Carnage-Wolverine: Dream-Warehouse


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a mock-discussion between two comic book 'superhumans,' Carnage (a mayhem maniac) and Wolverine (a valiant tracker), and the theism 'super-creator figure' we call God (paternal supervisor). The discussion regards the Utopian chemistry of commerce (and hence modernism!).

Should capitalism breed optimism (investor excitement) or cynicism (populace grudges towards 'mallrats')?

Signing off,


CARNAGE: I'm sick and tired of 'Starbucks Seismology.'
WOLVERINE: Consumerism is pure cholesterol...
GOD: Beware the red-eyed beast of 'natural cynicism.'

CARNAGE: Capitalism fosters global competitiveness.
WOLVERINE: Intellectual property considerations breed a new kind of 'terrorist.'
GOD: Internet hackers do not undermine our basic fascination with 'virtual highways.'

CARNAGE: American President Donald Trump is a diplomat of piracy!
WOLVERINE: Trump was a casino-magnate --- Atlantic City.
GOD: There's nothing wrong with colloquial politics (e.g., 'bootstraps-ethic').

CARNAGE: Commerce pundits celebrate Apple Computers for making goods 'fun.'
WOLVERINE: Every father wants his son to look serious while playing on an iPad!
GOD: When Icarus flew/played too close to the sun, his 'magical-wax wings' melted.

CARNAGE: There's no way to scientifically verify commerce-gauged peace (e.g., World Bank).
WOLVERINE: Consumer-treaties feel like Las Vegas (e.g., North Korea-South Korea).
GOD: Governments should allow their citizens to view manufacturing as a 'hobby.'

CARNAGE: When Wall Street breeds fewer werewolves, I'll stop endorsing crime...
WOLVERINE: If God can stop malice (hmmm), I'll retire from fighting bullies...
GOD: The only way to conquer pride is to elevate rust (or fear of production deterioration).



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