Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

Drug the Sheeple from cradle to grave. Your children are drugged from the very beginning straight up till their deaths. That's the plan folks. And the plan is more successful than even imagined in their wildest dreams. The Pharmaceuticals own the Sheeple. And if you can't afford their drugs? Oh well, too bad for you. You die.

Unfortunately, drugged sheeple tend to go on shooting rampages, which makes them less than pleasant to have around.

Yeah, side effects aren't mentioned much in the MSM after such attacks. But there are awful side effects that accompany many of these drugs. And any doctor will tell you, if they quit their drugs cold turkey, there will likely be catastrophic deadly results. They'll likely harm themselves or others.
Try reading slower... I posed a question, I didn't make a statement that the FDA was the only way to protect our food and drugs. Trying being less defensive, aggressive and attacking and more objective and open to discussion... It may provoke better debate and progression

You posed a rhetorical question.

Seriously, own up to your own words.
It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.
No, nothing like that... I never said anything about seizure or confiscation, or distribution by the state... You made that up to try and label me as a communist.
Do you have comprehension problems? I say one thing and then you try to restate it in a completely distorted way. Is that really how your brain works? Are you sincere or just trying to be an ass?

The owner of a good sets the price that the good will sell for, If the state sets the price for Epipens or any other good, then the state is the owner.

Mylan is gouging, people can be assholes and these people are. The reality of a market is that the greed of Mylan creates an opportunity for competitors to market an alternative product. Someone will, the market doesn't leave money on the table.

But of course you ARE a Communist and instead of allowing market mechanisms to correct the disequilibrium caused by the departure of Mylan's sole competitor, you demand that the state nationalize the entire industry and have bureaucrats with no stake set the prices that drugs will sell for.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth. It just makes you look like even more of an idiot. I never said that I wanted the state to control the price of Mylans product. If the government and FDA is holding up the process of creating an affordable generic then they are part of the problem. If this is the case then Mylan and the gov are feeding the problem.

The government isn't holding up the process to create an affordable generic epipen.

It's already on the market. I started buying them about a year ago. Maybe more than a year but around the time when the non generic version started to skyrocket in price.
Can you provide a link to the product that you use?
Underwriter's Laboratory is a liability insurance outfit, and yes they do good work, but they don't do drug approvals.

No, U/L is a SAFETY inspection and certification outfit that was initially started by the financial backers of insurance companies.

They approve small applicances - product safety. Big difference.

The certify conformance to safety standards by virtually all classes of electrical appliances, including things like pool filters. I stress this due to the interaction of electricity and water, making safe products a bit of a priority.

No one said that U/L approved drugs. What I did was contrast (look it up.) the success of U/L in protecting consumers to that of the FDA. It isn't pretty. U/L actually does protect people.

Time after time when there's profits to be made, the corporate response is "We have insurance. It's a risk we're prepared to take", and they push for the drug to be released. Many drugs approved by the FDA are subsequently withdrawn because they proved not to be safe in the long term. If you want quicker approvals, give the FDA bigger space and more scientists to assist them.

Yes, Marxist rhetoric is the answer, let's not seriously question the efficacy of government agencies... :eusa_whistle:
Most folks don't stop to think about how their children will be drugged from the moment they enter this world, till the moment they leave this world. Maybe it's all conditioning? Maybe they don't know anything different? Or maybe it's just too disturbing to think about?
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It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.

I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
It was not rhetorical... I often ask questions to get answers, explore alternatives, to get more details to analyze. I've asked a dozen times for specific regulations that are holding things up in the FDA and nobody has listed anything. I'm not doing this to prove that there is not a regulation problem... I'm doing it so we can talk about the actual problems that people are complaining about. There are way too much empty talk on this board. I prefer looking at real details and exploring real solutions.

I would trust a private food safety inspection program any and every day over the FDA. I SURE don't trust the FDA.
Start one
Another reckless driver


No such thing as a "car accident" it takes two to tangle.
Wow, can't argue with stupid...

Then don't argue with yourself..

Again no such thing as a car accident

Either you drive defensively and no car crash...

Or dive offensively and get in a car crash

Not that complicated is it?
Yeah, tell that to the millions that have been rear ended while stopped in traffic or sideswiped while in their lane, or injured passengers sitting in a car that is in an accident... Time to reevaluate your thinking dude, you are dead wrong on this one.

Don't cry and play the victim with me toots,

They didn't leave room ahead of them and was not watching the rearview mirror when stopped.

Hence not driving defensively .

And please side swiped?

I drove in chicago traffic for 22 years, nope watch your lanes, watch other vehicles , don't drive in packs.
I'll restate... There is no arguing with stupid. Go to youtube and watch some car accident videos. Shit happens and sometimes it is unavoidable.

Then quit arguing with yourself..

Again I drove for over 35 years..

Zero car claims

My car insurance should be $10 bucks a month on both my pick up trucks

But it's not, I paid what $20,000 ? Over the past 35 years on assholes like you who play the victim and don't know how to drive a fucking car.
Yeah, side effects aren't mentioned much in the MSM after such attacks. But there are awful side effects that accompany many of these drugs. And any doctor will tell you, if they quit their drugs cold turkey, there will likely be catastrophic deadly results. They'll likely harm themselves or others.

Look at EVERY mass shooting other than the Islamic terror attacks, and you will find that the perp was on anti-depressants/anxiety medications. Every list time, Roof, Klebold, Loughner, Holms.

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns

Guns don't kill people, Zoloft kills people.
EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.

You're too late.

There is already generic epipens on the market. I've been buying them for over a year now.

The non generic ones are ridiculously expensive. I buy 6 generic ones for 25 dollars with my insurance. I'm sure that it's more expensive without insurance but no where near the price of the non generic ones.

So you're complaining about nothing. There's already a generic epipen on the market.
Whats the brand you use? Do you have a link. I have a friend who has an anaphylactic allergy to shellfish but can't afford to buy a $600 pen, i'd love to make a recommendation to her

It's made by Lineage Therapeutics.

Here's a link to an article.

Lineage Therapeutics Markets Authorized Generic Epinephrine Auto-Injector - FirstWord Pharma

I didn't know anything about them until around a year ago. My doctor didn't tell me about the generic. It was the pharmacist who offered me the generic brand. When he said I could buy 6 pens for 25 dollars, I quickly said yes.

I have insurance that makes it so inexpensive but even without the insurance I'm sure it's much less expensive than the non generic product.

Just tell your friend to ask for the generic brand instead. I didn't even have to ask, it was offered to me by the pharmacist at Rite Aid. I used to go to Walgreens but they never offered the generic. I've found that Rite Aid offers more cost saving products.
Wow, can't argue with stupid...

Then don't argue with yourself..

Again no such thing as a car accident

Either you drive defensively and no car crash...

Or dive offensively and get in a car crash

Not that complicated is it?
Yeah, tell that to the millions that have been rear ended while stopped in traffic or sideswiped while in their lane, or injured passengers sitting in a car that is in an accident... Time to reevaluate your thinking dude, you are dead wrong on this one.

Don't cry and play the victim with me toots,

They didn't leave room ahead of them and was not watching the rearview mirror when stopped.

Hence not driving defensively .

And please side swiped?

I drove in chicago traffic for 22 years, nope watch your lanes, watch other vehicles , don't drive in packs.
I'll restate... There is no arguing with stupid. Go to youtube and watch some car accident videos. Shit happens and sometimes it is unavoidable.

Then quit arguing with yourself..

Again I drove for over 35 years..

Zero car claims

My car insurance should be $10 bucks a month on both my pick up trucks

But it's not, I paid what $20,000 ? Over the past 35 years on assholes like you who play the victim and don't know how to drive a fucking car.
Good for you man... how about you go for a drive right now, and keep going until you find a trophy for yourself. This conversation is tired... i'm over it.
Yes, Marxist rhetoric is the answer, let's not seriously question the efficacy of government agencies... :eusa_whistle:

The FDA does a better job of protecting people than the pharmceutical industry has ever done. Corporations see profit above all else. Someone with no profit motive at all needs to have this role. Big Pharma isn't trustworthy. Need I say Thalidomide, which they're trying to market again.
Yeah, side effects aren't mentioned much in the MSM after such attacks. But there are awful side effects that accompany many of these drugs. And any doctor will tell you, if they quit their drugs cold turkey, there will likely be catastrophic deadly results. They'll likely harm themselves or others.

Look at EVERY mass shooting other than the Islamic terror attacks, and you will find that the perp was on anti-depressants/anxiety medications. Every list time, Roof, Klebold, Loughner, Holms.

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns

Guns don't kill people, Zoloft kills people.

Sadly, kids are being drugged at younger & younger ages. It has an effect. I know most won't accept that yet. But i think they will at some point. These drugs can be very dangerous.

Side effects often include violent episodes. The doctor will even inform the patient of that before prescribing. Some drugs don't work right on certain individuals. Prescribing drugs is a bit of a crapshoot. Things could go terribly wrong.
The effect that the seatbelt law has had on save human life in auto accidents:

One seat belts don't "save a life" it prolongs it

Two it's bull shit that seat belt use had any effect on people's lives. in fact it makes people more reckless drivers.

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -

The Hidden Danger of Seat Belts

John Adams, risk expert and emeritus professor of geography at University College London, was an early skeptic of the seat belt safety mantra. Adams first began to look at the numbers more than 25 years ago. What he found was that contrary to conventional wisdom, mandating the use of seat belts in 18 countries resulted in either no change or actually a net increase in road accident deaths.

How can that be? Adams' interpretation of the data rests on the notion of risk compensation, the idea that individuals tend to adjust their behavior in response to what they perceive as changes in the level of risk. Imagine, explains Adams, a driver negotiating a curve in the road. Let's make him a young male. He is going to be influenced by his perceptions of both the risks and rewards of driving a car. The considerations could include getting to work or meeting a friend for dinner on time, impressing a companion with his driving skills, bolstering his image of himself as an accomplished driver. They could also include his concern for his own safety and desire to live to a ripe old age, his feelings of responsibility for a toddler with him in a car seat, the cost of banging up his shiny new car or losing his license. Nor will these possible concerns exist in a vacuum. He will be taking into account the weather and the condition of the road, the amount of traffic and the capabilities of the car he is driving. But crucially, says Adams, this driver will also be adjusting his behavior in response to what he perceives are changes in risks. If he is wearing a seat belt and his car has front and side air bags and anti-skid brakes to boot, he may in turn drive a bit more daringly.

A seat belt prolonged my life twice; once saving me from serious injury and a second time from certain death.

That said, I'm against mandatory seat belt and helmet laws because it goes against God's Law of Evolution.

IIRC, 68% of all traffic deaths in Texas are from lack of wearing a seat belt despite laws requiring them. As Ron White once said, "You can't fix stupid". I wish we'd stop trying to do so with silly laws.

OTOH, as far as pharmaceutical drugs go, if I follow the directions on a box of medicine and it seriously injures me or kills a family member, then I should have the right to shoot the motherfucking snake-oil salesman marketing it. Therefore, it's either best to let people serve vigilante justice to snake-oil salesmen or set laws preventing snake-oil salesmen from being in business.

Another reckless driver


No such thing as a "car accident" it takes two to tangle.
Wow, can't argue with stupid...

Then don't argue with yourself..

Again no such thing as a car accident

Either you drive defensively and no car crash...

Or dive offensively and get in a car crash

Not that complicated is it?

Not complicated? Only for one with a very simple mind.
No, nothing like that... I never said anything about seizure or confiscation, or distribution by the state... You made that up to try and label me as a communist.
Do you have comprehension problems? I say one thing and then you try to restate it in a completely distorted way. Is that really how your brain works? Are you sincere or just trying to be an ass?

The owner of a good sets the price that the good will sell for, If the state sets the price for Epipens or any other good, then the state is the owner.

Mylan is gouging, people can be assholes and these people are. The reality of a market is that the greed of Mylan creates an opportunity for competitors to market an alternative product. Someone will, the market doesn't leave money on the table.

But of course you ARE a Communist and instead of allowing market mechanisms to correct the disequilibrium caused by the departure of Mylan's sole competitor, you demand that the state nationalize the entire industry and have bureaucrats with no stake set the prices that drugs will sell for.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth. It just makes you look like even more of an idiot. I never said that I wanted the state to control the price of Mylans product. If the government and FDA is holding up the process of creating an affordable generic then they are part of the problem. If this is the case then Mylan and the gov are feeding the problem.

The government isn't holding up the process to create an affordable generic epipen.

It's already on the market. I started buying them about a year ago. Maybe more than a year but around the time when the non generic version started to skyrocket in price.
Can you provide a link to the product that you use?

I posted an article from 2013 with the announcement that the generic ones are going to be available to buy.

It's made by Lineage Therapeutics.

All a person has to do is as for the generic brand. I buy them at Rite Aid and they're all over the nation so all you have to do is go there and ask for the generic ones.
Then don't argue with yourself..

Again no such thing as a car accident

Either you drive defensively and no car crash...

Or dive offensively and get in a car crash

Not that complicated is it?
Yeah, tell that to the millions that have been rear ended while stopped in traffic or sideswiped while in their lane, or injured passengers sitting in a car that is in an accident... Time to reevaluate your thinking dude, you are dead wrong on this one.

Don't cry and play the victim with me toots,

They didn't leave room ahead of them and was not watching the rearview mirror when stopped.

Hence not driving defensively .

And please side swiped?

I drove in chicago traffic for 22 years, nope watch your lanes, watch other vehicles , don't drive in packs.
I'll restate... There is no arguing with stupid. Go to youtube and watch some car accident videos. Shit happens and sometimes it is unavoidable.

Then quit arguing with yourself..

Again I drove for over 35 years..

Zero car claims

My car insurance should be $10 bucks a month on both my pick up trucks

But it's not, I paid what $20,000 ? Over the past 35 years on assholes like you who play the victim and don't know how to drive a fucking car.
Good for you man... how about you go for a drive right now, and keep going until you find a trophy for yourself. This conversation is tired... i'm over it.
I am not cry baby victim who don't know how to drive a car.

Germany's Fatal Accident Rate is Less Than Half of Ours Despite Driving at 155 MPH

Germany's Fatal Accident Rate is Less Than Half of Ours Despite Driving at 155 MPH

In Germany in 2012, there were 44 traffic related deaths per one million inhabitants, people could drive over 200 mph on public roads, there were tons of bikers, and there was lots of additional traffic from other countries passing through because of Germany's central location in Europe. Those all sounds like factors that would increase accidents and fatalities, but ze Germans are clearly doing something right, because in the USA we had 104 deaths per million.

Car & Driver's German correspondent, Jens Meiners, claims that this is due to more rigorous driver training, scheduled vehicle checks ever two years, and the autobahn, where you can drive as fast as you want, but will be punished for not giving other vehicles space. He claims that the space and the fact that nobody is ballsy enough to try to text and eat a hamburger at 120 mph.

Perhaps Clarkson was on to more than just caustic wit when he said "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary: that's what gets you."
The FDA does a better job of protecting people than the pharmceutical industry has ever done.

Now that is an insanely stupid claim.

Medication stops millions of American deaths every year. I get that you're a Communist and want to seize by force the assets of others. So if these drugs have no value, why do you want to steal them.

Corporations see profit above all else.

So do Communists such as you. The difference is that corporations offer value in return for profit, all you offer is the barrel of a gun.

Someone with no profit motive at all needs to have this role. Big Pharma isn't trustworthy. Need I say Thalidomide, which they're trying to market again.

Every human on earth has a profit motive. You seek to take by force that which you cannot produce by wits.
Yeah, side effects aren't mentioned much in the MSM after such attacks. But there are awful side effects that accompany many of these drugs. And any doctor will tell you, if they quit their drugs cold turkey, there will likely be catastrophic deadly results. They'll likely harm themselves or others.

Look at EVERY mass shooting other than the Islamic terror attacks, and you will find that the perp was on anti-depressants/anxiety medications. Every list time, Roof, Klebold, Loughner, Holms.

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns

Guns don't kill people, Zoloft kills people.

Sadly, kids are being drugged at younger & younger ages. It has an effect. I know most won't accept that yet. But i think they will at some point. These drugs can be very dangerous.

Side effects often include violent episodes. The doctor will even inform the patient of that before prescribing. Some drugs don't work right on certain individuals. Prescribing drugs is a bit of a crapshoot. Things could go terribly wrong.

I went to a conference years ago on ADHD, the speaker in one of the breakouts was chief of peds at Kaiser. His most remarkable advice to parents who might be told to treat their child with Ritalin, was they ought to try using the high caffeinated soda Jolt first think in the morning.
Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.
Now that the FDA requires pharmaceutical companies to fund their own testing process that takes years, they are out billions of dollars by the time the product hits the shelves. How do they make that up except to charge high prices? These companies are not charities and charities don't make life saving drugs.
i dont think thats the case with these pens....they were developed by the US Military for their people to use for exposure to nerve agents in case of chemical warfare.....the device delivers about a dollars worth of epinephrine......there was no need for this increase....
I doubt there is no need. Obamacare is a cluster-fuck that's caused prices to skyrocket in every part of our health care system. Inhalers for asthmatics are a good example. Some asshole Democrats wrote in a regulation to ban them because of the global warming myth. Those suffering from asthma who used to be able to buy inhalers cheaply suddenly found themselves having to pay triple for a shit poor substitute chemical inhaler.

The problem is, no matter how much Democrats fuck over the American people through the unseen hand of government, they get away with it by finding some way to get people to blame "corporate greed".

I couldn't get past that first line with the lie in it.

The problem isn't Obamacare. It's the deregulation in the prescription drug law that the republicans passed and the bush boy signed.

It removed the ability for the government to negotiate lower prices with drug companies and it removed the regulations that help keep prices down. It also prohibited reimporting drugs to America from Canada, drugs that were made here but sent to Canada. Canada has regulations on pricing and they have proper competition. The cost of an epipen in Canada is around half the price it is here and it's made here.

All Obamacare did was regulate the insurance companies. Not the drug companies. And the regulation had no real price controls other than trying to get competition and requiring that the insurance companies spend at least 80% of premiums on health care, if they don't they have to refund the money back to the customer.

If you're going to blame a whole party for this you really should get it right and name the right party that did this. The republicans.
so what have the democrats and Obama done about this since then?......just askin....

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