"Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than charity does" - Bono

Our economic system is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it’s foolish for people to label it as such.

I do not call people having to work 2 or more full-time jobs just to survive independence.......

Then you are lazy and infantile.

That is why blue collar workers, (you know who they are) are on SNAP more than white collars workers, who sit on their a..es.

Are you trying to say that white collar workers are lazy, comrade? Or that they don't often have to work more than one job as well?
Most jobs that provide such an opportunity are only accessible via schooling. Schooling is not something everyone has access to. The impoverished working class often needs their kids to enter low-wage jobs just to support their family.

I do not call people having to work 2 or more full-time jobs just to survive independence.

In short, I don't think Bono, as brilliant of an economic thinker a frontman of a band might be, has any clue what he's talking about.
Everyone has a talent of some sort or another but society norms are teaching people to ignore what God gave them in favor of what humans think they can give to one another through mass indoctrination. My children would not have had a chance if I had gone with the standard "get a job" and depend on someone else and all their bs that comes along with it to survive back when they were toddlers. I was able to parlay the talent that God gave me into cash via initiative of getting out and selling services to business back in those days. That also gave me the freedom to choose which times I would be working so I could arrange my time around the children's schedules. There was no formal education in any of that in those days for us.
Having personally known someone that couldn’t read and write and became a very successful private contractor, I know if someone has the drive they can succeed under most any circumstances.
One person, really. What kind of contractor?
Who did his proposals (bids) and write his bills?
Basic billings are fairly easy even for those of us who are or were functionally illiterate by societies standards. I have an Uncle that even today can but barely read and write that makes a lot more than many people with formal educations. He stills sells his services to high end contractors and their customers as he has talents that most will never have.

BTW, secretaries are a dime a dozen too that are more than willing to type up formal proposals for ya when ya need one.
Indeed. Some like to say that government intervention in the markets is socialism.

Yeah. We certainly do have a managed economy. We have interventionism. We have inflationism. We have a belief in deficit financing. We have central economic planning by a central bank. And we have corporatism. Which, of course, could be said to be socialism.

I don't subscribe to that. Nor do I believe that capitalism is linked inseparably to a free market. Capitalism is merely a system of production. As is Socialism.

I like free market capitalism. But if you say “free markets” and “capitalism” together, we don’t have that. We haven;t ha d it in a very long time. We have interventionism now. As I said, a planned economy. And therein lies the separation by way of a central government.

Thing about socialism is the only way you can enforce it is at the barrel of a government gun.
Nothing like the opportunity to work for one’s survival and independence!
Very true

But it also limits what they can earn. Even to the point where people work full time jobs and still need Government assistance
But if you say “free markets” and “capitalism” together, we don’t have that.
Again, no one is suggesting we do. Enjoy yourself with that straw man.

It's hardly a strawman, my friend. The current system is designed to fail much the same way as socialism was designed to fail.

The problem is that we don’t have enough free markets.

But first what should be understood is the difference between what we have vs what we should have.
The big lie about capitalism is that everyone benefits. The exact opposite is actually the truth. Capitalism requires that there are haves and have nots. It requires that there are more people than employement to work. its driven by supply but more importantly demand. This demand is generated by those wishing to display their status as haves. The people that really benefit are the ones that make whatever bullshit product you dont really need.

It isn't that EVERYONE benefits from capitalism, anybody with a brain knows that. The truth is that MORE people benefit from capitalism than any other economic model, and it ain't even close. And every economy in every country in the world past and present has ALWAYS had haves and have nots; the truth is that under a capitalistic model you have WAY more haves and near haves than have nots. And the people that REALLY benefit are the people who enjoy a much higher standard of living than in any other economic model. There are a hell of a lot more middle and lower income people living a lot more comfortable and healthier lives thanks to capitalism. Does anyone think that socialism or communism can say the same? If so, you're out of your mind.
One person? Ever read Tyler Perry’s story? John Paul DeJoria?
Ursula Burns? Read the story of Ben Palmer. Chris. Gardner, Linda Singh. There are those that work hard and smart that make it all the time, that came from poverty, or abuse, etc.

Your mentality is what stops one from doing so.
Having personally known someone that couldn’t read and write and became a very successful private contractor, I know if someone has the drive they can succeed under most any circumstances.
One person, really. What kind of contractor?
Who did his proposals (bids) and write his bills?

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