Capitol insurrection hearings.

nope, nobody does. He conceded on december 13th.
It was alot closer between dubya and gore though.

Nobody? CBS News is one of the many who think that, Moron.

For five weeks Trump ranted that the election had been stolen and that his people should fight and take back their country. He told Pence to stop the EC certification. He told his people to stop the EC certification.

Are you an American? You should be furious that a game show host is such a treasonous influence.
"Fight" has many different meanings, not all of which mean physical conflict. I mean, we can pull up tons of video of dem leaders telling their people to "fight".

Are we to assume they were inciting violence?
Nobody? CBS News is one of the many who think that, Moron.

at least bush was smart enough that was able to steal the election, the disgraced 45 spent two months after the election trying to steal it, and after colossal failure ordered a failed coup...

at least bush was smart enough that was able to steal the election, the disgraced 45 spent two months after the election trying to steal it, and after colossal failure ordered a failed coup...

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The decision paves the way for some former Justice Department officials to testify on what they witnessed in the chaotic days between former President Donald Trump's November election loss and early January when he tried to use the Justice Department and other means to advance false claims that he won.
why do you not care to see the actual building security video?

you claim such atrocities but are OK with them staying a claim of yours.

release the entire video tapes and let's see who did what.

not difficult

youd NEVER Allow Trump to hide video of something.

This is a double standard and the classic definition of hypocrisy.

Rump is sweating bullets on this one. Meanwhile, his kids are headed for prison after he throws them under the bus. I wonder how many years Baron will receive to save lil donnie.
The Jan. 6 Select Committee began its investigation today. It is to the Democrats' advantage to drag out these proceedings deep into 2022, an election year.

It goes to depth of the problem Trump created for his party that Republicans are likely to help prolong the proceedings.

It is likely that Trump could be subpoenaed as a witness. 147 Republicans voted to overturn the election results. It is likely some of them may be subpoenaed as well. On Jan. 6, Kevin McCarthy phoned Trump, pleading with him to call off the insurrection. McCarthy could be subpoenaed. It is logical to assume that Republicans, not wishing to encourage their own demise, will fight the subpoenas in court.

Dragging out the proceedings deep into 2022, an election year.

By promoting and inciting the insurrection, Trump has placed his party between a rock and a hard place.

Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.), and Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) on Tuesday attempted to hold a press conference in support of the extremists who invaded our capitol.

Yes, you heard that right.

The House Republican leader, McCarthy is totally confused and making a fool of himself. He didn't have time to watch today's hearing. Four capital police who protected McCarthy and his colleagues on Jan. 6 testified today. McCarthy was not interested.

But McCarthy did have time to hold a press conference. Incredibly, he blamed speaker Pelosi for the violence on Jan. 6. The Hill reports, "He teed off on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Tuesday morning, accusing her of neglecting her duty to defend the Capitol on Jan. 6 and demanding answers about her role in the violent attack that injured more than 140 police officers."

That statement from the leading Republican in the House is both disgusting and ludicrous.

The problem is, backwards, uninformed grassroots Republicans will believe all this. They are not interested in reality. They are only interested in what they want to hear. McCarthy, Gaetz, Greene, and Gohmert and the like are telling grassroots Republicans what they want to here and it matters little that much of it is lies. Great, Pelosi is at fault, not our beloved leader. Will they learn the truth? Hell, no.

Besides, that is all they hear from the leaders of their party. The responsible leadership in the Senate are completely silent as their party's leader is being prosecuted in this investigation.

How do you defend this bizarre behavior? You can't.

Trump is gona have his butt in a sling.

Executive privilege protects the country NOT an individual.

The decision paves the way for some former Justice Department officials to testify on what they witnessed in the chaotic days between former President Donald Trump's November election loss and early January when he tried to use the Justice Department and other means to advance false claims that he won.


Rosen and other Justice officials were at the center of a pressure campaign by Trump and other White House officials to back his claims of vote fraud. Frustrated that the Justice Department didn't find evidence of fraud, Trump contemplated replacing Rosen with Jeffrey Clark, another Justice Department official who signaled support for the fraud claims. Rosen and a group of top Justice officials prepared to resign if Clark were made acting attorney general.
The Insurrection Hearing is a complete joke!

While you have over 500 arrested and sitting in jail, there has not even been any conviction.
But meanwhile, when BLM and Antifa were running around in California and Minnesota (as well, as in other states) burning down buildings, defunding the police and worse to what is being compared to the January 6 Insurrection, none of those folks are being arrested and sitting in prison.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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