The war to save Netanyahus career

And the problem faced by the US and British air forces in their bombing campaign against germany in WWII

We bombed german, japanese, and even french civilians
I know we did and they bombed us, my Mother had to go to air raid shelter most nights in Manchester because the Luftwaffe were blasting the City, Hamas are a group of people with AK47s and RPGs not a full blown army with an airforce, when the IRA were on their bombing rmpage in the 70s i had two cousins who were in the British army in Northern Ireland, at one time they served in Belfast and Derry in IRA strongholds, the RAF didn't reduce those Cities to rubble killing thousands of civilians to get at the IRA, it's Genocide in Gaza pure and simple.
Israel is doing what it must do to protect its citizens

Hamas is embedded among the civilian population in Gaza

The four captives rescued on saturday were being held prisoner in private homes

Which means that the whole of the Palestinian population is at war with Israel
At least two were IDF soldiers so they were POWs, one other a security guard.
Dipshit have you noticed what Palestinians look like after being held hostage by Israel and vice versa? See anything?
there are about ten thousand Palestinian hostages in Israeli jails, some been there many years without charge or trial.
there are about ten thousand Palestinian hostages in Israeli jails, some been there many years without charge or trial.
AP says its 1200, amnesty international says 2000 and you say 10,000.

Who to believe?

But there are some no matter what the actual number is

And thats unfortunate

Hopefully they are terrorists who deserve to be detained
WW2 was a global conflict between major countries you Nazi arshole, i am on my last day in Normandy where i have been remembering the people who fought scumbags like the Israeli child killers. there are many Jewish people who are against the Genocide.

So, it's O.K. with you when a small terrorist group murders Israelis, but not when a major government does it, right?

If Hamas doesn't care about their own children, then nobody else should. It's Hamas that has ALWAYS wanted to commit genocide against the Israelis. It's also Hamas' fault that Palestinian civilians are being killed. The Israelis were supplying the Gaza Palestinians with water, electricity and giving them thousands of working visas. The Israelis were trying to build a trust relationship with them. The Palestinians ended that trust relationship by murdering 1400 unarmed Israelis.

Hamas' plan to murder Israelis, then count on the world's sense of decency to stop the Israelis from retaliating isn't going to work. The majority of the people in the world aren't that stupid.

If you want the killing of Palestinian civilians to stop, then call for Hamas to surrender.

Otherwise STFU!!!
So, it's O.K. with you when a small terrorist group murders Israelis, but not when a major government does it, right?

If Hamas doesn't care about their own children, then nobody else should. It's Hamas that has ALWAYS wanted to commit genocide against the Israelis. It's also Hamas' fault that Palestinian civilians are being killed. The Israelis were supplying the Gaza Palestinians with water, electricity and giving them thousands of working visas. The Israelis were trying to build a trust relationship with them. The Palestinians ended that trust relationship by murdering 1400 unarmed Israelis.

Hamas' plan to murder Israelis, then count on the world's sense of decency to stop the Israelis from retaliating isn't going to work. The majority of the people in the world aren't that stupid.

If you want the killing of Palestinian civilians to stop, then call for Hamas to surrender.

Otherwise STFU!!!
Yet, it’s Israel murdering children. Do you care?
So, it's O.K. with you when a small terrorist group murders Israelis, but not when a major government does it, right?

If Hamas doesn't care about their own children, then nobody else should. It's Hamas that has ALWAYS wanted to commit genocide against the Israelis. It's also Hamas' fault that Palestinian civilians are being killed. The Israelis were supplying the Gaza Palestinians with water, electricity and giving them thousands of working visas. The Israelis were trying to build a trust relationship with them. The Palestinians ended that trust relationship by murdering 1400 unarmed Israelis.

Hamas' plan to murder Israelis, then count on the world's sense of decency to stop the Israelis from retaliating isn't going to work. The majority of the people in the world aren't that stupid.

If you want the killing of Palestinian civilians to stop, then call for Hamas to surrender.

Otherwise STFU!!!
You are full of shit Genocide boy, own it, and you STFU.
AP says its 1200, amnesty international says 2000 and you say 10,000.

Who to believe?

But there are some no matter what the actual number is

And thats unfortunate

Hopefully they are terrorists who deserve to be detained
Some have been in jail for years with no charge, many from the occupied West Bank others kidnapped in Lebanon many are Children. stop trying to defend Zionist fascists, the British used the same tactic under the mandate.

I think Joe has nailed this one. Its not about recovering hostages or destroying hamas. Its just about saving a political career.

So many people have died to save one political career. Its even worse than Thatchers Malvinas war.
So the dogs of the Arab world is trying to save bibi? Interesting
Some have been in jail for years with no charge, many from the occupied West Bank others kidnapped in Lebanon many are Children. stop trying to defend Zionist fascists, the British used the same tactic under the mandate.
I will defend the zionists since the pals insist on making war on Israel
So the pals wont stop making war till Israel gives them autonamy

But with 20 years of freedom in Gaza all they did was prepare for war and make war

Wrong, the Palis will not stop making war until every Jew in Israel is dead - and probably not then.

But that's never going to happen.

I wonder why the terrorist supporters blame Israel for isolating Gaza, when Egypt has equally isolated Gaza.

Gaza used to be part of Egypt, but the Egyptians refused to take it back because when it was part of Egypt, the Gaza Palestinians kept murdering Egyptians.

Somehow, the Gaza Palestinians think they have a divine right to murder everyone they can, but no one is supposed to retaliate.

That isn't how the world works.
Wrong, the Palis will not stop making war until every Jew in Israel is dead - and probably not then.

But that's never going to happen.

I wonder why the terrorist supporters blame Israel for isolating Gaza, when Egypt has equally isolated Gaza.

Gaza used to be part of Egypt, but the Egyptians refused to take it back because when it was part of Egypt, the Gaza Palestinians kept murdering Egyptians.

Somehow, the Gaza Palestinians think they have a divine right to murder everyone they can, but no one is supposed to retaliate.

That isn't how the world works.
I dont think the Gaza arabs will be allowed unfettered self rule again as they had before oct7

The fact of tunnels and rockets and dead Jews means never again
Wrong, the Palis will not stop making war until every Jew in Israel is dead - and probably not then.

But that's never going to happen.

I wonder why the terrorist supporters blame Israel for isolating Gaza, when Egypt has equally isolated Gaza.

Gaza used to be part of Egypt, but the Egyptians refused to take it back because when it was part of Egypt, the Gaza Palestinians kept murdering Egyptians.

Somehow, the Gaza Palestinians think they have a divine right to murder everyone they can, but no one is supposed to retaliate.

That isn't how the world works.
Egypt wouldn't take them because they don't want to help you clowns with your ethnic cleansing, it's on you, own it.
It's Hamas that is causing the killing of these children.

But I'm sure that a terrorist loving asshole like yourself will never admit that truth.
You’re absurd. You’ve allowed the propaganda to control your mind.
So when a IDF sniper in Gaza or the west bank has the head of a Palestinian kid in his scope then pulls the trigger and blows the kids head off, that's the fault of Hamas? behave yourself you Nazi arshole.

When the Israeli sniper wouldn't even be in Gaza if Hamas had not murdered innocent unarmed Israelis, and the sniper can't distinguish between Hamas fighters and non-combatants, it's 100% Hamas fault.

Thanks for playing.

You’re absurd. You’ve allowed the propaganda to control your mind.

Do you mean the propaganda showing Hamas rape and murder unarmed Israelis?

Yup. I'm definite influenced by that propaganda.

Perhaps you're the one being influenced by false propaganda.

After all, isn't everything that is happening in Gaza going exactly according to Hamas' plan?

Hamas knew that when they forced Israel to retaliate for the Oct. 7 attacks, and hid among their own people, there'd be dups like you who'd try to demand a ceasefire that would allow Hamas to continue to rule over Gaza.

Try not to be such a dup to terrorist propaganda.
When the Israeli sniper wouldn't even be in Gaza if Hamas had not murdered innocent unarmed Israelis, and the sniper can't distinguish between Hamas fighters and non-combatants, it's 100% Hamas fault.

Thanks for playing.

Behave yourself, i am talking about unarmed children who have been murdered by Israeli snipers, are you mental or what?

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