Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

trump said "many sides"

Hmmmm, weren't there only two?

So how do we make it many?

trump condemned Law Enforcement too?
So we have the alt-right now doing what they've been saying they want to do, kill people. And the fake president Trump sides with the white supremacists and tries to give them cover by crapping out another false equivalency 'many sides' statement.

It's pretty difficult to hear his insistent insertion of "Many sides" (voice inflection up, and then repeated) .... "many sides") as anything but a sidestep around naming the instigators specifically, a wink to the vote base that David Duke (correctly) cited, telling them "don't worry guys, I'm not coming after you". Which is the same thing he did during the campaign when confronted with Duke's name yammering about "I don't know what you're even talking about, I know nothing" to studiously avoid criticizing that same base. Even after he had condemned Duke, by name, sixteen years before.

The omission is glaring especially coming from a guy who habitually goes out of his way to specify "when Mexico 'sends' its people" "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims" and and even the (Indiana) "judge is Mexican". No POTUS is required to make statements condemning the obvious, but when one makes a habit of condemning specific target groups that it serves him to target, even those in foreign lands, and then suddenly gets amnesia on his own turf, the absence of the usual pointed jab, is eloquent. Bigly.
ANTIFA and BLM were the instigators. He actually avoided calling them out.
antifa fascists......

Doublethink much?

----- have any idea what "Antifa" means?

You do know what "Anti" means ---- right?

What do you think the "Fa" represents? "F" on the music scale? You think these people are against one of the notes on the music scale, is that it?

Or do you think they oppose the movie "Fargo"?


as to the guy who ran people over, he needs to actually go to jail for life, actually, he needs the death penalty.....socialism in all its we saw today.

uh HUH. So you think ramming a car into people is ............... "socialism". Either that or you think the deah penalty is "Socialism".

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly?
I can't take their name seriously when they are violent authoritarians.

I don't know any actually. Never seen one except filtered through media, which doesn't exactly carry a long way.

The difference between me and Captain Kirk up there is that I'm not willing to air my dearth of experience dressed up as if I know what I'm talking about, and he is.

Actually post 554 just did the same thing. What an easy life it must be to find some hair-on-fire blog that paints the world as one would like it to be painted, and then pretend that's real.
My side?

When a poster makes a comment based on the founding principles of this Nation, I'm going to agree with him.

Maybe more should focus on those principles rather than talking points that do little but divide us all.
SO your having an aversion to facts? because you 'believe', every one else should shut up... Ignorance is bliss and your understanding of our Constitution is real thin, IMO..
Yep! That's leakage again, at your rear end.
So is did Soros fund em both to discredit the legitmate protestors
The investigation is just beginning. A lot of things are not as they seem. For instance his supposed republican registration.. His friends say he was an avid democrat supporter yet Vangaurd is an unaffiliated (so they say) group, that was present to protest the removal of history they are proud of... This is going to be a long investigation..

And these "friends" ---- have links? Or are they voices in your head?

What the fuck difference does it make, "Republican" or "Democrat"? Are you so obsessed with Composition Fallacies that you actually think this proves or disproves something? Do you actually think the universe is made up of just two elements, "R" and "D"? :cuckoo:

Fuck his party registration, fuck his T-shirt, fuck his friends' stories. What about his ACTION?
See it here:

Car strikes counter-protesters at Va. white supremacist rally

Several people have been injured after a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters marching against a “pro-white” rally Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., witnesses said.

Video of the terrifying moment shows at least one person being tossed into the air as the silver Dodge Charger mowed into the crowd.

“Yeah, it was intentional,” said witness Dan Miller. “About 40 miles an hour, hit about 15-20 people, crashed into the two cars in front of it, and then backed up and sped away while cops were standing on the side of the road and didn’t do anything.”

So ask yourself this:

"Did I race to my computer to post a thread about the San Bernardino terrorist attack, or the Orlando night club attack?"

If you didn't, why not?

Because the bigots were already on it like white on rice?

What did I win?
So we have the alt-right now doing what they've been saying they want to do, kill people. And the fake president Trump sides with the white supremacists and tries to give them cover by crapping out another false equivalency 'many sides' statement.

It's pretty difficult to hear his insistent insertion of "Many sides" (voice inflection up, and then repeated) .... "many sides") as anything but a sidestep around naming the instigators specifically, a wink to the vote base that David Duke (correctly) cited, telling them "don't worry guys, I'm not coming after you". Which is the same thing he did during the campaign when confronted with Duke's name yammering about "I don't know what you're even talking about, I know nothing" to studiously avoid criticizing that same base. Even after he had condemned Duke, by name, sixteen years before.

The omission is glaring especially coming from a guy who habitually goes out of his way to specify "when Mexico 'sends' its people" "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims" and and even the (Indiana) "judge is Mexican". No POTUS is required to make statements condemning the obvious, but when one makes a habit of condemning specific target groups that it serves him to target, even those in foreign lands, and then suddenly gets amnesia on his own turf, the absence of the usual pointed jab, is eloquent. Bigly.
ANTIFA and BLM were the instigators. He actually avoided calling them out.
No need for a fair trial or anything, right?
So we have the alt-right now doing what they've been saying they want to do, kill people. And the fake president Trump sides with the white supremacists and tries to give them cover by crapping out another false equivalency 'many sides' statement.

It's pretty difficult to hear his insistent insertion of "Many sides" (voice inflection up, and then repeated) .... "many sides") as anything but a sidestep around naming the instigators specifically, a wink to the vote base that David Duke (correctly) cited, telling them "don't worry guys, I'm not coming after you". Which is the same thing he did during the campaign when confronted with Duke's name yammering about "I don't know what you're even talking about, I know nothing" to studiously avoid criticizing that same base. Even after he had condemned Duke, by name, sixteen years before.

The omission is glaring especially coming from a guy who habitually goes out of his way to specify "when Mexico 'sends' its people" "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims" and and even the (Indiana) "judge is Mexican". No POTUS is required to make statements condemning the obvious, but when one makes a habit of condemning specific target groups that it serves him to target, even those in foreign lands, and then suddenly gets amnesia on his own turf, the absence of the usual pointed jab, is eloquent. Bigly.
ANTIFA and BLM were the instigators. He actually avoided calling them out.

The hoops some wags jump through to rationalize.............

"He hit me in the fist with his face!! That's assault!" :crybaby:
Charlottesville crash suspect James Fields brandished shield for Vanguard America hate group before attack


James Fields Jr., the maniac driver who police say steered his beloved Dodge Challenger into a crowd of peaceful protesters in Charlottesville, Va., had been brandishing a shield emblazoned with a white supremacist emblem just hours before the deadly rampage Saturday.

The Daily News photographed Fields on the front lines of a volatile rally about 10:30 a.m. — flanked by other white men in polo shirts and tan slacks clutching the racially charged black-and-white insignia of the Vanguard America hate group.

The Anti-Defamation League depicted Vanguard American as one focused on white identity, but noted that its members have “increasingly demonstrated a neo-Nazi ideology.”

Indeed, Fields’ Facebook page was peppered with similar alt-right and Nazi imagery — such as Hitler’s baby photo; a tourist shot of the Reichstag in Berlin; and a cartoon of Pepe the Frog, the anthropomorphic frog hijacked by right-wing groups — before it was deactivated around 11:30 p.m. Saturday.

Fields, of Maumee, Ohio, gave the page the title “Conscious Ovis Aries,” using the Latin word for sheep. There was also a picture of him posing with the car that authorities say caused so much mayhem in downtown Charlottesville.

Charlottesville suspect held hate group shield before attack
This guy when caught will be another right wing whackjob similar to Dylan Roof, David Duke, Donald Trump, or Alex Jones.

These people actually have the thought in their head they are going to force their racism on the rest of the population, that THIS is their moment. It's disgusting.

Yes a Facsist who adored Hitler. Not 'left' violence; there is DEATH by the "alt right' i.e. Fascists.

I see the copy of Mein Kampf. You do realize the Koran makes it look like a children's book.

I also see the cocaine. Where is the artists source that says cocaine has anything to do with this? You believe propaganda. Do you even know what Bannon believes?
So is did Soros fund em both to discredit the legitmate protestors
The investigation is just beginning. A lot of things are not as they seem. For instance his supposed republican registration.. His friends say he was an avid democrat supporter yet Vangaurd is an unaffiliated (so they say) group, that was present to protest the removal of history they are proud of... This is going to be a long investigation..

Why will a poor ALT-RW loser little this? Will the case take long? Other than changing venue.
They can investigate if others were planning this, and IT was the weapon.
But we have a video. To see the electric chair, for first-degree murder. As he had to go get the car,
then drive around back to them, to attack them from behind.
This was a malice act. To murder. Yes, for now, it's changed as 2nd.
As to pulling out an AR-15 and many mags. Would put them in the
Bad Light more, than a car does. Where the cowardly here, can claim it
did it on it own, I panic and ran away,
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