Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Racism exists in all 50 states. Faux racism is a disease and an insult to victims of real and heinous acts of racism.

It's sorta like a woman calling some sort of sexist crap simply because she didn't get something she wanted. It insults and dilutes real sexism.
So basically, you think most racism is directed against white people.
That's the way it's been for a while now.

I'm pretty sure I've never experienced any racism towards me.
I don't mean to claim that on an individual basis, but if you look at the media, and the claims made by them, applying nothing but racist labels toward these protesters, and the politicians trying to stop it before it started, you can see why I say what I did. The media and the politicians would not dare do that to any black protest, and history stands behind me on that claim. Look back at Baltimore, blacks allowed to run wild and riot loot and burn for days. Look at Ferguson, blacks allowed to riot loot and burn for days. The media applied no racial label, or label of any kind other than referring to these viscous criminals as "protesters", and they as criminals, had no right to do what they did.
"Allowed to..."? There were no arrests? No consequences?
Hate crime laws are in violation of the Equal Protections clause. And its being abused by every race except whites.. They need to go... all of them.
As do racial set aside contract with the government, and the insistence that there is no discrimination against majority groups by leftist ideologues like the management at Google.
Our government is supposed to be blind to race, religion, or creed... Funny how the only people without a special carve out (cut in the blind fold) are white.
Looks like him in this photo:


An ALT-Grand Slam WIN! Covering all the Whitey Rightie' Bases.
White, Redneck, GOP/DOPer, ATL-RW Nutter, 100% American Born Terrorist.


NSA McMaster on Charlottesville: ‘Of Course It Was Terrorism’

President Donald Trump’s national security adviser on Sunday minced no words and clearly labeled Saturday's deadly car attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, as terrorism.
McMaster's words went further than President Trump did on
Saturday, when Trump was widely criticized by members of both parties for pitting blame on “many sides” for violence that was sparked by a white nationalist rally, and for not specifically naming and condemning the racist groups involved.

“Certainly I think we can confidently call it a form of terrorism,” the adviser, Lt. Gen H.R. McMaster, said on NBC's "Meet The Press."
NSA McMaster on Charlottesville: "Of course it was terrorism"

“What terrorism is, is the use of violence to incite terror and fear, and of course it was terrorism.”
Our government is supposed to be blind to race, religion, or creed... Funny how the only people without a special carve out (cut in the blind fold) are white.
But our government is not neutral on race at all and hasnt been for years.

As whites begin feeling the impact of an anemic economy run by people that ignores their interests, whites are less willing to play that game.
antifa fascists......

Doublethink much?

----- have any idea what "Antifa" means?

You do know what "Anti" means ---- right?

What do you think the "Fa" represents? "F" on the music scale? You think these people are against one of the notes on the music scale, is that it?

Or do you think they oppose the movie "Fargo"?


as to the guy who ran people over, he needs to actually go to jail for life, actually, he needs the death penalty.....socialism in all its we saw today.

uh HUH. So you think ramming a car into people is ............... "socialism". Either that or you think the deah penalty is "Socialism".

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly?
antifa fascists......

Doublethink much?

----- have any idea what "Antifa" means?

You do know what "Anti" means ---- right?

What do you think the "Fa" represents? "F" on the music scale? You think these people are against one of the notes on the music scale, is that it?

Or do you think they oppose the movie "Fargo"?


as to the guy who ran people over, he needs to actually go to jail for life, actually, he needs the death penalty.....socialism in all its we saw today.

uh HUH. So you think ramming a car into people is ............... "socialism". Either that or you think the deah penalty is "Socialism".

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly?
I can't take their name seriously when they are violent authoritarians.
antifa fascists......

Doublethink much?

----- have any idea what "Antifa" means?

You do know what "Anti" means ---- right?

What do you think the "Fa" represents? "F" on the music scale? You think these people are against one of the notes on the music scale, is that it?

Or do you think they oppose the movie "Fargo"?


as to the guy who ran people over, he needs to actually go to jail for life, actually, he needs the death penalty.....socialism in all its we saw today.

uh HUH. So you think ramming a car into people is ............... "socialism". Either that or you think the deah penalty is "Socialism".

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly?
And how do they act....just words....just speeches....just lies for rubes
So is did Soros fund em both to discredit the legitmate protestors
The investigation is just beginning. A lot of things are not as they seem. For instance his supposed republican registration.. His friends say he was an avid democrat supporter yet Vangaurd is an unaffiliated (so they say) group, that was present to protest the removal of history they are proud of... This is going to be a long investigation..
See it here:

Car strikes counter-protesters at Va. white supremacist rally

Several people have been injured after a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters marching against a “pro-white” rally Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., witnesses said.

Video of the terrifying moment shows at least one person being tossed into the air as the silver Dodge Charger mowed into the crowd.

“Yeah, it was intentional,” said witness Dan Miller. “About 40 miles an hour, hit about 15-20 people, crashed into the two cars in front of it, and then backed up and sped away while cops were standing on the side of the road and didn’t do anything.”

So ask yourself this:

"Did I race to my computer to post a thread about the San Bernardino terrorist attack, or the Orlando night club attack?"

If you didn't, why not?
No....socialism is a slow acting destroys the limits on government power, and then the killers take over....
So Social Security is a slow acting poison then?

Is it going bankrupt? Is it creating a massive government bureacracy that makes people give up their freedom to the central government? So yes, it is a slow acting poison........
No....socialism is a slow acting destroys the limits on government power, and then the killers take over....
So Social Security is a slow acting poison then?

Is it going bankrupt? Is it creating a massive government bureacracy that makes people give up their freedom to the central government? So yes, it is a slow acting poison........

Well, Did not Rome' die this way?
The rise of a new religion then, but now called PURE Whitey (DOPer) Christianity NOW. Which was monotheistic ran counter to the traditional Roman religions, which was polytheistic (many gods, Yep! even LGBTQ's too!). With the political and military difficulties. (YUGE Spending on their Military Industrial Complexes, taking many other peoples lands etc. and many wars stealing everythang.) The USA has spent 4-6T on Irag and Afgan wars and in the ME. But over 20 years some 12T or more there. It didn't help matters that political amateurs (A Great Orange Douche) were in control of 'Rome' (replace that with 'USA") in the years leading up to its fall.

btw.. ABOVE was a Simplified Version. Seems the plan is to die over NK?
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Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe saw only one side, in a widely praised speech, telling Unite the Right, “You came here to hurt people, and you did hurt people.” Is Terry McAuliffe a mind-reader? Would they have hurt anything or anyone if counter-demonstrators had not showed up with shields and batons, screaming and throwing smoke bombs, determined to shut down the demonstration–and hurt “Nazis”?

One young white man did crash his car into demonstrators, killing one. We don’t yet know his motives, but even if he deliberately hurt people, there was just one of him, and everyone associated with Unite the Right has condemned him.

What about the police? They were clearly either incompetent or determined to shut down the rally before it began. The swarms of uniformed men on the scene did very little to separate demonstrators from counter-demonstrators. Television has broadcast one fistfight after another, with no police in sight. Besides the driver of car—who is charged with 2nd degree murder—those swarms of police made only three arrests. What were they doing? Unite the Right: Who Got It Right? - American Renaissance
Right wing terrorism and our President just looks the other way

Well just so you understand he has no idea what you're even talking about --- did they endorse him or what? Because he knows nothing about white supremacists or David Duke so he hasn't heard anything on what you're even talking about, not even from David Duke. Whoever he is.

Also he has a bad earpiece as you can see in the photo

Vanguard and ANTIFA are brother organizations... They both espouse anarchist views...
The shirt he was wearing at the time of his capture was an ANTIFA shirt. This controversy is far from over.
4chan trolling affiliation noted.

One interesting thing is in that video with the terrorist's mother, she thought he was going to a Trump rally.

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