Zone1 Capitalizing B in black and not W in white is racist


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The decision by many in the media to capitalize Black and lowercase white is pure racism - implying that Blacks deserve an honorific of sorts and whites must be assigned to a lowly and inferior position.

Some deny the subtle message being spread with this double standard, so I suggest that for today only we refer to Whites with a capital and blacks in lower case. That should make it apparent how racist this practice is.

After that, I suggest we follow The Atlantic’s suggestion: that we treat both races the same, and either capitalize both or lowercase both.

I think some guilt ridden people figure that if you capitalize the B and not the W that will be a start toward making up for slavery and Jim Crow. That would be false and also ironic since most of the people who feel this way are the same people (Democrats) responsible for the mistreatment in the first place. It's almost like an umpire who catches himself making a shitty call and then makes another shitty call to try to make up for the first one. The best thing for Democrats and the umpire to do would be to just move on and try to be as accurate and equal as possible from there on. You can't do anything about past mistakes but learn from them. MAGA
The decision by many in the media to capitalize Black and lowercase white is pure racism - implying that Blacks deserve an honorific of sorts and whites must be assigned to a lowly and inferior position.

Some deny the subtle message being spread with this double standard, so I suggest that for today only we refer to Whites with a capital and blacks in lower case. That should make it apparent how racist this practice is.

After that, I suggest we follow The Atlantic’s suggestion: that we treat both races the same, and either capitalize both or lowercase both.


This is like your complaint that there were too many Black people's pictures at the Mall.
The decision by many in the media to capitalize Black and lowercase white is pure racism - implying that Blacks deserve an honorific of sorts and whites must be assigned to a lowly and inferior position.

Some deny the subtle message being spread with this double standard, so I suggest that for today only we refer to Whites with a capital and blacks in lower case. That should make it apparent how racist this practice is.

After that, I suggest we follow The Atlantic’s suggestion: that we treat both races the same, and either capitalize both or lowercase both.

is this a law now?
The decision by many in the media to capitalize Black and lowercase white is pure racism - implying that Blacks deserve an honorific of sorts and whites must be assigned to a lowly and inferior position.

Some deny the subtle message being spread with this double standard, so I suggest that for today only we refer to Whites with a capital and blacks in lower case. That should make it apparent how racist this practice is.

After that, I suggest we follow The Atlantic’s suggestion: that we treat both races the same, and either capitalize both or lowercase both.

Just more symbolic affirmative action to make the low IQ feel better about their failed lives. All show and no substance, but it works with libtards.
Just more symbolic affirmative action to make the low IQ feel better about their failed lives. All show and no substance, but it works with libtards.
Yup, but if you object to the obvious double standards in how different races are addressed, you’re called….you guessed it….a racist!
Yup, but if you object to the obvious double standards in how different races are addressed, you’re called….you guessed it….a racist!
Being called a racist by racists is nothing more than projection on their part.
I’m not disputing that this is done, but do you have an example of someone/somewhere that black gets the capital B when referring to race but white does not get the capital W?
I’ve certainly seen capitalization done for race, but I can’t say if I’ve seen that double standard in the same place or by the same person.
I’m not disputing that this is done, but do you have an example of someone/somewhere that black gets the capital B when referring to race but white does not get the capital W?
I’ve certainly seen capitalization done for race, but I can’t say if I’ve seen that double standard in the same place or by the same person.
It’s done all the time, including on this site! And it’s not just about the same person…’s POLICY. It’s particularly noticeable on liberal media.
The decision by many in the media to capitalize Black and lowercase white is pure racism - implying that Blacks deserve an honorific of sorts and whites must be assigned to a lowly and inferior position.

Some deny the subtle message being spread with this double standard, so I suggest that for today only we refer to Whites with a capital and blacks in lower case. That should make it apparent how racist this practice is.

After that, I suggest we follow The Atlantic’s suggestion: that we treat both races the same, and either capitalize both or lowercase both.

This is sad and petty. There is no such double standard.

All you do is whine about blacks. No other race. Then you want to report people when they call you what your posts show you to be. This is ridiculous, whining because you think the word black is capitalized and the word white isn't. This thread actually needs to be closed. I have started fact based threads about policies created by whites that have been closed. Or trolled into closure. Yet this crap stays open. At minimum, this thread needs to go to the rubber room. This is ridiculous.

So Lisa are you white today or is my criticism of this nonsense the black anti semite picking on the poor jew?
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Hispanic American is capitalized.

If blacks or whites wish to have an honorific referring to them capitalized, they can refer to themselves as African American or European Americans.

What a dumb article and dumb thread.
This is sad and petty. There is no such double standard.

All you do is whine about blacks. No other race. Then you want to report people when they call you what your posts show you to be. This is ridiculous, whining because you think the word black is capitalized and the word white isn't. This thread actually needs to be closed. I have started fact based threads about policies created by whites that have been closed. Or trolled into closure. Yet this crap stays open. At minimum, this thread needs to go to the rubber room. This is ridiculous.

So Lisa are you white today or is my criticism of this nonsense the black anti semite picking on the poor jew?
I just point out double standards is all. Capitalizing black and lower casing white is one such example.

And if you don’t like my bringing up this valid observation, you don’t have to participate.
I just point out double standards is all. Capitalizing black and lower casing white is one such example.

And if you don’t like my bringing up this valid observation, you don’t have to participate.

I never see 'black" as capitalized. I think I will do it from now on just to annoy you, though.

Hispanic American is capitalized.

If blacks or whites wish to have an honorific referring to them capitalized, they can refer to themselves as African American or European Americans.

What a dumb article and dumb thread.

That's our Lisa.

Also, point of note, "Asian-American" is also capitalized.
If blacks or whites wish to have an honorific referring to them capitalized, they can refer to themselves as African American or European Americans.

There's very few actual African-Americans in America today. Very few...

Elon Musk, for instance, is an African-American in the true sense of the allocation.

There's probably a lot more actual European-Americans though.

But most of these arbitrarily hyphenated Americans have more in common with a white guy in Clevelend than they do an African or a European.
There's very few actual African-Americans in America today. Very few...

Elon Musk, for instance, is an African-American in the true sense of the allocation.

There's probably a lot more actual European-Americans though.

But most of these arbitrarily hyphenated Americans have more in common with a white guy in Clevelend than they do an African or a European.
If a third, forth, fifth, or umpteenth generation European American or African American wants to identify with as such, I don't care.

(Though I do agree, Americans are Americans, IMO)

You can call 'em white or black, w/e.

Chances are. . . if you met a third generation Hispanic American, you wouldn't be so militant in yoar definitions, even if they were disconnected from their culture, and could not even speak Spanish. :lol:

Chances are. . . if you met a third generation Hispanic American, you wouldn't be so militant in yoar definitions, even if they were disconnected from their culture, and could not even speak Spanish. :lol:

I get along with em well enough. They're actually my best neighbors. Sometimes I sit out on the porch at night and drink a couple shots of tequila with one of em. It's the white folk who have the cops bangin on their door every other weekend.
This is ridiculous, whining because you think the word black is capitalized and the word white isn't. This thread actually needs to be closed.…..
…… is my criticism of this nonsense the black anti semite picking on the poor jew?
You should have been a drama queen.

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