Capitalism vs. Socialism

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

You are describing Communism, not Socialism.

Incidentally, how do you manage to live mgiven the level of Socialism blended with Capitalism here in America. How are our Canadian neighbors managing to live under their version of Socialism blended with Capitalism.

And finally, where on God' Green Earth is there pure, laissez faire Capitalism?

Then let's discussion Socialism's true definition. Then you might understand why Socialism, writ' large, is not as threatening as you think.

The farther Left an economy leans the less growth it has. Places like Canada and Denmark spend all their money and time on social services while countries like the US build militaries to defend them because the US has by far a superior economy.

China has turned to capitalism, which is why the US and China now have the dominating economies in the world. Now if the US wants to lean as Left as Canada, who will defend the US I wonder? And what if China takes over economically in the world? Does everyone want to live under a dictatorship? They sure don't give a damn about such things as animal rights women's rights, gay rights, transgender rights or global warming. The bed wetters would be crying themselves to sleep every night. LOL.

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

You are describing Communism, not Socialism.

Incidentally, how do you manage to live mgiven the level of Socialism blended with Capitalism here in America. How are our Canadian neighbors managing to live under their version of Socialism blended with Capitalism.

And finally, where on God' Green Earth is there pure, laissez faire Capitalism?

Then let's discussion Socialism's true definition. Then you might understand why Socialism, writ' large, is not as threatening as you think.

The farther Left an economy leans the less growth it has. Places like Canada and Denmark spend all their money and time on social services while countries like the US build militaries to defend them because the US has by far a superior economy.

China has turned to capitalism, which is why the US and China now have the dominating economies in the world. Now if the US wants to lean as Left as Canada, who will defend the US I wonder? And what if China takes over economically in the world? Does everyone want to live under a dictatorship? They sure don't give a damn about such things as animal rights women's rights, gay rights, transgender rights or global warming. The bed wetters would be crying themselves to sleep every night. LOL.

The point where a country becomes socialist is the point where the country first stagnates, and then begins to go you see in all the countries that embrace socialism...they first stop growing, they stop any innovation, and then, they slowly become primitive hell holes like Venezuela.....that process and how long it takes to devolve depends on the strength of the capitalism before socialism was adopted....
"socialism" grows where capitalism fails. We already have medicare and medicaid because there is no way to make a profit off of old or poor sick people. They are mismanaged on purpose simply because there are a lot of "capitalists" making a mega profit from selling medical care to the government.

Wrong....medicare and medicaid became necessary because the government has become so involved in healthcare that market forces can't make it cheaper. And they are running out of money. From I-phones to cars, competition makes things cheaper and better...except for healthcare where government has created state monopolies which allow insurance companies to run monopolies on care.....making it far more expensive than it needs to be.....

Do you know where you see prices for healthcare coming down? On cosmetic surgery not covered by insurance.....that is where you see the cost going down, he procedures becoming faster and better......

Anyone can criticize, I suppose you have a plan that makes sure no one else dies from lack of care and protect the profits of the people who never see a patient, all totally free market and free of government interference. China is capitalist now?

I guess anything makes sense if you shut your mind off

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

Another "gem" from PragerU.

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

Even Northern European socialism is falling by the wayside. Norway's entire socialist government just resigned en masse because they couldn't come up with the money to pay for their socialist pensions and benefits.

One more domino down.

Finland, not Norway you moron.

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Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

just feel the need to point out that even Venezuela is not absent of private industry.

True, but the key to their economy is and was oil

Chavez destroyed that with his meddling.

How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

Most who favor socialism look to Northern Europe as an example of how socialism works, trouble is, that is not socialism. No, socialism is the absence of private industry with government running everything. Those type of hell holes we see today in places like Venezuela, who have loads of rich oil, and North Korea.

You are describing Communism, not Socialism.

Incidentally, how do you manage to live mgiven the level of Socialism blended with Capitalism here in America. How are our Canadian neighbors managing to live under their version of Socialism blended with Capitalism.

And finally, where on God' Green Earth is there pure, laissez faire Capitalism?

Then let's discussion Socialism's true definition. Then you might understand why Socialism, writ' large, is not as threatening as you think.

The farther Left an economy leans the less growth it has. Places like Canada and Denmark spend all their money and time on social services while countries like the US build militaries to defend them because the US has by far a superior economy.

China has turned to capitalism, which is why the US and China now have the dominating economies in the world. Now if the US wants to lean as Left as Canada, who will defend the US I wonder? And what if China takes over economically in the world? Does everyone want to live under a dictatorship? They sure don't give a damn about such things as animal rights women's rights, gay rights, transgender rights or global warming. The bed wetters would be crying themselves to sleep every night. LOL.

The point where a country becomes socialist is the point where the country first stagnates, and then begins to go you see in all the countries that embrace socialism...they first stop growing, they stop any innovation, and then, they slowly become primitive hell holes like Venezuela.....that process and how long it takes to devolve depends on the strength of the capitalism before socialism was adopted....

That is about as close to an honest statement as one could hope for in a discussion on this subject. Probably why it went unanswered.
That is about as close to an honest statement as one could hope for in a discussion on this subject. Probably why it went unanswered.

It's been answered over and over.

WE are a mixed society . Capitalist/Socialist.

Are we going backwards?
That is about as close to an honest statement as one could hope for in a discussion on this subject. Probably why it went unanswered.

It's been answered over and over.

WE are a mixed society . Capitalist/Socialist.

Are we going backwards?
Yes, as I understand your particular thoughts on socialism (FDR reforms). They were instituted because we were going backwards.
Yes, as I understand your particular thoughts on socialism (FDR reforms). They were instituted because we were going backwards.

So you're saying that too much CAPITALISM was taking us backwards in the 20s and early 30s and a healthy dose of socialist policies made us the powerhouse of the world that we are now.

I agree

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