Capitol insurrection hearings.

The reason Pelosi did not push to call up the National Guard ahead of 1/6 was because it would be hard to explain why Democrats were calling to defund the police...while calling for more police & the National Guard to protect THEM.

Pelosi refused to allow anyone on the committee who would bring that up, who would push to have Pelosi testify about how she was warned in advance of possible violence on 1/6 but did nothing.

Pelosi will not call on the FBI to testify.
Pelosi will not call on any member of the bipartisan Committee who has already released a report putting the main Blane on tge Capitol Pokice and its leadership who were completely unprepared to defend the Capitol.

Pelosi will never call the DC MAYOR or Sergeants-at-Arns of the House & Senate who - with her - rejected calling in the Bational Guard because of 'optics'.
- Both Sergeants-at-Arms no longer have their jobs for failing to protect the Capitol & those inside. Why does Pelosi still have hers?
Bad day for the dotard. He had to sit there and just take it, with no way to push back. And it's only going to get worse.

Day after day after day.

And the committee chairmen announced today he's not asking anyone from Magatville to testify, he's going straight to subpoenas.

See you at the next hearing giggles.
Yes...Stalinst show trials are so edgy when you have one of the primary fact witnesses running it, and having no intention of testifying.
The reason Pelosi did not push to call up the National Guard ahead of 1/6 was because it would be hard to explain why Democrats were calling to defund the police...while calling for more police & the National Guard to protect THEM.

Pelosi refused to allow anyone on the committee who would bring that up, who would push to have Pelosi testify about how she was warned in advance of possible violence on 1/6 but did nothing.

Pelosi will not call on the FBI to testify.
Pelosi will not call on any member of the bipartisan Committee who has already released a report putting the main Blane on tge Capitol Pokice and its leadership who were completely unprepared to defend the Capitol.

Pelosi will never call the DC MAYOR or Sergeants-at-Arns of the House & Senate who - with her - rejected calling in the Bational Guard because of 'optics'.
- Both Sergeants-at-Arms no longer have their jobs for failing to protect the Capitol & those inside. Why does Pelosi still have hers?
The reason Pelosi did not push to call up the National Guard ahead of 1/6 was because it would be hard to explain why Democrats were calling to defund the police...while calling for more police & the National Guard to protect THEM.

Wrong....She and the FBI set up a Reischtag fire....This was a bushwhack from the jump.
The reason Pelosi did not push to call up the National Guard ahead of 1/6 was because it would be hard to explain why Democrats were calling to defund the police...while calling for more police & the National Guard to protect THEM.

Wrong....She and the FBI set up a Reischtag fire....This was a bushwhack from the jump.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Most are out on bail. Good to see you're on board with holding blob supporters accountable for their crimes.
This is comedy at its best. We make new words to use in courts of law, changing "illegal aliens" to undocumented noncitizens which is not a word, because it might offend someone accused of a crime while calling the POTUS an "orange blob." This country has lost its center and you commies are to blame.
The reason Pelosi did not push to call up the National Guard ahead of 1/6 was because it would be hard to explain why Democrats were calling to defund the police...while calling for more police & the National Guard to protect THEM.

Wrong....She and the FBI set up a Reischtag fire....This was a bushwhack from the jump.

What better way to de-legitimize patriotism, and the whole populist Americana movement, and move the entire nation toward a globalist technocratic socialist paradigm, then by making anyone that likes America look like a terrorist.

Pretty sure this is not just Pelosi's plan though. . . it is the work of many. It's why the corporate media is right on board.

It is one big, "wrap-up-smear," on every patriotic American. Being American will be looked at as awful. Soon, they can get folks to feel ashamed of being American. Hell, they might even get them to not play the national anthem or wave the flag anymore. :eusa_think:

Maybe they will roll out a N. American flag, or just have the UN flag replace it. . .

In trying yo get down to the bottom - the TRUTH -of what happened, how many snowflakes believe Pelosi will call Babbitt's murderer to testify before Congress?

If she doesn't it's a sign Pelosi doesn't give a damn about Babbitt or the truth.
Well that would be all 500. 140 or so are charged with assault.
How many have been charged with sedition---NONE! Kind of makes a commission on "insurrection" an exercise in futility. Piglosi is a child throwing another fit like she did when she tore up the SOU speech, and presided over two scam impeachments and now she is wasting millions so that she can stomp her feet and say "they're guilty" one more time. This senile joke has got to go.

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