Capitol insurrection hearings.

You're whining simply because someone doesn't accept your version of reality.
Dude, you have vomited lie after lie for 8 months about the election, because your little tiny peepee hurts over Trump losing. You have embarrassed yourself so many times by making up demonstrably false things, that I don'tt think you remember how NOT to lie.
Among all the rioters on January 6th there were a group of heavily armed militia groups that intended to do real harm to our nation. When Trump was at the White House stirring up the crowd before the riot and attack on the capital. His close friend Roger Stone was at the Capitol consulting with the militia leaders. Of all the investigations going on, this is the one that should be given the most priority. It was my belief he was coordinating the attack at Trump's request. All means necessary should be used to get to the bottom of this. Remember, the people who invaded the capital and attempted to overthrow our government did so carrying Trump flags.

The Capitol "insurrection" was orchestrated by Pelosi and the FIB.
The Insurrection Hearing is a complete joke!

While you have over 500 arrested and sitting in jail, there has not even been any conviction.
But meanwhile, when BLM and Antifa were running around in California and Minnesota (as well, as in other states) burning down buildings, defunding the police and worse to what is being compared to the January 6 Insurrection, none of those folks are being arrested and sitting in prison.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Awwwwwwww :itsok:
Interesting that the Thin Blue line crowd is suddenly disinterested in hearing what those Officers have to say about what happened that day.
The only violence was the gutless cop who killed an unarmed women


An Unarmed woman breaking through a broken door and glass. A Cop who has no idea she was unarmed and is there to protect the Leaders of the nation, Oh I dunno maybe don't go breaking through barricaded doors when you very clearly see a Cop with his gun drawn.

This shit that yall spew about that day is incredible and you actually believe the drivil.
Why did they storm the Capitol?
Are you now
noooooo way, the media will throw it down the throats of americans for quite a while. It was the first attempted coup in the USA, this is historic, I also think that the terrorist woman that lost her life during the attempted coup/insurrection should face the law post mortem, QEPD...

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