Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

Another reckless driver


No such thing as a "car accident" it takes two to tangle.
When a drunk driver crosses the center-line and takes out you and your whole family or if a piece of tire sheds off an 18-wheeler doing the same thing, I'll be sure to hold you equally to blame for the accident.
It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.

I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility. got all that out of what i said?....well what i got out of what you said is are one dumb

Slade was one before he made that comment.
It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.

I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility. got all that out of what i said?....well what i got out of what you said is are one dumb

Slade was one before he made that comment.
well he quoted i answered....
Drug the Sheeple from cradle to grave. Your children are drugged from their births till their deaths. They all now have 'Autism', 'ADD', ADHD, or some other alphabet disease. They must be drugged.

That's the plan folks. And the plan is more successful than even imagined in their wildest dreams. The Pharmaceuticals own the Sheeple. And if you can't afford their drugs? Oh well, too bad for you. You die.
The causes of the increase in autism isn't known. One theory states it can be from the common and frequent use of ultrasound on fetuses.
I would love for government to be as little involved as possible with private business. When I see abuse and wreckless was from powerful companies that directly effects consumers the government understandably steps in. This is the balance that I'm talking about

So, no gov interference, ie no regulations? But at the same time, you want to protect the consumer?
It's not an all or nothing... I support the purpose of government intervention through regulation to protect the consumer. I just wish our companies could be responsible enough to not need much of it. If Companies keep abusing their power all its going to do is grow gov involvement. It is very unfortunate

The government wants to be involved. There are plenty that want the government to be involved regardless of what a business is doing.

Do you support government regulation in the Mylan case?
I don't... I think it is shitty what they are doing but they have the right to do that. I'd hope the Government would support and expedite the development of an affordable generic. I heard somewhere they are funding the delivery to EpiPens to schools so children have access if they are in need. This is a good step but that is our tax money getting ripped off.

I don't have an answer for the horrible inflated prices in our Medical/Healthcare system. It is such a mess between insurance, pharm, and government agencies... I'd like to see more competition start to drive down prices and I know many feel that regulation is holding that back. I'd like to hear more discussion about the specifics of what regulations are in place and causing friction so that we can improve the process, while still fostering a safe environment and products for the public.

Thanks for the question btw... It's nice to actually get to explain my position rather than have others assume it for me.

Do you support the government using tax dollars to fund those EpiPens?

The businesses can tell you what regulations are holding them back. I'm all for safe products and don't think anyone that can mix up something should be able to do so simply because they can. However, beyond the safety part, the government needs to stay out of it.
I don't mind the government paying for schools to be stocked with EpiPens but given their actions with the inflated pricing is hope the gov could find a better solution like one of the generics. There has to be some kind of control in the medical industry, pharm companies can't hold cures and treatments to our ailments hostage only for the rich to use. I don't think that is ethical. Do you?
EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.

You're too late.

There is already generic epipens on the market. I've been buying them for over a year now.

The non generic ones are ridiculously expensive. I buy 6 generic ones for 25 dollars with my insurance. I'm sure that it's more expensive without insurance but no where near the price of the non generic ones.

So you're complaining about nothing. There's already a generic epipen on the market.
Whats the brand you use? Do you have a link. I have a friend who has an anaphylactic allergy to shellfish but can't afford to buy a $600 pen, i'd love to make a recommendation to her

I have a recommendation. Don't eat shellfish.

About three years ago, I woke up in the middle of night and my ankle was hurting much like a sprain. However, there was little to no swelling and no bruising. I had worked in the yard earlier that day and thought that I had done something. When it didn't get better, I went to the doctor and he diagnosed it as gout. He explained to me that gout attacks are a result of uric acid buildup. We went through a list of foods and determined that peanuts were the cause. Peanuts have purines which the body metabolizes to uric acid. Needless to say I rarely eat peanuts and in small amounts when I do.
Yeah that's the idea but you never know what might get into your food especially when dining at a restaurant. My friend let's waiters know about her allergy every time she eats out but all it takes is using the same pan or spatula or deep frier
That is a completely false narrative. I live in a country with cradle to the grave social programs. I worked hard all of my life and I paid into those programs, just as you pay into your Social Security Program. Now I'm collecting on my annuities. Throughout my working life, I paid to help widows, single mothers and those down on their luck. The social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalistic society. Those who simply refuse to work make up such a tiny percentage of the population that the amount of resources needed to ferret them out simply isn't worth the savings.

Even the Ancient Romans knew that the "headcount" needed a ration of bread and the occasional gladiator games to keep them happy and distracted from the conquest of the known world by their elites. The elites paid for the "bread and circuses" out of their own pockets, and to garner votes in the city elections. But today in America, the elites aren't paying. Those who benefit most, pay the least, as a percentage of income. The middle class is paying, and like the working poor before them, their savings are gone and they're deeply in debt. They're fed up. Time to put the burden back where it belongs - on those who benefit the most.

A social safety net is the price we pay for the privilege of living in a capitalist society.
There is a difference between paying into something such as Social Security and Medicare and not paying anything at all. I believe it is Christian to "teach a man to fish", to educate people so they can become productive, working citizens and to help those down on their luck or too sick or young to work. Conversely, I do not condone making people dependent upon government services or teaching them that they are entitled to the largess of others.
I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility. got all that out of what i said?....well what i got out of what you said is are one dumb

Slade was one before he made that comment.
well he quoted i answered....

I agree with you 100%. Just saying the post to which you responded didn't make him what he is. That goes way back.
The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.

I think Hillary will solve the problem. Mylan’s contribution to the Clinton Foundation should give her some leverage. LOL

"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton jumped into the fray over rapid price increases for the EpiPen, a life-saving injection for people who are having severe allergic reactions.

Mrs. Clinton called the recent price hikes of the EpiPen “outrageous, and just the latest example of a company taking advantage of its consumers.” The EpiPen, made by Mylan NV, contains an injectable form of epinephrine that can be jabbed into the thigh to open airways of people who are having what is called anaphylactic shock.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has had no comment on the price increase. But a spokesman for his campaign says Mrs. Clinton isn’t doing enough to show her opposition. He noted that Mylan has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and said that “if Hillary Clinton is as outraged as she claims” then she should direct the foundation to return “every penny” it has received."

Hillary Clinton Calls for Mylan to Lower EpiPen Price Amid Outcry
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Trump has no power to do anything about it. Hillary is trying to defuse it because of the pay to play donation.

Where is the evidence that anyone received an illegal favor from the government through an audience with Clinton?

Apparently you don't know how the system works or you wouldn't ask such an absurd question. LMFAO

Quid pro quo.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

I have never seen so much misinformation, misrepresentation, and just plain lies packaged into a single post.
So, no gov interference, ie no regulations? But at the same time, you want to protect the consumer?
It's not an all or nothing... I support the purpose of government intervention through regulation to protect the consumer. I just wish our companies could be responsible enough to not need much of it. If Companies keep abusing their power all its going to do is grow gov involvement. It is very unfortunate

The government wants to be involved. There are plenty that want the government to be involved regardless of what a business is doing.

Do you support government regulation in the Mylan case?
I don't... I think it is shitty what they are doing but they have the right to do that. I'd hope the Government would support and expedite the development of an affordable generic. I heard somewhere they are funding the delivery to EpiPens to schools so children have access if they are in need. This is a good step but that is our tax money getting ripped off.

I don't have an answer for the horrible inflated prices in our Medical/Healthcare system. It is such a mess between insurance, pharm, and government agencies... I'd like to see more competition start to drive down prices and I know many feel that regulation is holding that back. I'd like to hear more discussion about the specifics of what regulations are in place and causing friction so that we can improve the process, while still fostering a safe environment and products for the public.

Thanks for the question btw... It's nice to actually get to explain my position rather than have others assume it for me.

Do you support the government using tax dollars to fund those EpiPens?

The businesses can tell you what regulations are holding them back. I'm all for safe products and don't think anyone that can mix up something should be able to do so simply because they can. However, beyond the safety part, the government needs to stay out of it.
I don't mind the government paying for schools to be stocked with EpiPens but given their actions with the inflated pricing is hope the gov could find a better solution like one of the generics. There has to be some kind of control in the medical industry, pharm companies can't hold cures and treatments to our ailments hostage only for the rich to use. I don't think that is ethical. Do you?

Then you are for government regulation on this issue. You said you weren't. Which one is it?

It's not my place to determine ethics for someone else.
Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.
What about Socialist greed? Is that bad too? Personal greed?

To those that support socialist programs, they don't consider someone getting what they didn't earn while someone else earning is forced to pay for it as greedy. They're completely satisfied that the non-productive person is handed what the productive person has to do something to get.
Agreed. Hence the inherent hypocrisy of their position.

Exactly what I say.

"I have never understood why is it greed to want to keep the money you have earned and not greed to want to take somebody's else's money" - T. Sowell
Both are greed... Keeping what you earn within the bounds of reason this is great, it is commerce, capitalism... but when you leverage a product or service to squeeze people that need it in a way that abuses the power that the company has it turns to greed.
It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.

I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility.
Balance mr wingnut... Balance. Just because people support law and order in a civilized society doesn't mean it is all or nothing.

The problem is those saying they want balance are the same ones that want to determine WHEN it's balanced.
Yeah, that's pretty much how opinions are expressed, the purpose of debate, and how decisions are reached...
EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.

You're too late.

There is already generic epipens on the market. I've been buying them for over a year now.

The non generic ones are ridiculously expensive. I buy 6 generic ones for 25 dollars with my insurance. I'm sure that it's more expensive without insurance but no where near the price of the non generic ones.

So you're complaining about nothing. There's already a generic epipen on the market.
Whats the brand you use? Do you have a link. I have a friend who has an anaphylactic allergy to shellfish but can't afford to buy a $600 pen, i'd love to make a recommendation to her

I have a recommendation. Don't eat shellfish.

About three years ago, I woke up in the middle of night and my ankle was hurting much like a sprain. However, there was little to no swelling and no bruising. I had worked in the yard earlier that day and thought that I had done something. When it didn't get better, I went to the doctor and he diagnosed it as gout. He explained to me that gout attacks are a result of uric acid buildup. We went through a list of foods and determined that peanuts were the cause. Peanuts have purines which the body metabolizes to uric acid. Needless to say I rarely eat peanuts and in small amounts when I do.
Yeah that's the idea but you never know what might get into your food especially when dining at a restaurant. My friend let's waiters know about her allergy every time she eats out but all it takes is using the same pan or spatula or deep frier

Sounds like to me you need to push the government to outlaw shellfish altogether. While you're at it, since so many are allergic to peanut butter, get them to do that, too.
Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.
What about Socialist greed? Is that bad too? Personal greed?

To those that support socialist programs, they don't consider someone getting what they didn't earn while someone else earning is forced to pay for it as greedy. They're completely satisfied that the non-productive person is handed what the productive person has to do something to get.
Agreed. Hence the inherent hypocrisy of their position.

Exactly what I say.

"I have never understood why is it greed to want to keep the money you have earned and not greed to want to take somebody's else's money" - T. Sowell
Both are greed... Keeping what you earn within the bounds of reason this is great, it is commerce, capitalism... but when you leverage a product or service to squeeze people that need it in a way that abuses the power that the company has it turns to greed.

Wanting to keep what you earned can never be greedy. Greedy doesn't involve someone not doing with what they have or what they've earned in a manner you don't like.

Once again, you say something then want to be the one to define it for someone else. You say "within the bounds of reason". That's not for you to decide for anyone but yourself yet you try to do it where you have no place doing it.
It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.

I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility. got all that out of what i said?....well what i got out of what you said is are one dumb

Slade was one before he made that comment.
I was what? and why?
I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility.
Balance mr wingnut... Balance. Just because people support law and order in a civilized society doesn't mean it is all or nothing.

The problem is those saying they want balance are the same ones that want to determine WHEN it's balanced.
Yeah, that's pretty much how opinions are expressed, the purpose of debate, and how decisions are reached...

When it comes to things like balance, greed, etc., there isn't but one person for whom you can make such a determination and that's you . You can't have such an opinion for what anyone else should view on those matters.
I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
you have a lot more faith in those people than i do......

Well part of the problem is people like you depend on the government from womb to tomb! You depend on a cop on every corner. There is never enough rules and regulations for people that don't have any sense of personal responsibility. The concept of the golden rule is not restricted to theological discussions but people like you
should encourage more personal responsibility then MORE government responsibility. Again there is no way short of an wireless implant that shocks the individual that at any time any where if someone breaks a law or regulation a mild shock is administered. That's why responsible people don't need that implant because we are taught
social and personal responsibility. got all that out of what i said?....well what i got out of what you said is are one dumb

Slade was one before he made that comment.
I was what? and why?

Follow the conversation.
It's not an all or nothing... I support the purpose of government intervention through regulation to protect the consumer. I just wish our companies could be responsible enough to not need much of it. If Companies keep abusing their power all its going to do is grow gov involvement. It is very unfortunate

The government wants to be involved. There are plenty that want the government to be involved regardless of what a business is doing.

Do you support government regulation in the Mylan case?
I don't... I think it is shitty what they are doing but they have the right to do that. I'd hope the Government would support and expedite the development of an affordable generic. I heard somewhere they are funding the delivery to EpiPens to schools so children have access if they are in need. This is a good step but that is our tax money getting ripped off.

I don't have an answer for the horrible inflated prices in our Medical/Healthcare system. It is such a mess between insurance, pharm, and government agencies... I'd like to see more competition start to drive down prices and I know many feel that regulation is holding that back. I'd like to hear more discussion about the specifics of what regulations are in place and causing friction so that we can improve the process, while still fostering a safe environment and products for the public.

Thanks for the question btw... It's nice to actually get to explain my position rather than have others assume it for me.

Do you support the government using tax dollars to fund those EpiPens?

The businesses can tell you what regulations are holding them back. I'm all for safe products and don't think anyone that can mix up something should be able to do so simply because they can. However, beyond the safety part, the government needs to stay out of it.
I don't mind the government paying for schools to be stocked with EpiPens but given their actions with the inflated pricing is hope the gov could find a better solution like one of the generics. There has to be some kind of control in the medical industry, pharm companies can't hold cures and treatments to our ailments hostage only for the rich to use. I don't think that is ethical. Do you?

Then you are for government regulation on this issue. You said you weren't. Which one is it?

It's not my place to determine ethics for someone else.
Whether there is government intervention regarding a specific product completely depends on the situation. I am acknowledging the usefulness for this oversight to be in place to protect the public and think it is necessary at times. You asked if I think the Gov should intervine with the EpiPen. I said no. Given that there are alternative, cheaper options, and the horrible publicity they are getting I think the problem will work itself out.
The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.

You're too late.

There is already generic epipens on the market. I've been buying them for over a year now.

The non generic ones are ridiculously expensive. I buy 6 generic ones for 25 dollars with my insurance. I'm sure that it's more expensive without insurance but no where near the price of the non generic ones.

So you're complaining about nothing. There's already a generic epipen on the market.
Whats the brand you use? Do you have a link. I have a friend who has an anaphylactic allergy to shellfish but can't afford to buy a $600 pen, i'd love to make a recommendation to her

I have a recommendation. Don't eat shellfish.

About three years ago, I woke up in the middle of night and my ankle was hurting much like a sprain. However, there was little to no swelling and no bruising. I had worked in the yard earlier that day and thought that I had done something. When it didn't get better, I went to the doctor and he diagnosed it as gout. He explained to me that gout attacks are a result of uric acid buildup. We went through a list of foods and determined that peanuts were the cause. Peanuts have purines which the body metabolizes to uric acid. Needless to say I rarely eat peanuts and in small amounts when I do.
Yeah that's the idea but you never know what might get into your food especially when dining at a restaurant. My friend let's waiters know about her allergy every time she eats out but all it takes is using the same pan or spatula or deep frier

Sounds like to me you need to push the government to outlaw shellfish altogether. While you're at it, since so many are allergic to peanut butter, get them to do that, too.
dont be stupid, you were doing pretty good at having a decent conversation

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