Career diplomat?

I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.

same with the military?

After all it is in the government
I'd say the military people could put in for an extension and either be approved or denied. Sometime leadership can become politically enamored and lose their effectiveness. Bureaucrats and department heads don't need experience either. Some of the people I see heading departments like Comey, Brennen and Clapper are total imbeciles. I wouldn't hire any of them to be a small town dog catcher. But if someone distinguished themself working at a dept. for 8 years, they could then be promoted to director for an additional 8. Details and exceptions will generally work themselves out but right now we have too much incompetence, corruption and unnecessary workers hiding out in our government..
Thanks to a hundred years of Hollywood cliches we get an image of the word "diplomat" that is often skewed. Diplomats don't have any special skills or education and they haven't been elected. They are often political hacks or flunkies who have enough connections to a particular administration or politician's coat tails to get the job. Just as all lawyers aren't necessarily honest or smart, not all State Dept. employees are honest or smart either.
Opinions and feelings.
Sour grapes.
Do you notice how when these "career" diplomats talk about policy it's always us and we, never what the President wants.
There is no us and we it's only the President.
It always boggles my mind how people who don't know anything about a job can think themselves knowledgeable enough to decide what it takes to do said job.
I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.

same with the military?

After all it is in the government
I'd say the military people could put in for an extension and either be approved or denied. Sometime leadership can become politically enamored and lose their effectiveness. Bureaucrats and department heads don't need experience either. Some of the people I see heading departments like Comey, Brennen and Clapper are total imbeciles. I wouldn't hire any of them to be a small town dog catcher. But if someone distinguished themself working at a dept. for 8 years, they could then be promoted to director for an additional 8. Details and exceptions will generally work themselves out but right now we have too much incompetence, corruption and unnecessary workers hiding out in our government..

You bring up a very good idea. Enlisted people in the military have to re-enlist every 4 to 6 years depending on the length of their contract. It is not automatic. What if we did something like this with the civilian federal workforce.
I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.

same with the military?

After all it is in the government
I'd say the military people could put in for an extension and either be approved or denied. Sometime leadership can become politically enamored and lose their effectiveness. Bureaucrats and department heads don't need experience either. Some of the people I see heading departments like Comey, Brennen and Clapper are total imbeciles. I wouldn't hire any of them to be a small town dog catcher. But if someone distinguished themself working at a dept. for 8 years, they could then be promoted to director for an additional 8. Details and exceptions will generally work themselves out but right now we have too much incompetence, corruption and unnecessary workers hiding out in our government..

You bring up a very good idea. Enlisted people in the military have to re-enlist every 4 to 6 years depending on the length of their contract. It is not automatic. What if we did something like this with the civilian federal workforce.
I think the current system is already something like your suggestion. Every new administration should be reviewing all existing bureaucrats but that's hard for a couple reasons. First, our government is just too freakin big. It would take a very long time to go over records and performance for all of them. And second, these people are like a club. The more they protect each other, the more they can all get away with and they know it. Trump's FBI guy Wray is a perfect example of this. He went in and seemed to take the side of his corrupt organization against Trumps stated wishes. So I really can't see how we can limit the length of government service without some kind of hard time limit.
I think the current system is already something like your suggestion. Every new administration should be reviewing all existing bureaucrats but that's hard for a couple reasons. First, our government is just too freakin big. It would take a very long time to go over records and performance for all of them. And second, these people are like a club. The more they protect each other, the more they can all get away with and they know it. Trump's FBI guy Wray is a perfect example of this. He went in and seemed to take the side of his corrupt organization against Trumps stated wishes. So I really can't see how we can limit the length of government service without some kind of hard time limit.

Does every civilian that works for the Fed Govt fall under the title of bureaucrat, or is there some layer that above that is the bureaucrats?

Does the guy running the produce section of the commissary on the air force base close to me count as a bureaucrat?

How about the civilian air field manager at the last Marine Corps Air Station I was assigned to?
I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.

A really stupid idea. Are you confusing government with Congress?

Low tier medical plan at 65? You never heard of Medicare?
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Tramp for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival. Hunter Biden started working for Burisma in 2014, and no word of the republicans

mouth or tramps. (they are sprouting lies and all the same ones are doing it)
You are absolutely correct. Republicans will do anything to deflect from the truth. Whatever Biden did or didn't do in regards to the Ukraine, it does not negate the US president using his position to further his own personal ends through holding back taxpayer monies and bullying a foreign power. Whether Biden did something wrong or not is irrelevant to the impeachment inquiry. And, to accuse a woman who has been a diplomat for this country for 30 years, someone who has a stellar record, is beneath contempt. All Republicans should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

What was she accused of?
Longer terms are exactly how this deep state developed. They became untouchable. They turned into dead wood or crooks. The more familiar they got with their job the more chances they were willing to take. No, experience isn't a big asset. Anyone with common sense, good judgement, fairness and loyalty can learn to be a diplomat. Just look at that Taylor weasel yesterday if you want to see how experience can destroy a mans job performance. That asshole actually thought it was his job to make policy in defiance of our President. It would be hard to become an arrogant prick like that in just 8 years. The bureaucratic part of our government is already 5 times too big so if we got rid of all crats proven to be corrupt, it would be a great improvement to our government.

There are no "terms" in government service, dumbass!

Only elected officials have terms!
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Tramp for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival. Hunter Biden started working for Burisma in 2014, and no word of the republicans

mouth or tramps. (they are sprouting lies and all the same ones are doing it)
You are absolutely correct. Republicans will do anything to deflect from the truth. Whatever Biden did or didn't do in regards to the Ukraine, it does not negate the US president using his position to further his own personal ends through holding back taxpayer monies and bullying a foreign power. Whether Biden did something wrong or not is irrelevant to the impeachment inquiry. And, to accuse a woman who has been a diplomat for this country for 30 years, someone who has a stellar record, is beneath contempt. All Republicans should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

What was she accused of?
She is accused of making an issue out of nothing, essentially, lying. Whereas she is the canary in the coal mine. The fact is, she was pushed out because she wasn't cooperating with the scheme to bribe Zelensky. She's accused of falsely accusing Drumph of doing what he obviously did.

The real question is why would a decent, intellectually honest individual continue to defend the obvious criminal that is Drumph. That's the real question. Partisanship gone mad. Don't care about the integrity of the office of the president, don't care about the country, prefer a strongman dictator to a decent man or woman in office who puts his/her country first.
I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.
Well, you don't think very well. To serve as a diplomat, to do work internationally, takes not only great skill, education, and brains, it takes a familiarity with international issues and with the countries in which you work. The longer they are involved in international issues and the more knowledgeable they are about any specific country, the better. You don't get that kind of depth of knowledge and understanding serving limited terms. In fact, your idea of an 8 year limit is ludicrous.
Only a fool would trust fucked up career diplomats
Only an idiot would think they are not trustworthy.
I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.
Well, you don't think very well. To serve as a diplomat, to do work internationally, takes not only great skill, education, and brains, it takes a familiarity with international issues and with the countries in which you work. The longer they are involved in international issues and the more knowledgeable they are about any specific country, the better. You don't get that kind of depth of knowledge and understanding serving limited terms. In fact, your idea of an 8 year limit is ludicrous.
Only a fool would trust fucked up career diplomats
Only an idiot would think they are not trustworthy.
You’re naïve you silly little fucker
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Tramp for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival. Hunter Biden started working for Burisma in 2014, and no word of the republicans

mouth or tramps. (they are sprouting lies and all the same ones are doing it)
You are absolutely correct. Republicans will do anything to deflect from the truth. Whatever Biden did or didn't do in regards to the Ukraine, it does not negate the US president using his position to further his own personal ends through holding back taxpayer monies and bullying a foreign power. Whether Biden did something wrong or not is irrelevant to the impeachment inquiry. And, to accuse a woman who has been a diplomat for this country for 30 years, someone who has a stellar record, is beneath contempt. All Republicans should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

What was she accused of?
She is accused of making an issue out of nothing, essentially, lying. Whereas she is the canary in the coal mine. The fact is, she was pushed out because she wasn't cooperating with the scheme to bribe Zelensky. She's accused of falsely accusing Drumph of doing what he obviously did.

The real question is why would a decent, intellectually honest individual continue to defend the obvious criminal that is Drumph. That's the real question. Partisanship gone mad. Don't care about the integrity of the office of the president, don't care about the country, prefer a strongman dictator to a decent man or woman in office who puts his/her country first.


So she knew Zelensky would get "pressured" by Trump before Zelensky was even elected?

You need to look at the timeline, dumbass!

Zelensky took office in May which is when she was fired.
I don't think there should be career anythings in our government. 8 years and out for everyone. And for those 8 years, you get a $1000 pension and a low tier medical plan at the age of 65. Government service should be service, not a sure way of becoming a millionaire.
Well, you don't think very well. To serve as a diplomat, to do work internationally, takes not only great skill, education, and brains, it takes a familiarity with international issues and with the countries in which you work. The longer they are involved in international issues and the more knowledgeable they are about any specific country, the better. You don't get that kind of depth of knowledge and understanding serving limited terms. In fact, your idea of an 8 year limit is ludicrous.
Only a fool would trust fucked up career diplomats
Only an idiot would think they are not trustworthy.
You’re naïve you silly little fucker
No, it's not that I am naïve, you fucker; the problem is you are an ignorant jackass. That's the issue. You believe in Drumph, the coniver of all time who is fooling the pants off of you Trumpettes. You're the naïve one to believe in such a conman.
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Tramp for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival. Hunter Biden started working for Burisma in 2014, and no word of the republicans

mouth or tramps. (they are sprouting lies and all the same ones are doing it)
You are absolutely correct. Republicans will do anything to deflect from the truth. Whatever Biden did or didn't do in regards to the Ukraine, it does not negate the US president using his position to further his own personal ends through holding back taxpayer monies and bullying a foreign power. Whether Biden did something wrong or not is irrelevant to the impeachment inquiry. And, to accuse a woman who has been a diplomat for this country for 30 years, someone who has a stellar record, is beneath contempt. All Republicans should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

What was she accused of?
She is accused of making an issue out of nothing, essentially, lying. Whereas she is the canary in the coal mine. The fact is, she was pushed out because she wasn't cooperating with the scheme to bribe Zelensky. She's accused of falsely accusing Drumph of doing what he obviously did.

The real question is why would a decent, intellectually honest individual continue to defend the obvious criminal that is Drumph. That's the real question. Partisanship gone mad. Don't care about the integrity of the office of the president, don't care about the country, prefer a strongman dictator to a decent man or woman in office who puts his/her country first.


So she knew Zelensky would get "pressured" by Trump before Zelensky was even elected?

You need to look at the timeline, dumbass!

Zelensky took office in May which is when she was fired.
You need to pay attention to the hearings, dumbass.
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Tramp for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival. Hunter Biden started working for Burisma in 2014, and no word of the republicans

mouth or tramps. (they are sprouting lies and all the same ones are doing it)
You are absolutely correct. Republicans will do anything to deflect from the truth. Whatever Biden did or didn't do in regards to the Ukraine, it does not negate the US president using his position to further his own personal ends through holding back taxpayer monies and bullying a foreign power. Whether Biden did something wrong or not is irrelevant to the impeachment inquiry. And, to accuse a woman who has been a diplomat for this country for 30 years, someone who has a stellar record, is beneath contempt. All Republicans should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

What was she accused of?
She is accused of making an issue out of nothing, essentially, lying. Whereas she is the canary in the coal mine. The fact is, she was pushed out because she wasn't cooperating with the scheme to bribe Zelensky. She's accused of falsely accusing Drumph of doing what he obviously did.

The real question is why would a decent, intellectually honest individual continue to defend the obvious criminal that is Drumph. That's the real question. Partisanship gone mad. Don't care about the integrity of the office of the president, don't care about the country, prefer a strongman dictator to a decent man or woman in office who puts his/her country first.


So she knew Zelensky would get "pressured" by Trump before Zelensky was even elected?

You need to look at the timeline, dumbass!

Zelensky took office in May which is when she was fired.
You need to pay attention to the hearings, dumbass.

I am paying attention. You are obviously dreaming shit up.
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Tramp for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival. Hunter Biden started working for Burisma in 2014, and no word of the republicans

mouth or tramps. (they are sprouting lies and all the same ones are doing it)

The story originated with a journalist named John Solomon long before the Trump Phone Call and was picked up by a number of media sources The lame stream media ignored the fiasco until the dems try to use it to their advantage - it has blown up in their faces . KABOOM - Trump or repubs. didn't bring it to the front pages the dems did that

From April 2019 - Giuliani Wonders Why Media Ignore Ukraine-DNC Collusion - Giuliani Wonders Why Media Ignore Ukraine-DNC Collusion

Here's a venue of links that contradicts your bias: Ukraine Collusion by Democrats

John Solomon was kicked off the Hill, he was an opinion commentator for a long time, and a conspiracy theorists and was paid by ??? who knows, probably the same one who paid Giuliani and his cohorts.
Now the question is why didn't the Republicans who took control of the House in 2011 and the Senate in 2015 had nothing to say about Hunter Biden since he was employed since 2014???

And why didn't tramp say anything about him. They were too busy smearing Hillary, but since "Uncle Joe " is a huge threat to tramp,

they are going after him now.

Any tramper care to answer the question??

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