Carly Fiorina says NO to ethanol subsides--and she said it in Iowa!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This woman has CAJONES! Here she is talking to Iowa corn farmers and is truthful enough when asked--"will you give us Ethanol subsidies" Her answer NO.

While other candidates are all over Iowa--telling the crowds--(mostly farmers) anything they want to hear to get a vote.

Carly [Fiorina] believes that it’s not the government’s job to determine market access,” said Anna Epstein, Fiorina’s press secretary in a statement. “She supports phasing out sugar, oil, and renewable fuels at the same time so that we’re not impinging on any one state or industry.”

Ethanol isn't good for the environment and that's well known.

Why in hell they still adding it to gas is beyond me.

As for those farmers. Stop the subsidies and let ethanol go the way of the cart.

Good for Fiorina. Bout time someone address all these subsidies.
Ethanol isn't good for the environment and that's well known.

Why in hell they still adding it to gas is beyond me.

As for those farmers. Stop the subsidies and let ethanol go the way of the cart.

Good for Fiorina. Bout time someone address all these subsidies.

She did in the link I posted.
Politicians have been arguing over subsidies since the 30s and they are still here. What's that tell you about the honesty/naivety of a politician who promises to end them?

What's that tell you about the gullibility of people who believe that politician?

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