Carly Fiorina Makes Planned Parenthood a National Story Again

Great editing job but the video evidence is a lie. That wasn't taken from the Planned Parenthood videos.
Other Republican candidates are pro-life (or claim to be) but are uncomfortable talking about it.

Carly made it clear that she is morally outraged by abortion, calling it an issue of our nation's character.

Abortion is my number one issue, and millions of Americans feel the same way.

I predict that the pro-life groups are going to go all out for Carly.

If she is anti-abortion then why is she anti-contraception via Obamacare given that it reduces abortion?


Hypocrisy like this destroys her credibility amongst normal women voters.

And if your prediction about the anti-rights whackjobs supporting her comes true them she is toast if she wins the GOP nomination. You can't win the GE on an anti-abortion platform.
Carly has no children, interesting. Wonder which contraceptives she used.
Other Republican candidates are pro-life (or claim to be) but are uncomfortable talking about it.

Carly made it clear that she is morally outraged by abortion, calling it an issue of our nation's character.

Abortion is my number one issue, and millions of Americans feel the same way.

I predict that the pro-life groups are going to go all out for Carly.

If she is anti-abortion then why is she anti-contraception via Obamacare given that it reduces abortion?


Hypocrisy like this destroys her credibility amongst normal women voters.

And if your prediction about the anti-rights whackjobs supporting her comes true them she is toast if she wins the GOP nomination. You can't win the GE on an anti-abortion platform.
Three Republican Presidents have won the GE on an anti-abortion platform.

No they didn't. They said they were pro-life, but none of them did anything to overturn Roe v. Wade, or limit abortions. They upheld the Republican tradition of saying they were socially conservative in order to get the religious right votes, but they failed to deliver on their promises.

Republicans also say they believe in smaller government and will deliver jobs for Americans but government has grown more under Republican administrations than under a Democrat President. And Democrat Presidents have delivered more jobs than Republicans too.

Seriously, why do you people vote for lying Republicans? They're only governing for the wealthy. The rest of you are just suckers they keep distracted with bullshit.

Yes, the Republicans do suck. They also don't follow through. You know, like you keep saying there are people to the left of you, and I ask how anyone could be to the left of you, and you keep not answering the question, Mrs. Mao. Why is that? You're an extreme leftist, it's not actually possible
Other Republican candidates are pro-life (or claim to be) but are uncomfortable talking about it.

Carly made it clear that she is morally outraged by abortion, calling it an issue of our nation's character.

Abortion is my number one issue, and millions of Americans feel the same way.

I predict that the pro-life groups are going to go all out for Carly.

If she is anti-abortion then why is she anti-contraception via Obamacare given that it reduces abortion?


Hypocrisy like this destroys her credibility amongst normal women voters.

And if your prediction about the anti-rights whackjobs supporting her comes true them she is toast if she wins the GOP nomination. You can't win the GE on an anti-abortion platform.
Carly has no children, interesting. Wonder which contraceptives she used.

Perhaps there is a God after all! ;)

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