Carbon Dioxide Tops 400 PPM Throughout Northern Hemisphere

No. It sounds like your anecdote has no value for science.

How is asking for experiment that quantify the amazing heat raising and pH lowering abilities of CO2 anecdotal?

If a 120PPM increase can lower pH from 8.25 to 8.15 (LOL), how much of an additional increase is cause by a 140PPM increase?

How many times have you show us this experiment?

None, right?
Your boss tells you that he needs to know how much the company has spent refurbishing the turbovascularizers back in the shop. He tells you to find out and put it in a report for the board. You walk back and ask one of the technicians. "Wow", he says, "it was thousands". You write "It cost thousands" in an email and send it to the board.

That's the sort of data you get with an anecdote.


"Gaze at the tree rings and see the ManMade Global Warming. Keep staring until you see it"
And who can forget everyone's favorite game of altered data and fake science






Where else does this pass for "Science"?
Sorry, dude, but you are just too stupid. You've already made up your mind on ALL these issues and you haven't the slightest interest in learning anything different. I'm tired of wasting my time with you. Nighty-night.
So what's the Mt Everest avalanche story, if not anecdote?

It's just another one of your anecdotes, of course. You're the one who introduced the topic. And now that you've been humiliated again because of how stupid you were, you seem to be retreating behind a "but ... but ... it's an anecdote!" evasion.
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