Capitol insurrection hearings.

Absolutely not....Conniving as she is, she's certainly not clever enough to have set this up all by her lonesome.

There are reasons that Stewart Rhodes is nowhere to be found.
Yeah, I pointed that out in post #304 along with some interesting reading. ;)
Nothing it all. That's exactly the kind of thing she would like to happen
Thanks for making my point. Embarrassing. You freaks need to take your nonsense out of your little bubbles where you suck each other's dicks all day and try out your material on your friends, family, and coworkers. Then when you are alone in your 1 bedroom apartment waiting on your unemployment check, maybe you will have a moment of clarity.
Thanks for making my point. Embarrassing. You freaks need to take your nonsense out of your little bubbles where you suck each other's dicks all day and try out your material on your friends, family, and coworkers. Then when you are alone in your 1 bedroom apartment waiting on your unemployment check, maybe you will have a moment of clarity.
Your belief that Pisslosi is some kind of patriotic American who loves her country doesn't pass the laugh test.

Talk about embrassing.
The best way to take it in is to ignore it. It's nothing more than a circus side show.

noooooo way, the media will throw it down the throats of americans for quite a while. It was the first attempted coup in the USA, this is historic, I also think that the terrorist woman that lost her life during the attempted coup/insurrection should face the law post mortem, QEPD...

Is that why they built a gallows and were carrying zip tie restraints? LOL
About that...

I find this interesting...we have video of those gallows being there, but as far as I can tell, no video of someone building them or hauling them in. They were just kind of....there.

With all the people there that day, there should have been someone with video of the construction

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