Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

The FBI and the Justice department have opened a case...

I say good... let the chips fall where they may...
Is it going bankrupt? Is it creating a massive government bureacracy that makes people give up their freedom to the central government? So yes, it is a slow acting poison........

Social Security is not going bankrupt dude.

And what freedom is it taking from you?

It is going bankrupt, there are not enough young people to contribute to support current and future making all of these people dependent on Social Security it empowers the democrat party.....they are taking our freedoms as fast as they can....

I'm for one, to let illegal workers, work.
Pay SS taxes and other taxes, and not take the benefits later.
To help out to extend the not ending SS systems.
As they do now. Or are they taking SS now some way?
"American Vanguard, another new group created in 2016 and based in Southern California, also falls under the alt right banner. On its website, the group explains, “Our religion, our traditions, and our identity are dragged through the mud by the globalist establishment while millions of nonwhites flood our nation every year. If current trends continue, White Americans will be a minority by 2044.”

The American Vanguard website boasts of an ongoing “Northern Propaganda Campaign” that consists of placing posters and meeting with allies, including Identity Evropa, TRS and Counter-Currents (which runs an white supremacist online journal and book publishing wing). This campaign’s propaganda has been intentionally directed at young people, particularly those on college campuses. In the last two weeks American Vanguard posters were found at Purdue University in Indiana, the University of Central Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University the University of Arkansas, Fort Smith campus and Emerson College in Massachusetts."

from here:
You are being redirected...
Is it going bankrupt? Is it creating a massive government bureacracy that makes people give up their freedom to the central government? So yes, it is a slow acting poison........

Social Security is not going bankrupt dude.

And what freedom is it taking from you?

It is going bankrupt, there are not enough young people to contribute to support current and future making all of these people dependent on Social Security it empowers the democrat party.....they are taking our freedoms as fast as they can....

Sorry, but I say more b.s. from a republican party that has hated social security and any other program that gives any help for the average American, instead of diverting that money to those at the very top.
Social Security Cannot Go Bankrupt

Good story/report, I agree on many points.
Charlottesville crash suspect James Fields brandished shield for Vanguard America hate group before attack

James Fields, (c.), brandished a shield from the Vanguard America group before the Charlottesville attack.
(Go Nakamura/New York Daily News)
Charlottesville suspect held hate group shield before attack

Two frameable KODAK MOMENTS.
For the controlling DOPer Party over the old GOP.
Charlottesville crash suspect James Fields brandished shield for Vanguard America hate group before attack

James Fields, (c.), brandished a shield from the Vanguard America group before the Charlottesville attack.
(Go Nakamura/New York Daily News)
Charlottesville suspect held hate group shield before attack
And, you're still a fucking racist pig.

A DEMONSTRATED racist pig at that.

You have some leakage at the rear.
Requiring applied tongue serving, ASAP!
Charlottesville crash suspect James Fields brandished shield for Vanguard America hate group before attack

James Fields, (c.), brandished a shield from the Vanguard America group before the Charlottesville attack.
(Go Nakamura/New York Daily News)
Charlottesville suspect held hate group shield before attack
And, you're still a fucking racist pig.

A DEMONSTRATED racist pig at that.

Have you looked up the Vanguard America Group?

See: Vanguard America
The racist pig is a member of that, too?

That racist pig hates Asians. You should see its posts hating on that race.

Racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and the intolerance of those who think, worship and vote differently are the ethos of extremists, and have existed in our nation for centuries.

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity is the foundation of a successful diverse and democratic republic. Sadly, half of our countrymen and women feel differently.

I don't think it's "half" though. They just make a lot of noise.
Racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and the intolerance of those who think, worship and vote differently are the ethos of extremists, and have existed in our nation for centuries.

Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity is the foundation of a successful diverse and democratic republic. Sadly, half of our countrymen and women feel differently.
Couldn't agree more, Wry.

SO why are Democrats so ignorant? BLM is a terrorist organization and jumping to conclusions that our history should be removed because they disagree with it, is wrong.

Your side is trying like hell to hide their own bigotry, trying to change history. Have your ever noticed that all these bigotry related organizations were started and approved by DEMOCRATS? The KKK, The Confederacy, White supremacists - Hitlers NAZI (socialist) party, BLM, ANTIFA and now their in-fighting is being blamed on Republicans...?

The projection in this thread would be hilarious if those purporting it were not such dupes. Your political party created these and now you want to run from history itself by removing it.

I'm uh, not sure you're clear on "her side".

Also not sure you're clear on history. The Klan was not "started by Democrats" in any iteration. The Confederacy --- had no political parties. And the election right before it (1860) returned no electoral votes for the Democrats at all from the South. White supremacists came out of racism, which came out of transatlantic slave trading, which evolved way before there was a country or political parties. Nazis were not "socialists" -- they fought off, beat up and imprisoned the actual Socialists. Having the term in their party's name means no more than "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" or "Grape Nuts".

Sorry but trying to shove all this shit into binary political party bags just does not function. And it's self-blinding to attempt to so shove them.
trump equivocated. He did not condemn the purpose of the demonstration, nor the rightwing viloence specifically. What trump did do is to high five white supremacy.

Wanna see where?

Was 'cherish our history' a Trump dog whistle?

Was 'cherish our history' a Trump dog whistle? - CNN Video

My administration is restoring the sacred bonds of loyalty between this nation and its citizens, but our citizens must also restore the bonds of trust and loyalty between one another. We must love each other, respect each other, and cherish our history and our future together. So important. We have to respect each other. Ideally, we have to love each other.

Trump: "we must cherish our history" - Democratic Underground
They have incited violence at a peaceful protest because they are antifa terrorists who hate Bill of Rights.

Your'e insane! The First Amendment was spat upon by the white thug(s) who committed murder today.
They have freedom of assembly and speech. Counter protesters showed up to incite violence ...well, they got it.

You support murder and attempted murder when citizens exercise their right to free speech and expression, when you disagree with their message. That makes you a )&*&^#$&%&^*$

Yes, he does and he is one of them. He makes it very clear on this site.
I am an American who is not a Marxist agitator and does not use race card to divide our society.

Show Birth Cert, and 15-years of residential paperwork.
To prove you're a legal Trumpster supporter.
Racism is not restricted to only white, poorly educated southern crackers; racism crosses all boundaries of race, color, ethnicity, education and religion.

Q. Why did the protesters show up with helmets, sticks, long guns and hand guns?
If you think racism only happens in the south, you are sorely misinformed.
Yes, the race card is played nationwide as an excuse for failure and lack of parenting.
Racism exists in all 50 states. Faux racism is a disease and an insult to victims of real and heinous acts of racism.

It's sorta like a woman calling some sort of sexist crap simply because she didn't get something she wanted. It insults and dilutes real sexism.

More in the red under belly.
Trump and his murder of crows should be re-branded as the White House Supremacists. It would quell any misunderstanding ahead of time.
That's the problem with idiots. Using that "logic", I bet women killed by serial killers are serial killers, too, because serial killers took a fancy to them. :rolleyes:
Racism exists in all 50 states. Faux racism is a disease and an insult to victims of real and heinous acts of racism.

It's sorta like a woman calling some sort of sexist crap simply because she didn't get something she wanted. It insults and dilutes real sexism.
So basically, you think most racism is directed against white people.
That's the way it's been for a while now.

I'm pretty sure I've never experienced any racism towards me.
I don't mean to claim that on an individual basis, but if you look at the media, and the claims made by them, applying nothing but racist labels toward these protesters, and the politicians trying to stop it before it started, you can see why I say what I did. The media and the politicians would not dare do that to any black protest, and history stands behind me on that claim. Look back at Baltimore, blacks allowed to run wild and riot loot and burn for days. Look at Ferguson, blacks allowed to riot loot and burn for days. The media applied no racial label, or label of any kind other than referring to these viscous criminals as "protesters", and they as criminals, had no right to do what they did.

Would that be because of the past slave owners thang? Just to start, then decades of oppression by way of laws, or not.
Just whitey wink-wink rules when holding powers of many offices.
Racism exists in all 50 states. Faux racism is a disease and an insult to victims of real and heinous acts of racism.

It's sorta like a woman calling some sort of sexist crap simply because she didn't get something she wanted. It insults and dilutes real sexism.
So basically, you think most racism is directed against white people.
That's the way it's been for a while now.

I'm pretty sure I've never experienced any racism towards me.
I don't mean to claim that on an individual basis, but if you look at the media, and the claims made by them, applying nothing but racist labels toward these protesters, and the politicians trying to stop it before it started, you can see why I say what I did. The media and the politicians would not dare do that to any black protest, and history stands behind me on that claim. Look back at Baltimore, blacks allowed to run wild and riot loot and burn for days. Look at Ferguson, blacks allowed to riot loot and burn for days. The media applied no racial label, or label of any kind other than referring to these viscous criminals as "protesters", and they as criminals, had no right to do what they did.

Would that be because of the past slave owners thang? Just to start, then decades of oppression by way of laws, or not.
Just whitey wink-wink rules when holding powers of many offices.
You are saying two wrongs make a right. Classic liberal twisted logic.
So we have the alt-right now doing what they've been saying they want to do, kill people. And the fake president Trump sides with the white supremacists and tries to give them cover by crapping out another false equivalency 'many sides' statement.

It's pretty difficult to hear his insistent insertion of "Many sides" (voice inflection up, and then repeated) .... "many sides") as anything but a sidestep around naming the instigators specifically, a wink to the vote base that David Duke (correctly) cited, telling them "don't worry guys, I'm not coming after you". Which is the same thing he did during the campaign when confronted with Duke's name yammering about "I don't know what you're even talking about, I know nothing" to studiously avoid criticizing that same base. Even after he had condemned Duke, by name, sixteen years before.

The omission is glaring especially coming from a guy who habitually goes out of his way to specify "when Mexico 'sends' its people" "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims" and and even the (Indiana) "judge is Mexican". No POTUS is required to make statements condemning the obvious, but when one makes a habit of condemning specific target groups that it serves him to target, even those in foreign lands, and then suddenly gets amnesia on his own turf, the absence of the usual pointed jab, is eloquent. Bigly.
Is it going bankrupt? Is it creating a massive government bureacracy that makes people give up their freedom to the central government? So yes, it is a slow acting poison........

Social Security is not going bankrupt dude.

And what freedom is it taking from you?

It is going bankrupt, there are not enough young people to contribute to support current and future making all of these people dependent on Social Security it empowers the democrat party.....they are taking our freedoms as fast as they can....

There is enough built up bonds for Social Security to last another 35 years. And that is based on the expanding projections of the GOP.

Social Security CANNOT GO BANKRUPT, everybody, because it is a government administered trust fund, which means they can cut benefits, but since it does not operate on a profit basis it CANNOT go bankrupt. The only way Social Security can go "bankrupt" in any way or form is if the entire Federal government goes bankrupt.

If that happens we have much more to worry about than a Social Security check.


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