Capitol riot: Trump supporters shown beating Officer Michael Fanone under ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag

You better hope he does not see your posts. It is cheap to find out who you are. He is going to have a lot of money soon.

He’ll get NOTHING and he’ll like it. Nope, he can’t find out who I am but send him on over.
My Glock is loaded with 17 9mm hollows :)
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No and that’s not what I claimed.
Sorry misread what you wrote. So your big issue is some rando said we should execute AOC and that’s your proof anyone who supports/ed Trump is lumped in with them.

FWIW the only members of Congress to actually get shot were Republicans by a loony leftist. Can I group anyone who supports left leaning candidates with that guy?
no there just arent nearly as many of these assholes as the media would have you believe.

Whats surprising is I knew zero about the proud boys before today but I know more than you who invoked them as a boogyman in this thread with a single simple google search.

If you knew nothing about the violent, racist, misogynistic alt-right boys drinking club until just now?
Then ya prolly shoulda kept ya pie hole shut ;)
Remind me again who didn’t know fuck all año the group they said was a threat to overthrow the government. You can’t smell the BS because its coming out of your mouth So often you’ve grown used to it.

I’ve been studying the Loud Boys for over a year asshole.

Those were not typical trump supporters

99.999% of trump voters condemn that behavior

But that does not mean that there are no anarchists or far right nuts at trump rallies, along with ANTIFA and FBI criminals
But they didn’t.

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