Capitol insurrection hearings.


And, more bullshit because they came armed with baseball bats, rebar, hockey sticks, metal poles, tazero and bear spread. You freaks need to quit excusing intentional mob violence.
No you need to quit being a lying asshole. No firearms were found at the Capitol building that day. Per the FBI director under oath. You need to quit excusing your side’s BLM and Antifa violence while lying about Jan. 6.
No you need to quit being a lying asshole. No firearms were found at the Capitol building that day. Per the FBI director under oath. You need to quit excusing your side’s BLM and Antifa violence while lying about Jan. 6.
Thanks, DC gun laws!
You and your ilk have no idea what those words you spew really mean. Either that or conveniently apply them only to your partisan side in order to excuse violence. Transparency, from you? What a pathetic joke, fascist freak.
No, you’re the the joke you lying sack of shit. Transparency? Not from this kangaroo court that you’re slobbering over. By the way asshole, he knows what those words mean. You just hate hearing them. Now go fuck yourself you pathetic Nazi.
And remember folks, if the election of Biden is invalid, then so is the election of all the GOP noisemakers in Congress and Senate, because the SAME system was used to put their asses in the seats. So it's either fair or EVERYONE get the fuck on out!
What cracks me up is that when the GOP held the reigns, they wouldn't allow certain testimony on the Ukraine situation and the leadership/members stated prior to the hearings that they wouldn't entertain the idea of even a reprimand against Cheeto Jeezus.

Yet the MAGA minions are now squawking "fix!" and "kangaroo court".

Can you say "massive hypocrite" boys and girls? Sure you can ..... I knew you could!
And remember folks, if the election of Biden is invalid, then so is the election of all the GOP noisemakers in Congress and Senate, because the SAME system was used to put their asses in the seats. So it's either fair or EVERYONE get the fuck on out!
The electoral college put Biden in power, not the same system for the house and Senate
The electoral college put Biden in power, not the same system for the house and Senate
the same voting system in person, absentee ballots, etc. is used during Presidential, congressional and local elections. THAT is what the right wing bull horn has been carrying on about, yet they want to be excluded from the the very system they condemn. GMAFB!
And as usual you LIE.

Won’t waste time on some who’s knee jerk response is to parrot the rightwing talking points, i.e. if it is a leftist of course they excused the riots.

No physician can heal someone incapable of separating truth from fiction so I won’t sling the same pap back.
You’ve done nothing but sling lies and insults this whole thread. No sense wasting time on a lying hack like you who loves leftist violence.
How fucking much more do you need, douchebag?

Capitol Police provided more than 14,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage to lawmakers​

This was comprised of the police cameras and the surveillance cameras throughout the complex.

14,000 hours for an 8-hour event.

Goddamn, you really should do some fact checking before you open your pile hole and let the flies out.
Hey dumbfuck, released to lawmakers is not releasing the footage to the public for viewing. You need to read before opening your mouth and letting the shit fall out like that.
the same voting system in person, absentee ballots, etc. is used during Presidential, congressional and local elections. THAT is what the right wing bull horn has been carrying on about, yet they want to be excluded from the the very system they condemn. GMAFB!
So you think people should be able to vote for president on the back of a cereal box?

That's basically what the left was doing

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