Carl Fiorina is unhinged

Just go to the 50 second mark and watch for 5 seconds.


You call that unhinged? Hyperbole much?
Palin is very pretty but she is a complete idiot and her ideals are totally fucked up.

It's not easy to be a really strong woman and keep their looks. Those "ugly" faces have been party to some really tough times. I don't think Hillary is ugly either. She's just a liar and a con artist. Carly is not ugly either...unless she is sucking on lemons which she usually is. In the vid, she looked better than she did at the debates.
Just go to the 50 second mark and watch for 5 seconds.


I really didn't see anything unhinged about this. The point is any candidate regardless of what side of the isle they're on can say something, and some nutcase take it much further. It could happen to any candidate.

This particular nutcase vandalized a Planned Parenthood office 20 years, and Carly Fiorina wasn't on the scene inciting him. His X-wife
had a lot to say about him, even to the point that she was not at all surprised at what he did.
Former wife says Planned Parenthood terrorist is conservative, religious and anti-abortion
... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.

I think what Bonzo was saying is her personality is unattractive , I would say like the Disney wicked step mother kind of creepy. In all honesty , a soft women wouldn't last a second in that ring of men. Hillary can come off like that at times too.

It's clear the Republican party has a real gender bias going on. In my opinion Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton. But we see the far out right going for candidates that in no way could win the White House. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson.

So I expect that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on Election night. And frankly the far right of the Republican party deserves it.

Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

It's clear that the Republican Party has a major problem with gender bias. With Carly Fiorina on the platform the Republican chimpanzee is even more prevalent. These type comments regarding Hillary & Carly are everywhere, on every board I am on. This historic large male GOP candidate platform, where we had 15 male GOP candidates running against 2 women is out of FEAR. Not necessarily fear of Hillary Clinton, but more-so the fear of the 1st woman POTUS. With this many male candidates they are able to drown them out with noise and media coverage. Rush Limbaugh the biggest Chimp, is contiinually promoting Hillary Clinton by referring to her as a "Cervix." Last night during the debate, Fiorina again showed her expertise on several issues. Trump & Carson actually repeating verbatim (her answers) on a couple of questions that were asked of her first. Today they are taking credit for those answers. Nothing new here. This is just another example of why Republicans will lose the White House again in 2016. Women are the majority voters in this country at 54%. They are not a special interest group. If you don't win women, you don't win the White House. That was made clear in 2012 when the right wing of the party made their platform about abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions, which was always answered by a gray haired white Republican male. It sent women running into Barack Obama's column securing a second term for him. With Trump supporters chasing away 17% of the population (Hispanics)--I see Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide election.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

There is one happy gal in all of this, and she wants to give you Trump supporters, and all the Republican Chimpanzees a shout-out for your continued support.

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Fiorina is not unhinged but she is not going to win the nomination either, and the idea that she is the only candidate who could beat Clinton is ridiculous.
Carly made up what she claimed to have seen on those tapes. She's a liar.
She claims to have started as a secretary. Perhaps she worked as one when in college but she was raised in a well to do family ... her father a prominent judge. She went to the best schools.
Carly made up what she claimed to have seen on those tapes. She's a liar.
She claims to have started as a secretary. Perhaps she worked as one when in college but she was raised in a well to do family ... her father a prominent judge. She went to the best schools.
If being a liar disqualifies her, you Dems had better look for a new candidate yourselves.
Carly Fiorina has failed at everything shes done.

Failed at HP.
Failed Senate run.

And just because she brought it up in the campaign, failed at parenting.

Why is she being pushed? She's a failed, flawed and PROBABLY compromised person who can be manipulated by "special Interests" once in office.
Just go to the 50 second mark and watch for 5 seconds.


She seems like, like a woman that you date and she stays over but you feel compelled to put all the kitchen knives in drawers. She has that creepy thing going on. And she isn't alone, Ben Carson has his own creepy thing happening.
... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.

I think what Bonzo was saying is her personality is unattractive , I would say like the Disney wicked step mother kind of creepy. In all honesty , a soft women wouldn't last a second in that ring of men. Hillary can come off like that at times too.

It was late last night, I was not as careful with my words as I normally am :)
... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.

I think what Bonzo was saying is her personality is unattractive , I would say like the Disney wicked step mother kind of creepy. In all honesty , a soft women wouldn't last a second in that ring of men. Hillary can come off like that at times too.

It's clear the Republican party has a real gender bias going on. In my opinion Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton. But we see the far out right going for candidates that in no way could win the White House. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson.

So I expect that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on Election night. And frankly the far right of the Republican party deserves it.

Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

It's clear that the Republican Party has a major problem with gender bias. With Carly Fiorina on the platform the Republican chimpanzee is even more prevalent. These type comments regarding Hillary & Carly are everywhere, on every board I am on. This historic large male GOP candidate platform, where we had 15 male GOP candidates running against 2 women is out of FEAR. Not necessarily fear of Hillary Clinton, but more-so the fear of the 1st woman POTUS. With this many male candidates they are able to drown them out with noise and media coverage. Rush Limbaugh the biggest Chimp, is contiinually promoting Hillary Clinton by referring to her as a "Cervix." Last night during the debate, Fiorina again showed her expertise on several issues. Trump & Carson actually repeating verbatim (her answers) on a couple of questions that were asked of her first. Today they are taking credit for those answers. Nothing new here. This is just another example of why Republicans will lose the White House again in 2016. Women are the majority voters in this country at 54%. They are not a special interest group. If you don't win women, you don't win the White House. That was made clear in 2012 when the right wing of the party made their platform about abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions, which was always answered by a gray haired white Republican male. It sent women running into Barack Obama's column securing a second term for him. With Trump supporters chasing away 17% of the population (Hispanics)--I see Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide election.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

There is one happy gal in all of this, and she wants to give you Trump supporters, and all the Republican Chimpanzees a shout-out for your continued support.


I have heard that Carley was quit a cold cold lady while working at HP ( I live in the area) They should have warmed her up a bit before bringing her out on stage .

The sad thing is they pumped her face with Botox so she showed no emotion the first few debates.
It is ok for a powerful man to be all wrinkled up but not a women I guess.

I was interested at first and saw a few things in her resume that didn't work for me, especially her going through breast cancer at the same place I did ( Stanford) lied and said Obamacare is bad for people with cancer... ahhh wrong and she knew it. Replace it with a pool which is known to be defunded.

While fact checking her, 50% of what she said was wrong

I think the reason why Trump is doing so well is because he leans a little to the left, not far left or far right appealing to both parties. And is saying things that we are angry about.

I do think that you are right about Hillary being the next President
Fiorina is not unhinged but she is not going to win the nomination either, and the idea that she is the only candidate who could beat Clinton is ridiculous.

As some point, intelligent Republican women--(which are the majority)--are going to look at this party--and ask themselves "how to they belong to a party"--that continually insults their gender. There are a lot of republican chimpanzees that are well routed in this party, Rush Limbaugh, and others that are referencing women to female body parts.

I think you are going to see Republican women, in mass move over into Hillary Clinton's column.

And you right wingers--that have caused all these problems with women & Hispanics are going to witness the unadulterated power of women & Hispanic voters on election night, and you're not going to happy with the result. And again, Frankly you deserve it.
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... why is every female politician ugly and bitchy ...

I mean do you have to be an ugly nasty bitch to be successful?

Show me ANY male candidate that is very handsome, sexy, and charming.

Up until you posted in this thread I thought you might not be such a bad person.

But for a woman to judge another woman's success based entirely on her looks is lower than low.

You are filth, Bonzi.

I think what Bonzo was saying is her personality is unattractive , I would say like the Disney wicked step mother kind of creepy. In all honesty , a soft women wouldn't last a second in that ring of men. Hillary can come off like that at times too.

It's clear the Republican party has a real gender bias going on. In my opinion Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton. But we see the far out right going for candidates that in no way could win the White House. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson.

So I expect that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on Election night. And frankly the far right of the Republican party deserves it.

Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

It's clear that the Republican Party has a major problem with gender bias. With Carly Fiorina on the platform the Republican chimpanzee is even more prevalent. These type comments regarding Hillary & Carly are everywhere, on every board I am on. This historic large male GOP candidate platform, where we had 15 male GOP candidates running against 2 women is out of FEAR. Not necessarily fear of Hillary Clinton, but more-so the fear of the 1st woman POTUS. With this many male candidates they are able to drown them out with noise and media coverage. Rush Limbaugh the biggest Chimp, is contiinually promoting Hillary Clinton by referring to her as a "Cervix." Last night during the debate, Fiorina again showed her expertise on several issues. Trump & Carson actually repeating verbatim (her answers) on a couple of questions that were asked of her first. Today they are taking credit for those answers. Nothing new here. This is just another example of why Republicans will lose the White House again in 2016. Women are the majority voters in this country at 54%. They are not a special interest group. If you don't win women, you don't win the White House. That was made clear in 2012 when the right wing of the party made their platform about abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions, which was always answered by a gray haired white Republican male. It sent women running into Barack Obama's column securing a second term for him. With Trump supporters chasing away 17% of the population (Hispanics)--I see Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide election.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

There is one happy gal in all of this, and she wants to give you Trump supporters, and all the Republican Chimpanzees a shout-out for your continued support.


I have heard that Carley was quit a cold cold lady while working at HP ( I live in the area) They should have warmed her up a bit before bringing her out on stage .

The sad thing is they pumped her face with Botox so she showed no emotion the first few debates.
It is ok for a powerful man to be all wrinkled up but not a women I guess.

I was interested at first and saw a few things in her resume that didn't work for me, especially her going through breast cancer at the same place I did ( Stanford) lied and said Obamacare is bad for people with cancer... ahhh wrong and she knew it. Replace it with a pool which is known to be defunded.

While fact checking her, 50% of what she said was wrong

I think the reason why Trump is doing so well is because he leans a little to the left, not far left or far right appealing to both parties. And is saying things that we are angry about.

I do think that you are right about Hillary being the next President

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. The math is not there for a Republican win. The Republican party continues to shrink. They are the minority party. Republicans lost younger women in 2012 by a whopping 36 points.

Republicans have several knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that women would never vote for. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum--that are on this platform just to say something really stupid. Independents a must win for Republicans are never going to vote for a Tea Party candidate or far right candidate, and they're certainly not going to vote for Trump.

Trump supporters have chased off another 17% of the population. They are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. It's so bad right now, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see Republicans lose the senate and a ton of seats in the house. I know in my state of Colorado, which is heavily populated with Hispanics. They very instrumental in getting Republican Cory Gardner elected to the Senate in 2014, have now moved back into the Democrat column, and the Republican chances of defeating our Democrat Senator Michael Benett in 2016 are now zero to none.

Then add in all the Republican chimpanzees into this mix, who are continually making offensive remarks toward women and the writing is on the wall. The Republican party has often been called the party of angry old White Republican men, and they are making Democrats dreams come true. On the morning after the wipe-out, the Republican party will have to be put on life support.

So the right wing of the party has cost Republicans another election. You might as well just escort Hillary Clinton into the oval office now.

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Synthaholic, why all the hate and the 'war on women', brah? You're such a sexist for attacking a woman. :p
Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. The math is not there for a Republican win.

The MATH isn't there for Hillary, either. She's looking at '10 - 20' before she can ever see the inside of the WH again, unless there is an Obama pardon in her future. :p

See this is your mentality. You're making fun of a woman that had to go through chemotherapy because of breast cancer. Do you have any idea how many Republican women in this country have had to go through the same? I think it's up to 6 in 10 women at one point in their lives will deal with breast cancer.

This is what a freaking idiot you are. Now let's chase off all the women who have had breast cancer. And I thought liberals didn't have brains--LOL. Nope you right wingers when the global award for that one.


To all Carly Fiorina supporters, & Republican women in general, as you can see on this thread--Republicans nor does the party respect you. Vote for Hillary and shove it up their ass's.
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