Capitol Hill Taking Summer Vacation Shouldn't they actually work first

If there was one government I would replicate on the planet it would be Switzerland's structure of government.

I'm not talking their policies. Please don't misunderstand me. But how they conduct their business of "being a servant of the people" is freaking awesome.

Switzerland's Government and Politics

Being member of parliament is not a full-time job in Switzerland (at least they are not paid accordingly ...). Formally, parliament meets four times a year for several weeks. In between, each member has to read proposals for new laws individually and to attend one-day conferences of commissions.

American lawmakers would argue that they're "servants of the people." At a glance, I don't really see any big differences tbh.
The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." - P. J. O'Rourke
If there was one government I would replicate on the planet it would be Switzerland's structure of government.

I'm not talking their policies. Please don't misunderstand me. But how they conduct their business of "being a servant of the people" is freaking awesome.

Switzerland's Government and Politics

Being member of parliament is not a full-time job in Switzerland (at least they are not paid accordingly ...). Formally, parliament meets four times a year for several weeks. In between, each member has to read proposals for new laws individually and to attend one-day conferences of commissions.

American lawmakers would argue that they're "servants of the people." At a glance, I don't really see any big differences tbh.

The key is that their representatives actually have a home that they live in to represent their districts as compared to our lawmakers who live in DC almost 24/7 and keep only a "residence" for appearance and election sake.

Oh and there is this. It works for them.

Direct Democracy: Referendum and Initiative

Frequent referendums on new or changed laws, budgets etc,
- some of them mandatory

- others "facultative" (only if 50,000 citizens demand for it)

Ordinary citizens may propose changes to the constitution ("initiative"), if they can find a number of supporters (100,000 out of about 3,500,000 voters). Parliament will discuss it, probably propose an alternative and afterwards all citizens may decide in a referendum whether to accept the initiative, the alternate proposal or stay without change

While the federal system can be found in many other countries like the U.S.A., Germany, Austria etc., and separation of powers (government, parliament, courts) are common to all democracies (or at least should be), referendums are rare in most other countries.

In Switzerland's long tradtion of Direct Democracy, frequent referendums do have a stabilizing influence on parliament and government.

referendums will increase parties' willingness to compromise (otherwise a defeated party will call for a referendum)

referendums favour big coalitions (shared power motivates compromise, exclusion from power motivates obstructive referendums)

referendums increase stability (as extreme laws will be blocked by referendum, parties are less inclined to radical changes in lawmaking and voters are less inclined to call for fundamental changes in elections)

The two chambers of parliament meet several times annually to sessions of several weeks and between them to preparing meetings of numerous commissions.

Being member of parliament is not a full time job in Switzerland, contrary to most other countries today.

This means, that Swiss members of parliament are closer to everyday life of their electorate.

Switzerland's Government and Politics
Yeah and the people of Switzerland are happy and love there government and they get mandatory vocation time over there.
No, they should actually be on Recess for much longer periods. The less they're around, the less damage they do. They should only meet a few times a year, and for very short sessions. We desperately need less Government at this point.

That was the original intent of the "citizen legislature"...
A person was elected, spent most of their time at 'home'. Went to Washington to take care of the business of the people, then they went home.
Then the next person would run for the office to take their place.
Today political office is viewed as a career.
In fact, no government employee should be permitted to serve more than 20 years.
There are far too many entrenched ( like a tick on a deer) federal employees whose job it is to figure out ways to keep their jobs.

Good points. Yeah, Career Politicians blow. Our Founders definitely didn't want it. It's a big part of the reason why our Government is so dysfunctional. It's a very sad mess. Personally, i'm relieved when Congress isn't in session. It stops the bleeding for at least a couple weeks anyway.
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Members of Congress have to tend to state business as well as federal business. They have X amount of time to spend in DC, and then back home for (campaigning) state business. House reps spend all of their time campaigning since they are up for reelection every two years. The 5 weeks they will be out of DC, they will be in their home states working.
When they are in DC, they are all playing "mean girls" and fighting like teenagers on Facebook. They would probably get more work done if they were not so glued to their Twitter and Facebook pages.
Keep in mind that with the Congress we have now, and the Supreme Court, the less laws they pass might be better for us in the long run since both entities have proven to be self-serving.
Members of Congress have to tend to state business as well as federal business. They have X amount of time to spend in DC, and then back home for (campaigning) state business. House reps spend all of their time campaigning since they are up for reelection every two years. The 5 weeks they will be out of DC, they will be in their home states working.
When they are in DC, they are all playing "mean girls" and fighting like teenagers on Facebook. They would probably get more work done if they were not so glued to their Twitter and Facebook pages.
Keep in mind that with the Congress we have now, and the Supreme Court, the less laws they pass might be better for us in the long run since both entities have proven to be self-serving.

Oh, less is definitely more when it comes to Government these days. There's just way too much of it now. Most Americans don't want or need them banning light bulbs. They'd rather see them on Recess most of the year. That's just the sad reality.
I doesn't matter how long or little time they spend in Washington the real problem is everything is about money and politician's lining there pockets. Another problem is most of them are corrupt and they are all out of touch and liars.
hell they might as well stay home

they've been letting Obama dictate to them... so he can do that while they sit on their ass at home and hose us taxpayers from there
The People are relieved when they're away. When they're away, they can't do more damage. That's just the sad state of things now. Let them go away on Vacation. It's what's best for the People.
Hard working Americans working 40 hours + a week keeping this country going working
Weekends and holidays (my self included ) even Christmas eve not getting any vacation days
Paying taxes to live a middle class life struggling to keep food on our tables, And every time we turn on the T.V. Capitol Hill or President Obama is going on Vacation or giving them self raises and for what they barley work they don't get anything accomplished they fight and blame each other and don't take responsibilities for anything while our national debt rises and people get more and more frustrated with our government its a bunch of garbage and Obama is out of control.

It's interesting and telling how you and others on the partisan right are so ignorant as to the fundamentals of governance and naïve as to what government actually is and how it functions.
Where do Americans get the impression that the country is gonna' crash and burn unless Government is "doing something"?

The country is crashing and burning BECAUSE Government is doing something! Government is the problem!

Amen to that. It's us getting the vacation here. As long as they are goofing off somewhere, they aren't taking away more of our liberty and freedom. Of course, Obama could care less if congress is there or not. His pen is all he needs. He mentioned again lately how he is bound by the constitution and it frustrates him because he can't do what he wants. Boo fucking hoo. He is constrained by a document that our founders put in place. And he hates that.
The average American worker (i.e. civilian) vacation? About 2 weeks.

The GUARANTEED American military vacation? 30 days every year, to be saved up to 60 days or divided up as you need every fiscal year.'s paid vacation.

The average European worker? Depending on your employer, it can be anywhere from 1 to 2 months per year, and it's paid vacation.

Too bad that the American civilians are way behind the U.S. military and the Europeans in their vacation time.

Quick question........................if we (as in the American civilians) are so behind the military and the Europeans in how much time we get to have off, why is it that Congress and the Senate get to only work around 1/3 of the year?

I mean..............while I was serving, I know that I would have liked to have 8 out of every 12 months off like Congress does.

I'd also like to do nothing like they have over the past 2 congresses, but then again, I was interested in keeping this country safe, even if those who are supposed to lead do nothing.

Personally? I'd like to see McConnell and Boehner both lose their seat and be sent back to working for a living.
Unfortunately, enough people aren't involved in their government to push them into term limits

I think we are stuck with them doing what the heck they want over us

our lords and masters
How sad is that most people want our government on vacation so they cant make our country worse, does that make any sense do you people not see the problem with that we shouldn't be afraid of them making stupid laws there supposed to represent the American people and they don't do a good job at it I think its time to clean house.
How sad is that most people want our government on vacation so they cant make our country worse, does that make any sense do you people not see the problem with that we shouldn't be afraid of them making stupid laws there supposed to represent the American people and they don't do a good job at it I think its time to clean house.

That's because the politicians listen to those with the loudest and most "free speech" (i.e. money).

The general population of this country doesn't have the kind of cash that will get a politician's attention, the corporations do.

So much for money being the same as free speech.
The politicians should be in Washington less and with their constituents at home more.

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