says life isn' fair. Nature says if you don't work at survival you starve. Why do you think you can control Nature?
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Nature doesn't make computers, flat screen televisions or BMWs. You have to be a moron to believe nature is fair. When the lion eats the zebra, is that fair to the zebra?

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

"Social Credit" is just another euphemism for communism, which has never worked and never will.
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Nature doesn't make computers, flat screen televisions or BMWs. You have to be a moron to believe nature is fair. When the lion eats the zebra, is that fair to the zebra?

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

"Social Credit" is just another euphemism for communism, which has never worked and never will.
Let's see you make a computer without using nature.

When the lion eats the Zebra she's performing a service to nature.

When capitalists poison a river and externalize the cost onto taxpayers they're not.

There's nothing natural about compound interest.

Or capitalism.
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

Where did you get your education? What exactly does nature provide you if you don't work? You are treading very close to looneydom if you truly believe that. More importantly I challenge you to go out for a walk in the desert somewhere with no water. I wonder how long it will take for Nature to swt you like a bug for your impudence.
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Nature doesn't make computers, flat screen televisions or BMWs. You have to be a moron to believe nature is fair. When the lion eats the zebra, is that fair to the zebra?

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

"Social Credit" is just another euphemism for communism, which has never worked and never will.
Let's see you make a computer without using nature.

When the lion eats the Zebra she's performing a service to nature.

When capitalists poison a river and externalize the cost onto taxpayers they're not.

There's nothing natural about compound interest.

Or capitalism.

No, the lion is not doing nature a favour. the lion is doing what lions do. Which is eat, poop, fornicate and sleep....mainly sleep. If a capitalist poisons a river he gets the crap sued out of him. 100 years ago your arguments would have made sense, now they are the fevered expectorations of a looney.
Nature says you deserve everything.

Yes, it does, but only if you work for it..

Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Capitalism says you only deserve what you have to obtain, slackers don't deserve the fruits of another mans labor. Lifes not fair nor is it the Governments responsibility to make it fair.

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

Nothing is overdue unless you have worked for it.
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Nature doesn't make computers, flat screen televisions or BMWs. You have to be a moron to believe nature is fair. When the lion eats the zebra, is that fair to the zebra?

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

"Social Credit" is just another euphemism for communism, which has never worked and never will.
Let's see you make a computer without using nature.
So you're saying computers manifest themselves in the wild?
When the lion eats the Zebra she's performing a service to nature.
When those who wish for handouts perish because of their own desire to not do for themselves, it does humanity a great service by eliminating the turds who bring a society down.
When capitalists poison a river and externalize the cost onto taxpayers they're not.
When and where did this happen? Fear Monger much?
There's nothing natural about compound interest.

Or capitalism.
Capitalism is natural, as long as man has been alive he has traded and bartered to better himself.
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Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

Where did you get your education? What exactly does nature provide you if you don't work? You are treading very close to looneydom if you truly believe that. More importantly I challenge you to go out for a walk in the desert somewhere with no water. I wonder how long it will take for Nature to swt you like a bug for your impudence.
Did you find your religion on a desert?

Nature's abundance sustained this specie for millions of years before primitive desert capitalists invented a bronze-age psychopath and called it "god."

Capitalism enhances scarcity in order to maximize profit.

When technology evolves to the point where workers are no longer necessary for profit, the capitalist tells them to take a walk in the desert without water and pray to their slave god.

No thanks.
Nature says you deserve everything.
Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.
Who's gonna collect? You? :rofl:

This Social Credit horseshit is just an excuse for the lazy and stupid to feel entitled to what they haven't worked for.

So naturally, you're all for it, George, you lazy and stupid little man.
Nature doesn't make computers, flat screen televisions or BMWs. You have to be a moron to believe nature is fair. When the lion eats the zebra, is that fair to the zebra?

"Social Credit" is just another euphemism for communism, which has never worked and never will.
Let's see you make a computer without using nature.

When the lion eats the Zebra she's performing a service to nature.

When capitalists poison a river and externalize the cost onto taxpayers they're not.

There's nothing natural about compound interest.

Or capitalism.

No, the lion is not doing nature a favour. the lion is doing what lions do. Which is eat, poop, fornicate and sleep....mainly sleep. If a capitalist poisons a river he gets the crap sued out of him. 100 years ago your arguments would have made sense, now they are the fevered expectorations of a looney.
The service the lion performs is called natural selection, and the capitalist does NOT get sued, his corporation does which exempts the capitalist from criminal prosecution.
Nature says you deserve everything.

Yes, it does, but only if you work for it..

Capitalism says you deserve nothing, and it guarantees life isn't fair.

Capitalism says you only deserve what you have to obtain, slackers don't deserve the fruits of another mans labor. Lifes not fair nor is it the Governments responsibility to make it fair.

Farmers share the same cultural inheritance you and I do.
If you think there's an element of redistribution involved in Social Credit, I agree.
And it's thousands of years overdue.

Nothing is overdue unless you have worked for it.
Define "work".

"Labour, employment, occupation, job.

(uncountable) The place where one is employed.

(uncountable) Effort expended on a particular task...

How much effort expended on a particular task have you done in your life without pay?

How much of your work has gone to slackers who live off the fruits of government shifting the tax burden from unearned income to wage(slave) labor?

"Nothing is overdue unless you have worked for it"

What does that mean in an economic system where much of the value of your labor is stolen from you by those who own the means of production and control your government?
Nature doesn't make computers, flat screen televisions or BMWs. You have to be a moron to believe nature is fair. When the lion eats the zebra, is that fair to the zebra?

"Social Credit" is just another euphemism for communism, which has never worked and never will.

So you're saying computers manifest themselves in the wild?

When those who wish for handouts perish because of their own desire to not do for themselves, it does humanity a great service by eliminating the turds who bring a society down.

When and where did this happen? Fear Monger much?
There's nothing natural about compound interest.

Or capitalism.
Capitalism is natural, as long as man has been alive he has traded and bartered to better himself.

"From French capitalisme ('the condition of one who is rich'). First used in English by novelist William Thackeray in 1854."

capitalism - Wiktionary

Capitalism has exactly nothing to do with barter or fair trade or democracy.
It has everything to do with slavery:

"(D)emocracy and capitalism have very different beliefs about the proper distribution of power.

"One believes in a completely equal distribution of political power, 'one man [sic] one vote,' while the other believes that it is the duty of the economically fit to drive the unfit out of business and into extinction.

"'Survival of the fittest' and inequalities in purchasing power are what capitalist efficiency is all about. Individual profit comes first and firms become efficient to be rich.

"To put it in its starkest form, capitalism is perfectly compatible with slavery. Democracy is not."

Capitalism and Democracy Don't Mix Very Well ::: International Endowment for Democracy
Thanks for your service.

...says the would-be revolutionary who's too chickenshit to pick up a weapon.

Like I said: Bring it. Or quit yer damn whining.
Says the yellow bitch generator mechanic from behind his keyboard.
I had the courage to put on the uniform. You chickened out.

Remember that, Revolution Boi.

And if you're thinking the real revolutionaries are going to give you power or authority when they've taken over (snerk!), you're an idiot. You'll sit down and shut up and do as you're told, and you'll like it.

And you'll STILL be a failure.
...says the would-be revolutionary who's too chickenshit to pick up a weapon.

Like I said: Bring it. Or quit yer damn whining.
Says the yellow bitch generator mechanic from behind his keyboard.
I had the courage to put on the uniform. You chickened out.

Remember that, Revolution Boi.

And if you're thinking the real revolutionaries are going to give you power or authority when they've taken over (snerk!), you're an idiot. You'll sit down and shut up and do as you're told, and you'll like it.

And you'll STILL be a failure.'re a gutless punk who wore a uniform.

Thanks for your service, Punk.
Says the yellow bitch generator mechanic from behind his keyboard.
I had the courage to put on the uniform. You chickened out.

Remember that, Revolution Boi.

And if you're thinking the real revolutionaries are going to give you power or authority when they've taken over (snerk!), you're an idiot. You'll sit down and shut up and do as you're told, and you'll like it.

And you'll STILL be a failure.'re a gutless punk who wore a uniform.

Thanks for your service, Punk.
Still flapping the tiny shreds of your honor about, I see.

You seriously lack the horsepower to compete in this, george. I suggest you stop trying. You'll just look even stupider than you do.
I had the courage to put on the uniform. You chickened out.

Remember that, Revolution Boi.

And if you're thinking the real revolutionaries are going to give you power or authority when they've taken over (snerk!), you're an idiot. You'll sit down and shut up and do as you're told, and you'll like it.

And you'll STILL be a failure.'re a gutless punk who wore a uniform.

Thanks for your service, Punk.
Still flapping the tiny shreds of your honor about, I see.

You seriously lack the horsepower to compete in this, george. I suggest you stop trying. You'll just look even stupider than you do.
Why would you think your opinion means anything to me?

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