Carbon Dioxide Tops 400 PPM Throughout Northern Hemisphere

You ought to proof your posts before you pop them up. I don't think this is what you meant to say.

wiki? I am laughing at you crick ham...laughing out loud.

Maybe you are unaware that QM needs an ad hoc "fix" just to explain the electron cloud of a hydrogen electron and fails in numerous other spots moving along the periodic table. If that is perfection in your mind, then it explains a lot about your mind.

It is you that believes cold bodies are magically aware of their surroundings and choose not to radiate towards warmer ones. And you knew precisely what I was talking about. Any particular reason you didn't stand up for your beliefs?

Lies upon top of lies. That's all you have. You make up arguments from your opponents and argue against your own lies... Why didn't you answer the question? Afraid of looking like the idiot you are? Is heat a form of energy or is it the fingerprint of the movement of energy?

And why do you believe radiating in a particular direction requires magic? Do you think it is magic that a dropped object obeys the second law and moves to a position of more entropy by falling down? Do you think it is magic that air in a punctured tire obeys the second law and moves out through the hole to a place of more entropy rathe than the air outside moving in to a place of less entropy? Do you think it is magic that electrons run along a wire in the direction of more entropy rather than the other way.

You apparently believe the entire universe runs on magic if you think obeying the laws of nature requires magic.

was confirmed in the late 1800s. You choose to continue lying about that point.

Sorry guy...never confirmed...never observed...never measured...never quantified. Feel free to post any evidence you believe actually confirms anything.
You ought to proof your posts before you pop them up. I don't think this is what you meant to say.

wiki? I am laughing at you crick ham...laughing out loud.

Maybe you are unaware that QM needs an ad hoc "fix" just to explain the electron cloud of a hydrogen electron and fails in numerous other spots moving along the periodic table. If that is perfection in your mind, then it explains a lot about your mind.

It is you that believes cold bodies are magically aware of their surroundings and choose not to radiate towards warmer ones. And you knew precisely what I was talking about. Any particular reason you didn't stand up for your beliefs?

Lies upon top of lies. That's all you have. You make up arguments from your opponents and argue against your own lies... Why didn't you answer the question? Afraid of looking like the idiot you are? Is heat a form of energy or is it the fingerprint of the movement of energy?

And why do you believe radiating in a particular direction requires magic? Do you think it is magic that a dropped object obeys the second law and moves to a position of more entropy by falling down? Do you think it is magic that air in a punctured tire obeys the second law and moves out through the hole to a place of more entropy rathe than the air outside moving in to a place of less entropy? Do you think it is magic that electrons run along a wire in the direction of more entropy rather than the other way.

You apparently believe the entire universe runs on magic if you think obeying the laws of nature requires magic.

was confirmed in the late 1800s. You choose to continue lying about that point.

Sorry guy...never confirmed...never observed...never measured...never quantified. Feel free to post any evidence you believe actually confirms anything.

FYI, in the northern hemisphere where there is supposedly 400PPM, Chicago temperatures yesterday were 12 degrees below average. Woh..I was sweating my you know what off with those 60 degree temps.
FYI, in the northern hemisphere where there is supposedly 400PPM, Chicago temperatures yesterday were 12 degrees below average. Woh..I was sweating my you know what off with those 60 degree temps.

I understand that they are expecting that there will still be ice on at least one of the great lakes in july. Wonder when was the last time that happened?

And yet they continue to claim that even in the US this is the warmest this and warmest that. Observation means nothing to that crowd. If a model or algore says it, it must be true.
SSDD said:
it (the greenhouse effect) has never been measured

crick said:
It most certainlyhas been measured

So if it has been measured, then quantify it. If it has been measured, then quantifying it would be child's play. Quantify it.
FYI, in the northern hemisphere where there is supposedly 400PPM, Chicago temperatures yesterday were 12 degrees below average. Woh..I was sweating my you know what off with those 60 degree temps.

I understand that they are expecting that there will still be ice on at least one of the great lakes in july. Wonder when was the last time that happened?

And yet they continue to claim that even in the US this is the warmest this and warmest that. Observation means nothing to that crowd. If a model or algore says it, it must be true.

The other day I was watching NBC evening news and they mentioned that the last of the ice has finally melted in the great lakes. NBC also claimed there had been special craft to break up the ice to get it to melt quicker, most likely blocking significant shipping lanes. Beyond that I haven't looked any further into it. I supposed if they hadn't broken up the mass, then yes there would have been ice until July. NBC also stated that the ice had been there for seven months. Hmmmmm.......
You two understand that anecdotes aren't data, right?

Nah. You don't understand because you willfully refuse to understand. All the data says you're full of crap, hence you're forced to ignore the data and rely on some strange anecdotes that you supposedly heard somewhere.
You two understand that anecdotes aren't data, right?

Nah. You don't understand because you willfully refuse to understand. All the data says you're full of crap, hence you're forced to ignore the data and rely on some strange anecdotes that you supposedly heard somewhere.

Computer model output isn't data either...especially when the models are such spectacular faiures.

Are you saying you don't believe that there is still ice on the great lakes this far into june...or are you going to claim that it is just weather??
The output of a model run is most certainly data. It's value is dependent on the accuracy of the model and the quality of the initial paramters (compared to the model runner's intent). Being the output of a computer program, it has the quality of being numerically objective, accurately recorded and, within the regime of the model's chaoticness, repeatable.

An anecdote is also data. It's value is also dependent on its accuracy. Unfortunately, being word of mouth, it's accuracy is quite indeterminate, it's quite likely to be subjective and is only rarely specific enough to even consider attempting to repeat whatever event it relates.
Are you saying you don't believe that there is still ice on the great lakes this far into june...or are you going to claim that it is just weather??

Being that I'm rational, I understand that whether there's ice on the great lakes has zilch to do with my "belief".

You, alas, seem convinced that you can bend the laws of the universe simply by believing hard enough.

Oh, being that I'm rational, I checked it out. The last ice on Lake Superior was gone on June 10.

Great Lakes are ice free at last

Your fantasy about ice in July was just weird. You would have known that if you'd bothered to look at actual data, but instead you chose to go with your cherished beliefs. Same old story.
Are you saying you don't believe that there is still ice on the great lakes this far into june...or are you going to claim that it is just weather??

Being that I'm rational, I understand that whether there's ice on the great lakes has zilch to do with my "belief".

You, alas, seem convinced that you can bend the laws of the universe simply by believing hard enough.

Oh, being that I'm rational, I checked it out. The last ice on Lake Superior was gone on June 10.

Great Lakes are ice free at last

Your fantasy about ice in July was just weird. You would have known that if you'd bothered to look at actual data, but instead you chose to go with your cherished beliefs. Same old story.

Well, just to make it clear, there would have been ice into July had no manual intervention been done to get the ice to melt. Do you know this? So natural forcing would have still had ice on the lakes. bazinga.
Well, just to make it clear, there would have been ice into July had no manual intervention been done to get the ice to melt.

That's a really dumb claim.

Where does the last ice linger? In the nooks and crannies along the shoreline.

Where do icebreakers operate? In the main channels.

Hence, icebreakers have zilch to do with when the last ice melts.
Is Crick hinting that 400ppm of CO2 makes Earth 33 degrees warmer than it would be without any

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Well, just to make it clear, there would have been ice into July had no manual intervention been done to get the ice to melt.

That's a really dumb claim.

Where does the last ice linger? In the nooks and crannies along the shoreline.

Where do icebreakers operate? In the main channels.

Hence, icebreakers have zilch to do with when the last ice melts.

So you don't know this either. Man, you sure don't know much on this subject.
Well, just to make it clear, there would have been ice into July had no manual intervention been done to get the ice to melt.

That's a really dumb claim.

Where does the last ice linger? In the nooks and crannies along the shoreline.

Where do icebreakers operate? In the main channels.

Hence, icebreakers have zilch to do with when the last ice melts.

So you don't know this either.

Yes, I do know, being I'm not a freakin' retard. That's all it takes.

Man, you sure don't know much on this subject.

Please support your very strange claim that icebreakers cause all the ice on the great lakes to melt a month earlier.

(I know, I know. jc support one of his wacky claims? Like that's ever going to happen.)
Let's put it this way, a typical 747 burns a gallon of relatively dirty fossil fuel every second. Most jets burn about 30,000 gallons of jet fuel per flight and there are about 7,000 planes in the air at all times. If the global warming slicksters put their carbon sensors on top of volcanoes or on the path of a high volume of plane traffic they can come up with any figure they want. Go to freaking China and monitor their air quality and leave the US alone to get our economy together.
You two understand that anecdotes aren't data, right?

Nah. You don't understand because you willfully refuse to understand. All the data says you're full of crap, hence you're forced to ignore the data and rely on some strange anecdotes that you supposedly heard somewhere.

So what's the Mt Everest avalanche story, if not anecdote?
Your boss tells you that he needs to know how much the company has spent refurbishing the turbovascularizers back in the shop. He tells you to find out and put it in a report for the board. You walk back and ask one of the technicians. "Wow", he says, "it was thousands". You write "It cost thousands" in an email and send it to the board.

That's the sort of data you get with an anecdote.
Your boss tells you that he needs to know how much the company has spent refurbishing the turbovascularizers back in the shop. He tells you to find out and put it in a report for the board. You walk back and ask one of the technicians. "Wow", he says, "it was thousands". You write "It cost thousands" in an email and send it to the board.

That's the sort of data you get with an anecdote.

Sounds a lot like Mann's Tree rings

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