Capitalism vs Socialism

the dems trying to bring almost total socialism to our shores. The govt controlling most means of production and distribution.

They want it because it won't effect them. The super rich and politicians will stay right where they are. They also want it because it will get them votes from the part of our society that is soft, lazy and weak willed that have no value to society so they want to drag society down to their level so they can feel like they have value.

Capitalism is what made America go from nothing to a major world super power in record time. It's the idea a man like Henry Ford or Jeff bezos can create something that not only advances our country and makes them rich, but it also creates jobs and purpose for hundreds of thousands of other people. Capitalism also creates competition, the competition between say apple and Microsoft to create differing and new offerings made technology grow by leaps and bounds.

Capitalism made America a strong, rich, prosperous and powerful country we all benefit from for hundreds of years. It's only become a problem recently but no one is able to explain how it's a problem.
They want it because it won't effect them. The super rich and politicians will stay right where they are. They also want it because it will get them votes from the part of our society that is soft, lazy and weak willed that have no value to society so they want to drag society down to their level so they can feel like they have value.

Capitalism is what made America go from nothing to a major world super power in record time. It's the idea a man like Henry Ford or Jeff bezos can create something that not only advances our country and makes them rich, but it also creates jobs and purpose for hundreds of thousands of other people. Capitalism also creates competition, the competition between say apple and Microsoft to create differing and new offerings made technology grow by leaps and bounds.

Capitalism made America a strong, rich, prosperous and powerful country we all benefit from for hundreds of years. It's only become a problem recently but no one is able to explain how it's a problem.
The super rich and politicians will stay right where they are.
No it wont, after a while the super rich become poor because the Dictator ends up with all the money and those who argue with him/her end up dead. Happens every time Socialism is accepted in a country.

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