Capitol insurrection hearings.

Honestly, I can't even tell the difference between these terrorists and the FBI anymore. . .

The government purposely pardons these yahoos so they can go about with their insanity, and then lets the insane FBI agents do whatever the hell they want while they entrap them. The whole thing is a mess.

FBI agent in Whitmer kidnap case arrested following domestic incident​

Del. man was leader in plot to kidnap Michigan governor, FBI says​

". . . Gov. John Carney pardoned Croft in April 2019, which was sought “for employment purposes,’’ state records show. Media reports have said he is a self-employed trucker.

Carney declined to speak to WHYY about his pardon of Croft, but spokesperson Jonathan Starkey said in a written statement that Carney signed the pardon after a recommendation from the Board of Pardons that was “unopposed” in 2018 by the office of then-Attorney General Matt Denn.. . "

And are they going to call the leaders of these patriot groups to testify? Or the FBI, Or the Capitol Police?

I'm not watching this show trial, but . . . I doubt, I very much doubt it.
Funny that there were no hearings on the six months of looting, burning, murdering and insurrection in over 200 American cities from the goddamn Negroes and Communists. The insurrection spurned on by the Democrats spouting racial hatred.

This Committee is a farce and just another example of despicable Democrat hate mongering.

The last thing they want is for American Patriots to protest a stolen election. They want the Socialist takeover of our country to go smoothly. Filthy assholes!

They will have testimony from Trump officials and the DOJ.
Moments ago, as expected, the House voted 218-197, largely along party lines, to kill the privileged resolution; Cheney and Kinzinger voted Yes with all Democrats.

McCarthy is grandstanding
He wants members to divert and interrupt the proceedings
Want to hear from those officers who it is said helped let the mob in. As the BLM protests are used to excuse the capital mob, wouldn't an honest comparison be of use?
I'd be interested in what Peloski has to say about being notified in advance of the possibility for a mob, and doing nothing about it.

Oh wait, she's running the shit show.
So, I guess this means you're another dick head that believes Pelosi was in charge of security? Goddamn you and the rest that think this on some of the dumbest mf's. She had nothing to do with Capitol Police, did not direct them, did not appoint anyone to the Capitol Police Board that oversees them.
Capitol Police are testifying right now
Why do you want to ignore them?

Don‘t you think they are heroes?
Because their testimony is nonsense...I read about one's testimony----he was basically pissed off that the protestors ignored him or were in his tiny fragile mind insulting to his was like listening to a jr high school crossing nerd whining that the other students didn't appreciate him.
So, I guess this means you're another dick head that believes Pelosi was in charge of security? Goddamn you and the rest that think this on some of the dumbest mf's. She had nothing to do with Capitol Police, did not direct them, did not appoint anyone to the Capitol Police Board that oversees them.
You should tell Nazi that.............

Where does she get the power to deploy them to multiple states, Dumbass?
On January 6th she had no power over the Capitol police. None you stupid fuck. Hey, I got it let's meet somewhere if you're even here in the states and settle this once and for all.
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