Carly Fiorina Makes Planned Parenthood a National Story Again

Funny how everything she said was proven false within minutes, but, hey, keep supporting her. Democrats will love you for it.
LOL, I don't think so since the whole Democratic Bullshit Machine is completely unprepared to deal with a female opponent, What the fuck the DNC gonna do, declare that the GOP is waging a war on men? get serious.. Carly Fiorina destroys the entire Democratic Campaign Strategy (as in ... back to the drawing board morons).


You need to pay more attention. Democrats single out blacks, women and Hispanics for not being Democrats. Palin, Thomas, Powell, Rice, they are targeted with even more than the standard liberal vitriol it's the race card card.
Other Republican candidates are pro-life (or claim to be) but are uncomfortable talking about it.

Carly made it clear that she is morally outraged by abortion, calling it an issue of our nation's character.

Abortion is my number one issue, and millions of Americans feel the same way.

I predict that the pro-life groups are going to go all out for Carly.

If she is anti-abortion then why is she anti-contraception via Obamacare given that it reduces abortion?


Hypocrisy like this destroys her credibility amongst normal women voters.

And if your prediction about the anti-rights whackjobs supporting her comes true them she is toast if she wins the GOP nomination. You can't win the GE on an anti-abortion platform.
Three Republican Presidents have won the GE on an anti-abortion platform.
That means legal abortion is gone now, right?
Carly Fiorina's Mystery Planned Parenthood Video

I couldn't decide before among the many good candidates for the Republican nomination, but now I'm certain. Carly Florina has my support. I might even giver her campaign money, which I have never done before.

Carly gets it on abortion. She's not like other Republicans who oppose abortion, but in a lukewarm way.

Carly gets the moral outrage that so many Americans feel that unborn babies are being murdered in the womb, and then cut up and sold.

Also, Carly is a woman, so she can't be accused of waging a "War on Women" for her pro-life beliefs.

And because she's a woman, she is the best candidate to take on Hillary Clinton. She can go after Hillary full throttle, without charges that she hates women.

When have Democrats ever not attacked Republican women for being women? In fact they single them out, the bitches belong in the Democrat kitchen serving liberals dinner and doing their bidding. Does the name Palin mean anything to you?

I know. Palin was such an awesome candidate. The ONLY reason to not vote for her was a hatred of women. You nailed it.

Yes, she was in every other way a run of the mill Republican. It was your hatred of women that turned her into a target of your hate. Women will be your bitches or they will be destroyed, it's your KKKlown party paradigm
The gender card again.
I know. Palin was such an awesome candidate. The ONLY reason to not vote for her was a hatred of women. You nailed it.

Yes, she was in every other way a run of the mill Republican. It was your hatred of women that turned her into a target of your hate. Women will be your bitches or they will be destroyed, it's your KKKlown party paradigm

You are still butthurt by the fact that McCain chose an imbecile as a running mate and lost to a fairly inexperienced black dude with a Muslim sounding name. You may never recover. Making excuses hasn't helped thus far and it won't moving forward.

You think Clinton and Warren are our bitches? That's brilliant thinking.

Sorry I made you cry, dear. Here's a tissue, we can resume the conversation when you calm down

Great reply after being firmly put in your place. Does it ease the pain?

Hey gay boy, you wanted to talk about emotions. I don't give a shit how you feel, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with how I feel about everything. Well, except that you're gay and all. As well as a clown. How do you feel about that? Don't answer, I don't give a shit.

Just so you know, when you're around straight guys, you should avoid the obsession with feelings. Just a tip to help you fit in better. As if that's possible, bozo
^ What an emotional melt-down. I hope you have a con-federate flag crying towel available.
Sorry I made you cry, dear. Here's a tissue, we can resume the conversation when you calm down

Great reply after being firmly put in your place. Does it ease the pain?

Hey gay boy, you wanted to talk about emotions. I don't give a shit how you feel, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with how I feel about everything. Well, except that you're gay and all. As well as a clown. How do you feel about that? Don't answer, I don't give a shit.

Just so you know, when you're around straight guys, you should avoid the obsession with feelings. Just a tip to help you fit in better. As if that's possible, bozo

How about that. This loser who can't overcome his grief that he supported an imbecile for VP.......thinks he's upsetting others by calling them gay. It's a weird place to take this discussion.....and it reeks of desperation.

Who did I support for VP? I didn't vote for McCain, gay boy

Of course not. You wouldn't ever vote for a Republican. are so defensive about Palin because you find her agenda to be totally off putting. Sure. We all believe you.

Sticking with the gay insults huh? Way to go.

Gewd, I'm not going to fuck you in the ass, faggot, I'm not gay. What is wrong with you? Do you never stop trying to score no matter how someone straight is? Fuck off, faggot
Great reply after being firmly put in your place. Does it ease the pain?

Hey gay boy, you wanted to talk about emotions. I don't give a shit how you feel, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with how I feel about everything. Well, except that you're gay and all. As well as a clown. How do you feel about that? Don't answer, I don't give a shit.

Just so you know, when you're around straight guys, you should avoid the obsession with feelings. Just a tip to help you fit in better. As if that's possible, bozo

How about that. This loser who can't overcome his grief that he supported an imbecile for VP.......thinks he's upsetting others by calling them gay. It's a weird place to take this discussion.....and it reeks of desperation.

Who did I support for VP? I didn't vote for McCain, gay boy

Of course not. You wouldn't ever vote for a Republican. are so defensive about Palin because you find her agenda to be totally off putting. Sure. We all believe you.

Sticking with the gay insults huh? Way to go.

Gewd, I'm not going to fuck you in the ass, faggot, I'm not gay. What is wrong with you? Do you never stop trying to score no matter how someone straight is? Fuck off, faggot
Could this be the right wing meltdown of the day?
Hey kaz, check it out!
Does this anger you?
Hey gay boy, you wanted to talk about emotions. I don't give a shit how you feel, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with how I feel about everything. Well, except that you're gay and all. As well as a clown. How do you feel about that? Don't answer, I don't give a shit.

Just so you know, when you're around straight guys, you should avoid the obsession with feelings. Just a tip to help you fit in better. As if that's possible, bozo

How about that. This loser who can't overcome his grief that he supported an imbecile for VP.......thinks he's upsetting others by calling them gay. It's a weird place to take this discussion.....and it reeks of desperation.

Who did I support for VP? I didn't vote for McCain, gay boy

Of course not. You wouldn't ever vote for a Republican. are so defensive about Palin because you find her agenda to be totally off putting. Sure. We all believe you.

Sticking with the gay insults huh? Way to go.

I voted Republican once in the last six elections, and seriously, get off how I feel. Frankly at this point you're stalking and it's creepy. Does your boyfriend know you obsess on internet poster's feelings?

This is fun. Tell the class again how you aren't upset, junior. See if yo can control your emotions and allow this thread to die as it should. Stalking? You sound like a little pussy.

You are lying about your voting record. Just as you pretty much lie about everything. Only blind Republcans get their feelings hurt when others discuss the imbecile that McCain chose as VP. Libertarians generally agree that she is an imbecile and don't get all huffy and offended like you have here.

tell yourself whatever you want, faggot
How about that. This loser who can't overcome his grief that he supported an imbecile for VP.......thinks he's upsetting others by calling them gay. It's a weird place to take this discussion.....and it reeks of desperation.

Who did I support for VP? I didn't vote for McCain, gay boy

Of course not. You wouldn't ever vote for a Republican. are so defensive about Palin because you find her agenda to be totally off putting. Sure. We all believe you.

Sticking with the gay insults huh? Way to go.

I voted Republican once in the last six elections, and seriously, get off how I feel. Frankly at this point you're stalking and it's creepy. Does your boyfriend know you obsess on internet poster's feelings?

This is fun. Tell the class again how you aren't upset, junior. See if yo can control your emotions and allow this thread to die as it should. Stalking? You sound like a little pussy.

You are lying about your voting record. Just as you pretty much lie about everything. Only blind Republcans get their feelings hurt when others discuss the imbecile that McCain chose as VP. Libertarians generally agree that she is an imbecile and don't get all huffy and offended like you have here.

tell yourself whatever you want, faggot
OOOOOOHHH, the homophobe is mad now.
Funny how everything she said was proven false within minutes, but, hey, keep supporting her. Democrats will love you for it.
LOL, I don't think so since the whole Democratic Bullshit Machine is completely unprepared to deal with a female opponent, What the fuck the DNC gonna do, declare that the GOP is waging a war on men? get serious.. Carly Fiorina destroys the entire Democratic Campaign Strategy (as in ... back to the drawing board morons).


You need to pay more attention. Democrats single out blacks, women and Hispanics for not being Democrats. Palin, Thomas, Powell, Rice, they are targeted with even more than the standard liberal vitriol it's the race card card.

Yes, you are shanmeless
Carly Fiorina's Mystery Planned Parenthood Video

I couldn't decide before among the many good candidates for the Republican nomination, but now I'm certain. Carly Florina has my support. I might even giver her campaign money, which I have never done before.

Carly gets it on abortion. She's not like other Republicans who oppose abortion, but in a lukewarm way.

Carly gets the moral outrage that so many Americans feel that unborn babies are being murdered in the womb, and then cut up and sold.

Also, Carly is a woman, so she can't be accused of waging a "War on Women" for her pro-life beliefs.

And because she's a woman, she is the best candidate to take on Hillary Clinton. She can go after Hillary full throttle, without charges that she hates women.

When have Democrats ever not attacked Republican women for being women? In fact they single them out, the bitches belong in the Democrat kitchen serving liberals dinner and doing their bidding. Does the name Palin mean anything to you?

I know. Palin was such an awesome candidate. The ONLY reason to not vote for her was a hatred of women. You nailed it.

Yes, she was in every other way a run of the mill Republican. It was your hatred of women that turned her into a target of your hate. Women will be your bitches or they will be destroyed, it's your KKKlown party paradigm
The gender card again.

You're a sick bitch for sure
Yes, she was in every other way a run of the mill Republican. It was your hatred of women that turned her into a target of your hate. Women will be your bitches or they will be destroyed, it's your KKKlown party paradigm

You are still butthurt by the fact that McCain chose an imbecile as a running mate and lost to a fairly inexperienced black dude with a Muslim sounding name. You may never recover. Making excuses hasn't helped thus far and it won't moving forward.

You think Clinton and Warren are our bitches? That's brilliant thinking.

Sorry I made you cry, dear. Here's a tissue, we can resume the conversation when you calm down

Great reply after being firmly put in your place. Does it ease the pain?

Hey gay boy, you wanted to talk about emotions. I don't give a shit how you feel, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with how I feel about everything. Well, except that you're gay and all. As well as a clown. How do you feel about that? Don't answer, I don't give a shit.

Just so you know, when you're around straight guys, you should avoid the obsession with feelings. Just a tip to help you fit in better. As if that's possible, bozo
^ What an emotional melt-down. I hope you have a con-federate flag crying towel available.

It's OK all is good. Hug, hug
Who did I support for VP? I didn't vote for McCain, gay boy

Of course not. You wouldn't ever vote for a Republican. are so defensive about Palin because you find her agenda to be totally off putting. Sure. We all believe you.

Sticking with the gay insults huh? Way to go.

I voted Republican once in the last six elections, and seriously, get off how I feel. Frankly at this point you're stalking and it's creepy. Does your boyfriend know you obsess on internet poster's feelings?

This is fun. Tell the class again how you aren't upset, junior. See if yo can control your emotions and allow this thread to die as it should. Stalking? You sound like a little pussy.

You are lying about your voting record. Just as you pretty much lie about everything. Only blind Republcans get their feelings hurt when others discuss the imbecile that McCain chose as VP. Libertarians generally agree that she is an imbecile and don't get all huffy and offended like you have here.

tell yourself whatever you want, faggot
OOOOOOHHH, the homophobe is mad now.

why? why do you hate fags?
Kaz' Internal Dialogue:

"I'm mature and stuff. I can maintain my cool as an educated independent American."

"Huh? What's this? That darned Lone Laugher has done it to me again. How does that guy always know when I'm lying and why does he always point out my hypocrisy?"

"I know! I'll tell him that I think he's way too concerned with feelings so he must be GAY! Then I'll call him every gay slur that I know and accuse him of stalking me cuz he wants to put his dick in my ass! That will show him!"

"It's a good thing I'm so awesome that I can overcome these vicious attacks on this message board using my superior intellect!"
Kaz' Internal Dialogue:

"I'm mature and stuff. I can maintain my cool as an educated independent American."

"Huh? What's this? That darned Lone Laugher has done it to me again. How does that guy always know when I'm lying and why does he always point out my hypocrisy?"

"I know! I'll tell him that I think he's way too concerned with feelings so he must be GAY! Then I'll call him every gay slur that I know and accuse him of stalking me cuz he wants to put his dick in my ass! That will show him!"

"It's a good thing I'm so awesome that I can overcome these vicious attacks on this message board using my superior intellect!"

Actually, gay boy, I think you're obsessed with my feelings because you keep talking about how I feel. I hate to use the term over thinking for you because that's clearly not the issue you have
Kaz' Internal Dialogue:

"I'm mature and stuff. I can maintain my cool as an educated independent American."

"Huh? What's this? That darned Lone Laugher has done it to me again. How does that guy always know when I'm lying and why does he always point out my hypocrisy?"

"I know! I'll tell him that I think he's way too concerned with feelings so he must be GAY! Then I'll call him every gay slur that I know and accuse him of stalking me cuz he wants to put his dick in my ass! That will show him!"

"It's a good thing I'm so awesome that I can overcome these vicious attacks on this message board using my superior intellect!"

Actually, gay boy, I think you're obsessed with my feelings because you keep talking about how I feel. I hate to use the term over thinking for you because that's clearly not the issue you have

The he is! His will power is off the charts.
Carly Fiorina's Mystery Planned Parenthood Video

I couldn't decide before among the many good candidates for the Republican nomination, but now I'm certain. Carly Florina has my support. I might even giver her campaign money, which I have never done before.

Carly gets it on abortion. She's not like other Republicans who oppose abortion, but in a lukewarm way.

Carly gets the moral outrage that so many Americans feel that unborn babies are being murdered in the womb, and then cut up and sold.

Also, Carly is a woman, so she can't be accused of waging a "War on Women" for her pro-life beliefs.

And because she's a woman, she is the best candidate to take on Hillary Clinton. She can go after Hillary full throttle, without charges that she hates women.

When have Democrats ever not attacked Republican women for being women? In fact they single them out, the bitches belong in the Democrat kitchen serving liberals dinner and doing their bidding. Does the name Palin mean anything to you?

I know. Palin was such an awesome candidate. The ONLY reason to not vote for her was a hatred of women. You nailed it.

Yes, she was in every other way a run of the mill Republican. It was your hatred of women that turned her into a target of your hate. Women will be your bitches or they will be destroyed, it's your KKKlown party paradigm
The gender card again.

You're the victim party, and you love playing the role. You are a liberal before you are a woman, you are a liberal before you are anything. It's your religion. Sad you don't believe women should be able to think for themselves. Your food is pre-chewed
Kaz' Internal Dialogue:

"I'm mature and stuff. I can maintain my cool as an educated independent American."

"Huh? What's this? That darned Lone Laugher has done it to me again. How does that guy always know when I'm lying and why does he always point out my hypocrisy?"

"I know! I'll tell him that I think he's way too concerned with feelings so he must be GAY! Then I'll call him every gay slur that I know and accuse him of stalking me cuz he wants to put his dick in my ass! That will show him!"

"It's a good thing I'm so awesome that I can overcome these vicious attacks on this message board using my superior intellect!"

Actually, gay boy, I think you're obsessed with my feelings because you keep talking about how I feel. I hate to use the term over thinking for you because that's clearly not the issue you have

The he is! His will power is off the charts.

What does that mean, KKKlown?
Other Republican candidates are pro-life (or claim to be) but are uncomfortable talking about it.

Carly made it clear that she is morally outraged by abortion, calling it an issue of our nation's character.

Abortion is my number one issue, and millions of Americans feel the same way.

I predict that the pro-life groups are going to go all out for Carly.

If she is anti-abortion then why is she anti-contraception via Obamacare given that it reduces abortion?


Hypocrisy like this destroys her credibility amongst normal women voters.

And if your prediction about the anti-rights whackjobs supporting her comes true them she is toast if she wins the GOP nomination. You can't win the GE on an anti-abortion platform.
Three Republican Presidents have won the GE on an anti-abortion platform.

No they didn't. They said they were pro-life, but none of them did anything to overturn Roe v. Wade, or limit abortions. They upheld the Republican tradition of saying they were socially conservative in order to get the religious right votes, but they failed to deliver on their promises.

Republicans also say they believe in smaller government and will deliver jobs for Americans but government has grown more under Republican administrations than under a Democrat President. And Democrat Presidents have delivered more jobs than Republicans too.

Seriously, why do you people vote for lying Republicans? They're only governing for the wealthy. The rest of you are just suckers they keep distracted with bullshit.

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