Car Pulled Over For Traffic Stop, Man In Passenger Seat Held At Gunpoint For 9 Minutes


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
The man wasn't driving, CHiPs officer comes to right door asks for papers, when man goes to get them, cop points gun at him for nine minutes, refuses to stop aiming it at him directly though man's hands were in plain view.

Cop gun 9 minutes - Bing video

Are the police getting a bit TOO edgy or what? I understand their concerns, but did he have to keep a loaded gun aimed at a man's chest? I mean, he could have simply raised it a bit aimed over the car, or kept his hand on it in the holster.

Cops are trained heavily in firearms skills, deft handling, high accuracy, that should give you an edge and confidence, but apparently not here. What next, hold it to the guy's temple with finger on the trigger?
Some cops are losers, and degenerates.... Every population has them.... The difference is most Cops help us to control the losers, and degenerates (Criminals)
Sometimes firearms skills, deft handling, superior weaponry, and high accuracy aren't enough. That's evident by the high number of law-enforcement deaths lately.
The man wasn't driving, CHiPs officer comes to right door asks for papers, when man goes to get them, cop points gun at him for nine minutes, refuses to stop aiming it at him directly though man's hands were in plain view.

Cop gun 9 minutes - Bing video

Are the police getting a bit TOO edgy or what? I understand their concerns, but did he have to keep a loaded gun aimed at a man's chest? I mean, he could have simply raised it a bit aimed over the car, or kept his hand on it in the holster.

Cops are trained heavily in firearms skills, deft handling, high accuracy, that should give you an edge and confidence, but apparently not here. What next, hold it to the guy's temple with finger on the trigger?

Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.
The man wasn't driving, CHiPs officer comes to right door asks for papers, when man goes to get them, cop points gun at him for nine minutes, refuses to stop aiming it at him directly though man's hands were in plain view.

Cop gun 9 minutes - Bing video

Are the police getting a bit TOO edgy or what? I understand their concerns, but did he have to keep a loaded gun aimed at a man's chest? I mean, he could have simply raised it a bit aimed over the car, or kept his hand on it in the holster.

Cops are trained heavily in firearms skills, deft handling, high accuracy, that should give you an edge and confidence, but apparently not here. What next, hold it to the guy's temple with finger on the trigger?

Wow, what's with the language and disrespectful attitude by the guy in the car? I am wondering what happened to make the cop pull the weapon?

What were they pulled over for?

Is that a prison tattoo on the guys hand?

He sounds like he might have had a bit to drink or maybe had a toke or two.

There just isn't enough information on this situation to make an accurate judgement to tell the truth.
Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.
Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.

Yeah it's funny now -- three decades later. At the time, not so much. But yet another illustration of the
Might Makes Right testosteronic hairtrigger mentality.

Yanno what, I shoulda been walking home in a tank. Nobody fucks with you when you have a tank.
The guy should not be reaching under his seat

Good job officer

Yeahbut, if you were carrying a gun and were pulled over and stopped, you sit there for a long time; would you leave it under your seat or bring it out where you could quickly get at it? Also, the normal procedure is for the officer to wait for a second police car to back him up. The right thing for the passenger to do would have been to inform the officer that the requested papers were under the seat, then ask the officer what HE WANTED TO DO!
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Sometimes firearms skills, deft handling, superior weaponry, and high accuracy aren't enough. That's evident by the high number of law-enforcement deaths lately.

A lot of those deaths occur by people shooting police just sitting in their car or something, not even aware or looking, doing paperwork or something, by passers-by who the police are not even engaged with. The cop should have at least aimed the gun towards his legs or dash. A loaded gun aimed at your chest is a threat to your life, aimed at the legs or the dash, the guy had to go that direction anyway to get under the seat! If a cop doesn't feel safe with his GUN DRAWN, SAFETY OFF, IN HIS HAND and ALREADY POINTED AT THE SUBJECT that all he needs is 1/10th second to point, against an unarmed guy sitting back with hands in plain view, I would be nervous of that cop too.

All such behavior is likely to do is further escalate fear of the police and anti-cop reprisal. If you think I'm wrong, fine, let me come to your house and point a loaded .45 at your chest for 9 minutes! See how it feels. You won't like it.
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The man wasn't driving, CHiPs officer comes to right door asks for papers, when man goes to get them, cop points gun at him for nine minutes, refuses to stop aiming it at him directly though man's hands were in plain view.

Cop gun 9 minutes - Bing video

Are the police getting a bit TOO edgy or what? I understand their concerns, but did he have to keep a loaded gun aimed at a man's chest? I mean, he could have simply raised it a bit aimed over the car, or kept his hand on it in the holster.

Cops are trained heavily in firearms skills, deft handling, high accuracy, that should give you an edge and confidence, but apparently not here. What next, hold it to the guy's temple with finger on the trigger?

Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.

Too bad you didn't make a sudden move.
The guy should not be reaching under his seat

Good job officer

Yeahbut, if you were carrying a gun and were pulled over and stopped, you sit there for a long time; would you leave it under your seat or bring it out where you could quickly get at it? Also, the normal procedure is for the officer to wait for a second police car to back him up. The right thing for the passenger to do would have been to inform the officer that the requested papers were under the seat, then ask the officer what HE WANTED TO DO!

If YOU were the cop----YOU would have demanded a BACK-UP??? c'mon
The guy should not be reaching under his seat

Good job officer

Yeahbut, if you were carrying a gun and were pulled over and stopped, you sit there for a long time; would you leave it under your seat or bring it out where you could quickly get at it? Also, the normal procedure is for the officer to wait for a second police car to back him up. The right thing for the passenger to do would have been to inform the officer that the requested papers were under the seat, then ask the officer what HE WANTED TO DO!

If YOU were the cop----YOU would have demanded a BACK-UP??? c'mon

In my area, yes, they do. I was once pulled over for alleged speeding (and eventually let go). Two cops were there, one on each side of the car. A couple years ago, the alarm panel in my house malfunctioned and sent in a tampering alarm. TWO cops showed up! And the one cop even knew me! That isn't over-reacting, that is for THEIR protection so that cops like on the video don't have to act bat-crazy!

If I were the officer, I would have simply asked the man to keep his hands on his head, then asked the lady to get out and put her hands on the hood and stay there, then asked the man to get out and sit in the police car, after frisking both. Then I would have checked under the seats for guns or weapons and brought out all related papers. Then both could have gotten back in and problem solved.
The guy should not be reaching under his seat

Good job officer

Yeahbut, if you were carrying a gun and were pulled over and stopped, you sit there for a long time; would you leave it under your seat or bring it out where you could quickly get at it? Also, the normal procedure is for the officer to wait for a second police car to back him up. The right thing for the passenger to do would have been to inform the officer that the requested papers were under the seat, then ask the officer what HE WANTED TO DO!

If YOU were the cop----YOU would have demanded a BACK-UP??? c'mon

In my area, yes, they do. I was once pulled over for alleged speeding (and eventually let go). Two cops were there, one on each side of the car. A couple years ago, the alarm panel in my house malfunctioned and sent in a tampering alarm. TWO cops showed up! And the one cop even knew me! That isn't over-reacting, that is for THEIR protection so that cops like on the video don't have to act bat-crazy!

If I were the officer, I would have simply asked the lady to get out and put her hands on the hood and stay there, then asked the man to get out and sit in the police car, after frisking both. Then I would have checked under the seats for guns or weapons and brought out all related papers. Then both could have gotten back in and problem solved.

I is old-----and of short stature------I nevah needed TWO cops to handle me------but I am delighted
that cops are now that cautious
I is old-----and of short stature------I nevah needed TWO cops to handle me------but I am delighted
that cops are now that cautious

Aimed at the guy's chest, had he lunged forward to get the gun under the seat, if the cop had fired, he would have shot the empty backrest of the seat! Aimed at his legs or the dash, there is no risk of the gun accidentally discharging and killing the man inadvertently, and if the guy lunged to reach under the seat, he would have actually moved into the line of fire! This was a young guy not on the force very long and not very confident or even smart about how to handle a firearm. I could have kept my pistol holstered, hand-on, and still shot you between the eyes had you even twitched.
Everyone is required to show proof of insurance and registration. So if every time someone can't find it right away and looks around for them, he will point a gun at them and will very likely shoot someone by mistake for making the slightest wrong move. Once he has the gun on them, he is totally committed to shooting them.

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