Car Pulled Over For Traffic Stop, Man In Passenger Seat Held At Gunpoint For 9 Minutes

Maybe. But you overlook the real issue, and that is society. You won't find police pointing guns at people for no immediate reason in Bel Air, or other swanky neighborhoods. The key is to base your actions on the needs of the situation, not by some blanket rule. If you approach a car with your hand on your holster, it shouldn't take a well-trained officer more than a second to react to sudden moves, pull his gun, aim and fire. If the person in the car already has his hand on a gun as well, then there is going to be a problem and you can't eliminate that unless you simply shoot the occupant in the back of the head as you approach every car. You can't eliminate risk and you fail to see that polarity creates polar opposites. The role of an officer is SUPPOSED to be as a friendly neighborhood Constable On Patrol, keeping the peace, diffusing situations, and helping people. What you propose is the militarization of the police into virtual S.W.A.T teams treating every person and every situation with the highest suspicion. All that will get you is MORE people killed, police included, by utterly eroding trust in your police and creating widespread fear and mistrust of them as a potential hair-trigger assassination squad.

And I disagree with the bold above. The role of the police is /enforcement/ the rest of it's secondary. Personally, as a law abiding woman who has children in the world, I enjoy that the police are busting the criminal asses and throwing them in jail; or killing them if they're so stupid or violent as to warrant it. I simply have /zero/ patience nor sympathy for criminals, much less the ones who would attack police - if they're willing to attack an armed officer, they will abuse the innocent and largely helpless citizenry. Police should be highly suspicious - the vast majority have a family to consider and an obligation to make it home every night. AND /we/ the law abiding public should fucking realize how stressful and dangerous their jobs are and not get "offended" if they have guns drawn to protect their asses. I'm a military brat, MP's will come up on you guns drawn and frankly it's not that big a deal - shouldn't be for the police either, but the criminals have used the D and SWJ's to push this narrative that police are not fighting a war - they are though, and it's a deadly one, probably even more lethal that a modern "actual" war frankly...

You must be young. The role of an officer is to KEEP THE PEACE, that is why they call them COPS (constable on patrol). If they can diffuse or resolve a situation without an arrest or worse, all the better. Of course, if a crime has been committed, a law broken that demands action, they are there to enforce the laws. You were never pulled over for speeding? You broke the law. Never had one just give you warning? That is because he was a good cop who used his brains to apply whatever was the best fit to that situation, not to merely just "enforce the law" and hand out tickets all day.

The police are there to KEEP THE PEACE (a Peace Officer), and is supposed to be a friendly and valued member of the community that makes the citizens feel safe that he is watching out for them, not some super-SWAT hard-nose agent ready to bust heads if you look at them wrong! You can enforce the law while still being nice about it. I know it is just a TV show, but try watching an episode of The Andy Griffith Show. That is how cops were when I was young. They were nice people who happened to also be an officer of the law. If something has changed them, then maybe we need to address THAT.

Likely what has changed them is the modern world, full of liberals, liberal ideals and liberal problems. The police are overworked, underpaid and underappreciated, and it started RIGHT AT THE TOP with our former President, Barry The Jackass Obama. If you ask me what the problem is now, I would say that his attacks on the police, the vilification of police officers, people like mayor of New York Bill DiBlasio who routinely derides and besmears his own police force, makes it harder to get good men, so you end up with that kid who wrongly held a gun aimed at a guy's heart needlessly for almost ten minutes because he is under-qualified to do his job properly, and if cops start doing that routinely in simple traffic situations and elsewhere, opinions of the police and cooperation will go through the floor.
Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.

Did you fit the description of the perp?

Not in the slightest. Everything about the description from the witness was different. I just happened to be the first one they saw.
The police are there to KEEP THE PEACE (a Peace Officer), and is supposed to be a friendly and valued member of the community that makes the citizens feel safe that he is watching out for them, not some super-SWAT hard-nose agent ready to bust heads if you look at them wrong! You can enforce the law while still being nice about it. I know it is just a TV show, but try watching an episode of The Andy Griffith Show. That is how cops were when I was young. They were nice people who happened to also be an officer of the law. If something has changed them, then maybe we need to address THAT.

That was exactly my experience touring around Ireland. If the police were present they were greeted welcomingly, as somebody "here to help". Nobody thinks "oh shit, here come the cops" because there's no reason to. Of course they don't carry guns and aren't out looking to start something either, which is why that is.

Likely what has changed them is the modern world, full of liberals, liberal ideals and liberal problems. The police are overworked, underpaid and underappreciated, and it started RIGHT AT THE TOP with our former President, Barry The Jackass Obama. If you ask me what the problem is now, I would say that his attacks on the police, the vilification of police officers, people like mayor of New York Bill DiBlasio who routinely derides and besmears his own police force, makes it harder to get good men, so you end up with that kid who wrongly held a gun aimed at a guy's heart needlessly for almost ten minutes because he is under-qualified to do his job properly, and if cops start doing that routinely in simple traffic situations and elsewhere, opinions of the police and cooperation will go through the floor.

If you're actually going to splooge this message board with the idea that übermilitarized police statism started with O'bama you must be like ten years old. My experience recounted above was over 30 years ago and it was hardly anything new then. When do you think the term "police brutality" was coined?

This is a cultural issue, born out of the sicko idea that "might makes right" and the way to get something done is by brute force. Presidents don't do that. They can't.

Cheees Christ on a cracker, go read some history.
I can see both sides here.


Repeatedly dropping F-Bombs and calling the cop "Bro" is probably not a great idea.....especially with the jail house tattoos all over the hands......


My advice to anyone encountering the Police for any reason - stay calm. Say and do nothing. If they ask for your Drivers license or registration, give it to them. But do not volunteer any other information. Do not answer any questions. Do not consent to any searches of your vehicle without a warrant. Ask if you are being charged. Ask if you are free to leave. Be as white as possible.
Maybe. But you overlook the real issue, and that is society. You won't find police pointing guns at people for no immediate reason in Bel Air, or other swanky neighborhoods. The key is to base your actions on the needs of the situation, not by some blanket rule. If you approach a car with your hand on your holster, it shouldn't take a well-trained officer more than a second to react to sudden moves, pull his gun, aim and fire. If the person in the car already has his hand on a gun as well, then there is going to be a problem and you can't eliminate that unless you simply shoot the occupant in the back of the head as you approach every car. You can't eliminate risk and you fail to see that polarity creates polar opposites. The role of an officer is SUPPOSED to be as a friendly neighborhood Constable On Patrol, keeping the peace, diffusing situations, and helping people. What you propose is the militarization of the police into virtual S.W.A.T teams treating every person and every situation with the highest suspicion. All that will get you is MORE people killed, police included, by utterly eroding trust in your police and creating widespread fear and mistrust of them as a potential hair-trigger assassination squad.

And I disagree with the bold above. The role of the police is /enforcement/ the rest of it's secondary. Personally, as a law abiding woman who has children in the world, I enjoy that the police are busting the criminal asses and throwing them in jail; or killing them if they're so stupid or violent as to warrant it. I simply have /zero/ patience nor sympathy for criminals, much less the ones who would attack police - if they're willing to attack an armed officer, they will abuse the innocent and largely helpless citizenry. Police should be highly suspicious - the vast majority have a family to consider and an obligation to make it home every night. AND /we/ the law abiding public should fucking realize how stressful and dangerous their jobs are and not get "offended" if they have guns drawn to protect their asses. I'm a military brat, MP's will come up on you guns drawn and frankly it's not that big a deal - shouldn't be for the police either, but the criminals have used the D and SWJ's to push this narrative that police are not fighting a war - they are though, and it's a deadly one, probably even more lethal that a modern "actual" war frankly...

You must be young. The role of an officer is to KEEP THE PEACE, that is why they call them COPS (constable on patrol). If they can diffuse or resolve a situation without an arrest or worse, all the better. Of course, if a crime has been committed, a law broken that demands action, they are there to enforce the laws. You were never pulled over for speeding? You broke the law. Never had one just give you warning? That is because he was a good cop who used his brains to apply whatever was the best fit to that situation, not to merely just "enforce the law" and hand out tickets all day.

The police are there to KEEP THE PEACE (a Peace Officer), and is supposed to be a friendly and valued member of the community that makes the citizens feel safe that he is watching out for them, not some super-SWAT hard-nose agent ready to bust heads if you look at them wrong! You can enforce the law while still being nice about it. I know it is just a TV show, but try watching an episode of The Andy Griffith Show. That is how cops were when I was young. They were nice people who happened to also be an officer of the law. If something has changed them, then maybe we need to address THAT.

Likely what has changed them is the modern world, full of liberals, liberal ideals and liberal problems. The police are overworked, underpaid and underappreciated, and it started RIGHT AT THE TOP with our former President, Barry The Jackass Obama. If you ask me what the problem is now, I would say that his attacks on the police, the vilification of police officers, people like mayor of New York Bill DiBlasio who routinely derides and besmears his own police force, makes it harder to get good men, so you end up with that kid who wrongly held a gun aimed at a guy's heart needlessly for almost ten minutes because he is under-qualified to do his job properly, and if cops start doing that routinely in simple traffic situations and elsewhere, opinions of the police and cooperation will go through the floor.

Is over 40 is considered "young" these days? I will admit that I was raised in a military state, and that a great many of our police officers are ex-military and us "older folk" are actually quite accustomed to seeing /tanks/ driving around on the roads so we're not as "scared" of weaponry as you lower 48 pussies who think the mere sight of a weapon is a "threat." lol

I don't have even the slightest problem saying that our boys in blue are "enforcing the law," seeing them as "hard-nosed", and /still/ being friends with them, unlike criminal pukes... I have nothing to hide, I have no reason to argue with police because I know the terrifying pressure they're under, because I know that enforcing is hard work, that they are shit on by assholes who don't want to pay for their crimes, etc. You've got the wrong god damn state to be woofing that police aren't respected or appreciated, there is /no/ question that us Alaskan's (Anchorage of course) doesn't - in fact when the lower 48 and former president went off on police we in Anchorage started a massive campaign to show our officers how much we love and appreciate them and we regularly let them know, all over the place, their facebook page is filled with thank you's, we thank them on news report comment sections, etc. Bunch of these around town too, this is the end of my driveway right now:


Our officers thrive on it too, they have a 99% return of stolen property rate, they solve 98% of all murders, and they apprehend the criminal in 80% of all break-in's/car thefts. I constantly encourage unloved and abused (aka wrongfully fired) officers from the lower 48 to come up here and work for us - we are chronically short officers.

Nine officers have died on duty in my police force since 1921 (before we even became a state, our very first police chief was murdered on duty and we've been hyper sensitive ever since.) Disgustingly I have been alive to witness the effects the death of six of those nine officers has had on my neighbors and friends, my entire life I have had police officers very close; neighbors and family members. My city (Eagle River, annexed into Anchorage) being where all the generals, officers, and a good number of the policemen live. (There are actually seven officers on my street.) Personally I think they have every god damn right to defend themselves with whatever protections they want, including having guns drawn when they pull someone over if they wish. I, as an understanding and good citizen, and a mother who see's their young kids, have no problem what-so-ever giving them the leeway to be, at all times, ready to kill in order to defend themselves, and by very real proxy, the rest of us citizens from criminal dirtbags.

Why /shouldn't/ the police act as if they are in a war zone - when the criminals hunt them for sport, ambush them for "street cred" and out of hate, and will kill them rather than take responsibilities for their crimes? A few years back we had a wolf pack that was eating small dogs and attacking humans, we sent the hunters out to kill the alphas - they wasted half the pack in a few days and we north Eagle River folks are grateful for it. It doesn't mean we hate wolves, nor wildlife, however, we will /not/ stand for such injustices to our citizens (pets are considered like children up here, we have custody and visitation cases over them in divorces no joke.) If I had /my/ choice, I'd ask that the police (and military) hunt these criminal filth in the city down like fucking dogs and kill them all, put an end to the absolutely terrifying death tolls coming out of big cities and put the "fear of God" into these criminal pukes. How fucking dare they! We would not allow /ANYONE/ else to kill 16,238 citizens and 150 officers a year (holy fuck that's out-fucking-ragous) without declaring it a war, why is it so god damn different? Why can folks not admit and realize that there /are/ warzones in our country, that the danger to officers and citizens is /very/ real - and let the police act accordingly? How does one justify letting these criminal fucks terrorize our citizens like invading armies, killing, raping, and stealing, and simultaneous expect the police to be "nice" - outrage when one of these filthy degenerate bastards reaches for a gun, and that includes "appearing" to reach for a gun, and gets rightfully ventilated - it's disgusting how "considerate" of criminals folks are.

It is not hard to avoid death from an officer, follow their instructions, keep your damn hands in view, keep your fucking cool, and be polite - it's not even about being "respectful" just be polite... Hell I question officers when they pull me over for stupid shit like snow covering my license plate light when some jackass just flew past me speeding. I've gotten into "arguments" (civil) about if a truck is legally required to have a bumper or not (fucking insurance companies... I paid a $500 ticket for that because I didn't feel like going to court so I suppose I lost the argument by default heh) I've almost always had a gun in the vehicle (very common up here because there's a lot of military and hunting and frankly a bear might rip the door off your vehicle pretty much anywhere up here, including downtown Anchorage.) I have never even given it a second thought that officers approached with their hand on their weapon, or even with weapons drawn once because my vehicle matched a suspect's or whatever. (It's not me and we'll get it sorted out no worries - is my philosophy there.) I was not "afraid" "worried" nor "outraged" because duh look at what officers are dealing with, the lowlifes of the world, of course they're defensive and nervous; shit they have every right to be "worried" "afraid" and "outraged" they're being actively /hunted/ just for doing their damn job thanks to BLM and the former President - it's absolutely disgusting to me.

Meh enough raging, I best get stuff ready for grilling. I think I'll go see if the officers next door want some brats and a beer heh
Is over 40 is considered "young" these days? I will admit that I was raised in a military state, and that a great many of our police officers are ex-military and us "older folk" are actually quite accustomed to seeing /tanks/ driving around on the roads so we're not as "scared" of weaponry as you lower 48 pussies who think the mere sight of a weapon is a "threat." lol

It's not the "sight of a weapon". At all.

It's the thought that one is actually living in a situation where something like that would be considered no big deal. That's fuggin' scary. Because it means while it may be a single tank "here" ---- that attitude will be everywhere.

Call me crazed but I have a less-than-zero desire to live in a police state. Fuck that.
Screw the loudmouthed asshole. He obviously knows the camera's running, and by the way where is it? The video shows no shaking or movement so the driver's not holding and operating it. Is it affixed somewhere inside the car and if so for what purpose?

Undoubtedly for police stops. Considering the rampant police excess, that's just good prep.
Is over 40 is considered "young" these days? I will admit that I was raised in a military state, and that a great many of our police officers are ex-military and us "older folk" are actually quite accustomed to seeing /tanks/ driving around on the roads so we're not as "scared" of weaponry as you lower 48 pussies who think the mere sight of a weapon is a "threat." lol

It's not the "sight of a weapon". At all.

It's the thought that one is actually living in a situation where something like that would be considered no big deal. That's fuggin' scary. Because it means while it may be a single tank "here" ---- that attitude will be everywhere.

Call me crazed but I have a less-than-zero desire to live in a police state. Fuck that.

Right but it's okay that every third criminal on the street might shoot you for lolz right? Big cities all over the nation already live in a "police state" - it just happens to be murderers and criminals who have "control." Personally I'd rather the police were in charge than the gangs.
Is over 40 is considered "young" these days?

When I was a kid, the paperboy was 18 and I thought he was definitely a "man of the world." But when I reached 18 myself, I saw I was still just a kid starting out in life.

When I was in my 20's though, I thought I knew everything. The Big Man On Campus.

When I was 40, I thought for sure I finally had a handle on the world.

Not so.

Believe me, 40 IS young, and IMO, you don't really reach full mental maturity until sometime in your 50's.

I would LOVE to be 40 again, or even 50.

Youth is totally wasted on the young.
Is over 40 is considered "young" these days?

When I was a kid, the paperboy was 18 and I thought he was definitely a "man of the world." But when I reached 18 myself, I saw I was still just a kid starting out in life.

When I was in my 20's though, I thought I knew everything. The Big Man On Campus.

When I was 40, I thought for sure I finally had a handle on the world.

Not so.

Believe me, 40 IS young, and IMO, you don't really reach full mental maturity until sometime in your 50's.

I would LOVE to be 40 again, or even 50.

Youth is totally wasted on the young.

Are you one of them hippy peace not war pussies who spit on our soldiers over Nam? I fucking hope not... ~disgusted face~

I'm a military girl, in a heavily military state. I grew up in the cold war next to a military base and wondering every night when I went to bed if I'd be around to awaken again. Police having a gun in their hand vs on their hip makes zero difference to me, and really neither option frightens me, because I'm used to seeing such weaponry and far larger. I've ridden in tanks, fully armed, and had I been just a hair taller to reach the peddles I could have driven it. I've run the trails with my Father's troops during heavy training times... I wanted to join so much when I was a kid, but it was a bit... old fashioned up here; they said I could have been a nurse but I faint whenever I see one (needle phobia) I was so idk angsty about that I tore up coorporate and became wealthy instead... I suppose I shouldn't complain, but I do wish I could have served my country on a more physical level, rather than just a financial one :/

Whatever, how I was raised, and what I have learned in my short, but very knowledge driven, lifetime has nothing to do with the actual /war/ that is happening in cities across the lower 48. We would not expect our soldiers to walk into a warzone without guns at the ready, regardless of if they run into innocent civilians or not, and frankly the cities are just as god damn bad. I say pull them guns out and be ready to end any punk ass mother fucker who thinks they're above the law. Sure there is a slight chance we might lose a few who are just punks, rather than criminals, but to borrow from the left [again,] "the end justifies the need." The left is okay with sacrificing American's to further their atheist/socialist/communist/globalist/elitist/BLM/OWS/ClimateChange social causes, and similarly I have no issue with a few punk asses being sacrificed before the dip shits realize that we're not playing games and such rude behavior isn't healthy...
Are you one of them hippy peace not war pussies

Man, are you shootin' blanks. Do you ever even read any of my posts at all?

Most of today's problems in the world can be linked back to the Haight-Ashbury crowd and the counterculture. Those people grew up and are now running the world.

Nancy Pelosi herself was probably a flower girl.
Are you one of them hippy peace not war pussies

Man, are you shootin' blanks. Do you ever even read any of my posts at all?

Most of today's problems in the world can be linked back to the Haight-Ashbury crowd and the counterculture. Those people grew up and are now running the world.

Nancy Pelosi herself was probably a flower girl.

I read a bunch of "waah cops with guns are scary" from your posts son. My mother was a flower power hippy and my name was damn near "Moonstar" so I know quite well the "fruit" that generations "coddling" has bore. Thankfully my [step] father (a general) straightened her ass out - and mine. Still, I think the communist/anarchist shit that has infested the Millennial's is far, far worse for this nation. At least hippy "classical" liberals were able to see others view points and agree to disagree, today's brat liberals ("regressive") are disgusting in far more than their "disrespect," but also their arrogant misguidance about communism and socialism - they are disdainful toward those things that make America what it is. They'd rather be fucking Europe and that's just pathetic, America is the greatest nation ever to exist, and they would throw it down the tubes over their own lazy, selfish, greed - I have no sympathy for these smucks. (See also, my sig, I'm a capitalist.)
Are you one of them hippy peace not war pussies

Man, are you shootin' blanks. Do you ever even read any of my posts at all?

Most of today's problems in the world can be linked back to the Haight-Ashbury crowd and the counterculture. Those people grew up and are now running the world.

Nancy Pelosi herself was probably a flower girl.

I read a bunch of "waah cops with guns are scary" from your posts son. My mother was a flower power hippy and my name was damn near "Moonstar" so I know quite well the "fruit" that generations "coddling" has bore. Thankfully my [step] father (a general) straightened her ass out - and mine. Still, I think the communist/anarchist shit that has infested the Millennial's is far, far worse for this nation. At least hippy "classical" liberals were able to see others view points and agree to disagree, today's brat liberals ("regressive") are disgusting in far more than their "disrespect," but also their arrogant misguidance about communism and socialism - they are disdainful toward those things that make America what it is. They'd rather be fucking Europe and that's just pathetic, America is the greatest nation ever to exist, and they would throw it down the tubes over their own lazy, selfish, greed - I have no sympathy for these smucks. (See also, my sig, I'm a capitalist.)

Hmm in reflective thought I realize my point does not properly come through with the above. Allow me to expand and explain.

I /was/ a liberal brat. My mother believes in [moderate] socialism (or at least did until reality smacked her in the face the last 5-10 years or so) her solution to everything damn thing is to "cry" and "throw money at it" - not kidding, my fucking bastard husband had an affair, she sent me $10G "allowance" - I lost billions in the fucking crash, made half a B in November alone, and she throws peanuts at me like it matters one fucking lick to my outrage at being lied to, it's just how she is ~rolls eyes~ Until 7 I was the spoiled rotten only child of a wealthy career mom who was "properly" [indoctrinated] trained by American colleges. I took a limo to school, I had everything I wanted, and if I cried over wanting a lolly pop, she bought me the whole candy aisle.

I know all too well the "rebellion" the Millennial's are feeling at the idea of "tough love" and "doing for yourself" because I felt the same angst when my [step] father came into my life. Fuck.... He yelled about the smallest things, he checked my light bulbs for dust, and hell's fury comes with a belt if I left a book off the bookcase. He was a total asshole, know-it-all, blow-hard prick who nit-picked every damn thing I did. I hated him so much that I ran away from home when I was 16, he'd made me get a job in high school (I loved working but no way in hell I'd admit that to him back then,) and he forced me to go to college straight out of high school, he was always forcing me to learn stupid shit like how to change a flat tire and dig myself out of the ditch (he drove my truck into) even though we had "people" to do that for us (AAA, maids, etc.) I hated his guts from age 7 to 16, to the point of we drew knives on each other once, there was no question in my mind how fucking wrong and off-base he was...

Then I grew up and I realized that everything he had raged at me about, everything he forced me to do, had taught me what was necessary for a successful life. Not just a bump along middle class life, but a good and successful life that took advantage of all the unique amazing opportunities for fiscal (and social) advancement in this great nation of ours. His tough love made my success possible, and without it, I would probably fall under the sway of socialist agenda's, that pander to human natures sloth, and repress greatness and success; socialism sounds so good on paper, the ideals are lovely, but it's a lie, a fraud. Just like my mother thinking that throwing money at it can fix anything. Money is perhaps a necessary band-aid, but ti is not a solution. The solution is always hard work - be that social issues, or personal issues. Hard work, like clearing the criminals off the street despite their childish illogical tantrums ("You shot me because I reached for a gun or started a fight with you?!? This is an outrage!" <- Darwin award winner) Funny the "super intelligent" left can whine about how the GOP capitalizes on fear, but they cannot see how fucking effective it was (even were that the case) - How about we make the risk of criminal activity (like gangs, robbery, and drug pushing) far too great for the rewards. How about we use /fear/ to control these fucking low-lifes, just as we do with wild animals... It works.
Is over 40 is considered "young" these days? I will admit that I was raised in a military state, and that a great many of our police officers are ex-military and us "older folk" are actually quite accustomed to seeing /tanks/ driving around on the roads so we're not as "scared" of weaponry as you lower 48 pussies who think the mere sight of a weapon is a "threat." lol

It's not the "sight of a weapon". At all.

It's the thought that one is actually living in a situation where something like that would be considered no big deal. That's fuggin' scary. Because it means while it may be a single tank "here" ---- that attitude will be everywhere.

Call me crazed but I have a less-than-zero desire to live in a police state. Fuck that.

Right but it's okay that every third criminal on the street might shoot you for lolz right? Big cities all over the nation already live in a "police state" - it just happens to be murderers and criminals who have "control." Personally I'd rather the police were in charge than the gangs.

Sorry but I just don't live in that comic book. The only threats of guns and/or violence I've ever been confronted with have been cops, with one exception of an assault by a drunk biker. And in that case I sure as hell didn't call the cops; the guy who addressed my wounds and got me to medical help I needed was himself a fugitive from the law. Even then I knew where my best interests lay and where the threats did.

So seeing the world in naive binary good guys/bad guys terms is kind of impossible. I know way better.
Murder rates in America average 16,000 a year.

Total murders from just 10 major cities: 1,168 (2014) and 1,490 (2015) - Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities

"Violent crime increased in many major cities in both the United States and Canada. Homicide jumped 10.7% in the US and 15% in Canada in 2016 on the heels of increases of 15.4% in the US and 3% in Canada in 2015. Police officer safety – in 2016, 135 officers lost their lives in the line of duty; 64 were killed with firearms and 21 were ambushes." ~

Preliminary 2017 Fatality Statistics - (officer fatalities 2016-2017)

Compare vs warzones:

Syria 2014-2017 - 4 servicemen killed - A U.S. Marine was killed on 1 October 2014, when the V-22 Osprey aircraft he was riding in nearly crashed into the sea while supporting air strikes against the Islamic State jihadist group in Syria, and he fell into the water.[199] Also, a U.S. special forces member died due to a bomb explosion while supporting Kurdish-led forces during the Wrath of Euphrates offensive against ISIL-held Raqqa.[200] Two other service members died due to non-combat causes in northern Syria in 2017.[201]

Iraq - A total of 4,491 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2014 - average 408 a year

Afghanistan 2001-2016 - As of October 18th, 2016, there have been 2,386 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. 1,834 of these deaths have been the result of hostile action. - average 159 a year

Honestly, I don't see how /anyone/ can argue that we're not looking at 'warzone like' situations in major cities across the nation. It's absolutely out of control and unacceptable.

Ya'll would rather just ignore these numbers of deaths? I'm not cool on sacrificing that many people...
The man wasn't driving, CHiPs officer comes to right door asks for papers, when man goes to get them, cop points gun at him for nine minutes, refuses to stop aiming it at him directly though man's hands were in plain view.

Cop gun 9 minutes - Bing video

Are the police getting a bit TOO edgy or what? I understand their concerns, but did he have to keep a loaded gun aimed at a man's chest? I mean, he could have simply raised it a bit aimed over the car, or kept his hand on it in the holster.

Cops are trained heavily in firearms skills, deft handling, high accuracy, that should give you an edge and confidence, but apparently not here. What next, hold it to the guy's temple with finger on the trigger?

Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.

Who did you kill?
The man wasn't driving, CHiPs officer comes to right door asks for papers, when man goes to get them, cop points gun at him for nine minutes, refuses to stop aiming it at him directly though man's hands were in plain view.

Cop gun 9 minutes - Bing video

Are the police getting a bit TOO edgy or what? I understand their concerns, but did he have to keep a loaded gun aimed at a man's chest? I mean, he could have simply raised it a bit aimed over the car, or kept his hand on it in the holster.

Cops are trained heavily in firearms skills, deft handling, high accuracy, that should give you an edge and confidence, but apparently not here. What next, hold it to the guy's temple with finger on the trigger?

Oh I can beat that. Easily. I was held at gunpoint (TWO guns), handcuffed and taken away for the crime of walking home from a trolley stop. And of course for the perverted act of Being The First Guy They Saw. Then they tried to pin me for murder.

Who did you kill?


It was a long day at work prepping for a big project that would begin the next day. My "crime" was that I was so wrapped up in work that I spaced out past my trolley stop and had to walk back a couple of extra blocks. I was just turning the corner to my street when the cops pulled up.

Had I been paying better attention to the trolley stops I would have been in the house by the time they got there. And they would have picked up some other innocent pedestrian and pulled guns on him. And possibly shot him in the street. Especially if he had been a gun fetishist and reacted to two guys who come out of nowhere, don't identify themselves, and pull guns.

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