Carlos Danger


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
[ame=]96oz Beer Belly - YouTube[/ame]

Vole for me...Vote Weiner for mayor...:eusa_drool:
Because men are dogs and cheaters or would be cheaters deserve a fork their ass. Ok, a spork and tetanus shot will suffice.
I sure can't figure out what the women of NY see in the guy. Mr. Danger needs a tummy
What's interesting to me about Sr. Danger is he just doesn't get it. Since the initial incident broke Tony's first reaction was to lie about it, repeatedly and to anyone and everyone. Recall he called certain media folks into his office for one-on-one sessions about the "hacking" b.s. he was desperately trying to sell them on.

And then this gold digging slut comes along and Tony was right back to his familiar mode, lying and treating the public like a bunch of dopes as he reminded everyone back when he resigned he warned there might be more stuff to surface. So he tried to turn his latest smarmy texting into a convenient 'I told you so' moment by clearly implying this was linked to his pre-resignation escapades.

Some day his son will be so proud of his daddy.
Saw a guy walking around town a while back who looked a lot like that. He had the nerve to wear a T-shirt that said "No Fat Chicks"!!! :eek:

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