Care To See Your Future?

GM Hy-Wire

I believe that some form of Hydrogen fusion will power the future transportation.

what do you think about this?

after a period of hunger, no pollution, no rain forest destruction, no methane-farting cows anymore.
Very interesting. You going to buy me one?

as soon as the car companys have unifies themselves on a general accumulator standard, so that you can easy switch them at the gas stations instead of waiting hours to recharge them, put every dollar you have in accumulator stock options. this will become a boom where you can save your retirement plan including your own cell car.
Runs on hydrogen...hope they don't call it the Hindenburg.

And I need the minivan version.

the explosion danger isn´t the problem with hydrogene cell cars. the true problem is that hydrogene needs high amounts of energy if it´s seperated from water by electrolysis and it´s the most flightly stuff in the world. You can´t storage it anywhere, it dissapears through every material. This is a insolvable problem, it´s elemental physics. Do you like to have a car which loses its gas anyway, even if you drive it or not?
The battery is here already for a practicial EV. The problem is to get the price down. If they can apply the economics of mass production, we are there. And, yes, PC, a mini-van using this technology would be a real winner.

Sufiy.: Lithium Metal Polymer Battery from DBM Energy - Secret of The World Record With Electric Car Revealed tnr.v, rm.v, lmr.v,, tsla, sqm, fmc, roc, lit, li.v, wlc.v, clq.v, res.v, ree,, nsany, f, gm,, dai, byddf, hev, aone, v


The last vid in your's Madoff! And he's making a getaway!
The battery is here already for a practicial EV. The problem is to get the price down. If they can apply the economics of mass production, we are there. And, yes, PC, a mini-van using this technology would be a real winner.

Sufiy.: Lithium Metal Polymer Battery from DBM Energy - Secret of The World Record With Electric Car Revealed tnr.v, rm.v, lmr.v,, tsla, sqm, fmc, roc, lit, li.v, wlc.v, clq.v, res.v, ree,, nsany, f, gm,, dai, byddf, hev, aone, v


The last vid in your's Madoff! And he's making a getaway!

Now dumbass, the vehicle made a 372 mile trip at 55 mph, with lights on and heater working. And it still have 18% charge. Recharged in six minutes. The CEO flatly stated that at present the batteries were too expensive for automotive application. However, they are being sold and used in forklifts where there can be no emissions.

But it is the first demonstration of a practical battery for long distance travel.
Batteries, schmatteries. So far all the green solutions I have seen merely foul places on the other side of the world where they are manufactured.
The battery is here already for a practicial EV. The problem is to get the price down. If they can apply the economics of mass production, we are there. And, yes, PC, a mini-van using this technology would be a real winner.

the answer is: Buy the car but rent the battery. If the producing costs of an accumulator are calculated in the fee, it will work soon. As said, all that we need is a common accumulator standard so a ford accu can be put in a volkswagen and backwards. But the minute it comes, don´t miss to participate with stock options. The world is waitining for this.

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