Carly Fiorina just said we should put thousands of more troops into Germany.

Germany doesn't need more foreign troops in their country.

But, if they want to start stationing German troops in other countries I'm thinking, yeaahhh not yet. Let's wait another 100 years and see how it goes.
Carly is saying Freddie Mac and Fannie, then said it was Bush and deregulation. She's all over the place.

This was the point I started to listen to her, all of the others ( except Trump) slammed anyone else they could, or avoided the question.
And then your right all over the place.
We have thousands of Troops still in Korea after half a century because a timid democrat president didn't have the balls to talk to the freaking General he appointed before he got 50,000 Americans killed in the "Forgotten War". Bill Clinton established a Military presence in Bosnia after he bombed a defenseless nation into the stone age to deflect attention from his serial abuse of women and you worry about a nit picked sound bite from Fiorina?
And Bill stopped a genocide. Why did you forget to mention that?

Oh, I know, don't answer.

When Bush and the GOP invaded Iraq, there were a million and a half Christians. Bush and the GOP REFUSED to help those Christians. By the time Bush left office, there were only around 200 thousand left. Republicans didn't ignore those Christians, they REFUSED to help them. Even after repeated pleas by the Pope. And don't tell me to prove it. I have posted at least a hundred links on this subject and even made a video about it.

Best duty I ever had was in Germany.

I'd love to go back.
I was in Germany during the 70's which was a difficult time. Me and two buddies, on vacation in Garmish, went into the sauna which was pretty big. While we were sitting there, three very pretty German girls walked in with towels around their waists. One of my buddies started getting upset. Oh, we are in the wrong sauna. Those girls are going to report us. Come on, let's get out of here. We convinced him the sauna's were "co-ed". Then one of the girls started going on about how America was a dirty country. How US troops need to get out of Germany because of US contamination. The guy who was so nervous suddenly gets up and says to them, "We kicked German butts in WW1. We kicked German Butts in WW2. We can kick German butts again any time we want". So we grabbed him and hustled him out because the girls looked scared.
At the time, everyone had long hair. GI's didn't so they were easy to identify.
They booed Rubio for promoting day care.
They booed Rubio for offering handouts.
Like daycare for babies so their parents could work.
Why should tax payers have to pay for their kids? If they couldn't afford them, they shouldn't have them. That is called a handout :thup:

I feel the same way about rescuing christians from the ME.

Why should we save them from ISIS headhunters? That is called a hand out..
They booed Rubio for promoting day care.
They booed Rubio for offering handouts.
Like daycare for babies so their parents could work.
Why should tax payers have to pay for their kids? If they couldn't afford them, they shouldn't have them. That is called a handout :thup:

I feel the same way about rescuing christians from the ME.

Why should we save them from ISIS headhunters? That is called a hand out..
That isn't a handout, per se, but sure. I say fuck everyone. And that includes Americans that cant take care of themselves and their decisions
They booed Rubio for promoting day care.
They booed Rubio for offering handouts.
Like daycare for babies so their parents could work.
Why should tax payers have to pay for their kids? If they couldn't afford them, they shouldn't have them. That is called a handout :thup:
Once you keep women from birth control or abortion, you have responsibility. How Republicans don't get that? I don't know.
What do you think Germany would think about that?

yeah dean, people like you said the war on terror was made up. And that they hate us because of some video, do you ever read your posts before hitting reply?
What do you think Germany would think about that?

yeah dean, people like you said the war on terror was made up. And that they hate us because of some video, do you ever read your posts before hitting reply?
They hate us for our freedom - Bush said that.

They hate us because women can drive - came from the last GOP presidential debate.

Sure I read my posts. I want to make sure I have it right when I quote Republicans.

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