Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Racism exists in all 50 states. Faux racism is a disease and an insult to victims of real and heinous acts of racism.

It's sorta like a woman calling some sort of sexist crap simply because she didn't get something she wanted. It insults and dilutes real sexism.
So basically, you think most racism is directed against white people.
That's the way it's been for a while now.

I'm pretty sure I've never experienced any racism towards me.
I don't mean to claim that on an individual basis, but if you look at the media, and the claims made by them, applying nothing but racist labels toward these protesters, and the politicians trying to stop it before it started, you can see why I say what I did. The media and the politicians would not dare do that to any black protest, and history stands behind me on that claim. Look back at Baltimore, blacks allowed to run wild and riot loot and burn for days. Look at Ferguson, blacks allowed to riot loot and burn for days. The media applied no racial label, or label of any kind other than referring to these viscous criminals as "protesters", and they as criminals, had no right to do what they did.
Goddamn, they are self declared White Supremeists. And your posts reveal you to be a stupid raciest asshole.

Those neo-nazis came looking for trouble in Charlottesville, and they ended up murdering people. They came with weapons, intending to use them.
Racism exists in all 50 states. Faux racism is a disease and an insult to victims of real and heinous acts of racism.

It's sorta like a woman calling some sort of sexist crap simply because she didn't get something she wanted. It insults and dilutes real sexism.
So basically, you think most racism is directed against white people.
That's the way it's been for a while now.

I'm pretty sure I've never experienced any racism towards me.

I have. After college I applied for a job as a counselor at a drug rehab. center while waiting to start law school in the fall. I called the ad for the job listed in the newspaper and after answering a few question on my experience and education I was told asked and confirmed I was white. I was told that they were seeking an African American for the position because most of their clients were black.

It worked out great for me, I landed a job with a probation dept. (where I learned I didn't particularly like lawyers) and from there began a three decade career in LE; I didn't have the debt of law school to keep me from buying a house before the housing bubble which also worked out well for me.
So we have the alt-right now doing what they've been saying they want to do, kill people. And the fake president Trump sides with the white supremacists and tries to give them cover by crapping out another false equivalency 'many sides' statement. One of the current go-to mantras of the right wing to try to legitimize everything they do. "Well someone else does this so it's all even. It's all equivalent." No that is just your lazy attempt to excuse murder. And these are the same people all over the country and here who scream at the top of their lungs about 'the violence of college kids and BLM'. Going forward your arguments against these groups is moot conservatives. Your brethren are murdering people now.

And what will become of the statue that is the center of the white nationalists going there in the first place? You losers think now the authorities will just say "well let's leave it in place now".

The white minority of church burners and murderers were crushed in the 1950s and 1960s and now we will do it again. Why don't you roaches crawl back under the dumpster where you belong.
Racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and the intolerance of those who think, worship and vote differently are the ethos of extremists, and have existed in our nation for centuries.

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity is the foundation of a successful diverse and democratic republic. Sadly, half of our countrymen and women feel differently.
Couldn't agree more, Wry.

SO why are Democrats so ignorant? BLM is a terrorist organization and jumping to conclusions that our history should be removed because they disagree with it, is wrong.

Your side is trying like hell to hide their own bigotry, trying to change history. Have your ever noticed that all these bigotry related organizations were started and approved by DEMOCRATS? The KKK, The Confederacy, White supremacists - Hitlers NAZI (socialist) party, BLM, ANTIFA and now their in-fighting is being blamed on Republicans...?

The projection in this thread would be hilarious if those purporting it were not such dupes. Your political party created these and now you want to run from history itself by removing it.
Is it going bankrupt? Is it creating a massive government bureacracy that makes people give up their freedom to the central government? So yes, it is a slow acting poison........

Social Security is not going bankrupt dude.

And what freedom is it taking from you?

It is going bankrupt, there are not enough young people to contribute to support current and future making all of these people dependent on Social Security it empowers the democrat party.....they are taking our freedoms as fast as they can....

There is enough built up bonds for Social Security to last another 35 years. And that is based on the expanding projections of the GOP.

Social Security CANNOT GO BANKRUPT, everybody, because it is a government administered trust fund, which means they can cut benefits, but since it does not operate on a profit basis it CANNOT go bankrupt. The only way Social Security can go "bankrupt" in any way or form is if the entire Federal government goes bankrupt.

If that happens we have much more to worry about than a Social Security check.
Racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and the intolerance of those who think, worship and vote differently are the ethos of extremists, and have existed in our nation for centuries.

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity is the foundation of a successful diverse and democratic republic. Sadly, half of our countrymen and women feel differently.
Couldn't agree more, Wry.

SO why are Democrats so ignorant? BLM is a terrorist organization and jumping to conclusions that our history should be removed because they disagree with it, is wrong.

Your side is trying like hell to hide their own bigotry, trying to change history. Have your ever noticed that all these bigotry related organizations were started and approved by DEMOCRATS? The KKK, The Confederacy, White supremacists - Hitlers NAZI (socialist) party, BLM, ANTIFA and now their in-fighting is being blamed on Republicans...?

The projection in this thread would be hilarious if those purporting it were not such dupes. Your political party created these and now you want to run from history itself by removing it.
My side?

When a poster makes a comment based on the founding principles of this Nation, I'm going to agree with him.

Maybe more should focus on those principles rather than talking points that do little but divide us all.
So we have the alt-right now doing what they've been saying they want to do, kill people. And the fake president Trump sides with the white supremacists and tries to give them cover by crapping out another false equivalency 'many sides' statement. One of the current go-to mantras of the right wing to try to legitimize everything they do. "Well someone else does this so it's all even. It's all equivalent." No that is just your lazy attempt to excuse murder. And these are the same people all over the country and here who scream at the top of their lungs about 'the violence of college kids and BLM'. Going forward your arguments against these groups is moot conservatives. Your brethren are murdering people now.

And what will become of the statue that is the center of the white nationalists going there in the first place? You losers think now the authorities will just say "well let's leave it in place now".

The white minority of church burners and murderers were crushed in the 1950s and 1960s and now we will do it again. Why don't you roaches crawl back under the dumpster where you belong.
And why dont you pull your head out of your ass?

From your comment about Trump being a fake President to your assertion that whites are a minority, your whole post is nothing but bullshit.
Yes, hypothetically we should not have to defend 'our' race, but government contract set asides, Affirmative Action, and the legal standards now used in court that use 'reasonable minority' standards instead of reasonable person standards have compelled us to view our rights through a racial filter.

Either we will have a color blind society or we will have a racial Identitarian society and whites will dominate it.

You cant set up a racial system of law and deny whites the right to represent their own interests.

"represent their own interests"? How is that relevant to yesterday's terrorist attack in charlottesville va? Or the torch lite march the night before?

The current racial legal system is slanted against whites who are not at present represented in that system.

This is the driving force behind White Nationalism as they claim to be White Identitarians.
Racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and the intolerance of those who think, worship and vote differently are the ethos of extremists, and have existed in our nation for centuries.

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity is the foundation of a successful diverse and democratic republic. Sadly, half of our countrymen and women feel differently.
Couldn't agree more, Wry.

SO why are Democrats so ignorant? BLM is a terrorist organization and jumping to conclusions that our history should be removed because they disagree with it, is wrong.

Your side is trying like hell to hide their own bigotry, trying to change history. Have your ever noticed that all these bigotry related organizations were started and approved by DEMOCRATS? The KKK, The Confederacy, White supremacists - Hitlers NAZI (socialist) party, BLM, ANTIFA and now their in-fighting is being blamed on Republicans...?

The projection in this thread would be hilarious if those purporting it were not such dupes. Your political party created these and now you want to run from history itself by removing it.
My side?

When a poster makes a comment based on the founding principles of this Nation, I'm going to agree with him.

Maybe more should focus on those principles rather than talking points that do little but divide us all.
SO your having an aversion to facts? because you 'believe', every one else should shut up... Ignorance is bliss and your understanding of our Constitution is real thin, IMO..
Racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and the intolerance of those who think, worship and vote differently are the ethos of extremists, and have existed in our nation for centuries.

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity is the foundation of a successful diverse and democratic republic. Sadly, half of our countrymen and women feel differently.
Couldn't agree more, Wry.

So to correct that, instead of going to a racial blind system of laws, we have a legal system that has these minority groups represented in our political system while at the same time denouncing anyone who tries to represent majority factions (i.e. whites and men) as racists and bigots.

And so each year for the past thirty years the majority sees its incomes stagnant, it being targeted for discrimination by leftwing nutjobs like the management at Google and other software companies, and it has no means in the current system of demanding change except to organize as black, hispanics, queers, women, etc have successfully done.

And we all know that this means anyone that joins with them will be ipso facto declared racist,etc.

I guess these white nationalists just dont give a shit any more.
Yes, hypothetically we should not have to defend 'our' race, but government contract set asides, Affirmative Action, and the legal standards now used in court that use 'reasonable minority' standards instead of reasonable person standards have compelled us to view our rights through a racial filter.

Either we will have a color blind society or we will have a racial Identitarian society and whites will dominate it.

You cant set up a racial system of law and deny whites the right to represent their own interests.

"represent their own interests"? How is that relevant to yesterday's terrorist attack in charlottesville va? Or the torch lite march the night before?

The current racial legal system is slanted against whites who are not at present represented in that system.

This is the driving force behind White Nationalism as they claim to be White Identitarians.
Hate crime laws are in violation of the Equal Protections clause. And its being abused by every race except whites.. They need to go... all of them.
I have. After college I applied for a job as a counselor at a drug rehab. center while waiting to start law school in the fall. I called the ad for the job listed in the newspaper and after answering a few question on my experience and education I was told asked and confirmed I was white. I was told that they were seeking an African American for the position because most of their clients were black.

It worked out great for me, I landed a job with a probation dept. (where I learned I didn't particularly like lawyers) and from there began a three decade career in LE; I didn't have the debt of law school to keep me from buying a house before the housing bubble which also worked out well for me.
So you love being discriminated against, great for you, jack ass, but millions of other white people in this country still cannot find jobs because of a system that secretly black balls them as we have seen at Google.
Hate crime laws are in violation of the Equal Protections clause. And its being abused by every race except whites.. They need to go... all of them.
As do racial set aside contract with the government, and the insistence that there is no discrimination against majority groups by leftist ideologues like the management at Google.
My side?

When a poster makes a comment based on the founding principles of this Nation, I'm going to agree with him.

Maybe more should focus on those principles rather than talking points that do little but divide us all.
SO your having an aversion to facts? because you 'believe', every one else should shut up... Ignorance is bliss and your understanding of our Constitution is real thin, IMO..
Trump and his murder of crows should be re-branded as the White House Supremacists. It would quell any misunderstanding ahead of time.
My side?

When a poster makes a comment based on the founding principles of this Nation, I'm going to agree with him.

Maybe more should focus on those principles rather than talking points that do little but divide us all.
SO your having an aversion to facts? because you 'believe', every one else should shut up... Ignorance is bliss and your understanding of our Constitution is real thin, IMO..
That's the confused answer I was expecting.. You don't have a damn clue.

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