Carney: Obama "unaware" of his Justice Dept. monitoring AP phones


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Looks like President Obama has hit the Trifecta: A perfect 3-for-3 record of not knowing what is going on in his own administration.

Today, Spokesman Jay Carney announced: "Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by the Justice Department to seek phone records of the AP."

You may recall that, When State Dept. whistleblowers complained that they were being blocked from testifying to Congress about their experience on the gournd in Banghazi, Obama also responded, "I am unaware" of any such blockage, but that he would investigate the matter to find out what was going on.

And when it came to light that the IRS was targeting conservatives with harassing audits and investigations, Obama went to a press conference yesterday and said he was unaware of that, too... but that he wanted a full investigation to find out what was going on.

Is Barack Obama the most unaware, uninformed President since Jimmy Carter tried to "negotiate" with the Iranians holding our Embassy personnel hostage in 1979?

What **has** he been doing in the White House all this time? Golfing, fundraising, and improving his jump shot?
Unaware...does this guy do ANYTHING? He is the most clueless president ever if you believe the responses to all these stories

Hell he seems to be unaware of just about everything going on around him.

Gotta wonder how this dufus got elected twice. Sure ain't because he "aware" of anything.
So either Obama is lying and is the most corrupt president in American history, or he is telling the truth and is the most incompetent president in American history.
what actual business of the US govt. is this President ever aware of? The more you hear he is unaware the more one begins to believe he is nothing but a puppet.
That then begs the question, who is actually pulling the ropes?
In the first place, the DOJ is currently investigating the White House on the subject of leaks. That means the White House has to have a totally hands off attitude toward Justice to avoid any hint of influencing the investigation.

Secondly, a legal firewall was enacted separating the IRS from White House influence after the last scandal there. No President can influence the IRS now or even direct what it does.
In the first place, the DOJ is currently investigating the White House on the subject of leaks. That means the White House has to have a totally hands off attitude toward Justice to avoid any hint of influencing the investigation.
And as we all know, Obama would never dream of doing something he "has to" refrain from doing. :laugh:

Secondly, a legal firewall was enacted separating the IRS from White House influence after the last scandal there. No President can influence the IRS now or even direct what it does.
And if you believe that one, I've got a bridge to sell you. :eusa_liar:
When I was a kid and did "bad" things I never knew anything about them either :)

"Christopher did you set fire to that field?!?" "No mom! I wasn't anywhere near there. I swear"
Oh, BTW... in the Fast&Furious scandal, where the Obama admin let Mexican drug cartels buy 2,000 assault weapons and bring them across the border into Mexico (strictly against all U.S. law), resulting in the deaths of countless civilians and at least one U.S. Border Partol agent...

Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano both said they knew nothing about it, but heard about it later "in news reports". Just like Obama said yesterday about the IRS scandal, and his spokesman said today about the AP-phone-monitoring scandal. They all knew nothing about any of these scandals, until they saw it on the nightly news.

How many $millions (or $billions) do we pay the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies? Why do we bother to waste all that money, when the only groups that gives the President his information, is CNN?
And what is the most common answer by every politician caught in a scandal since the dawn of time?
"I don't recall...I wasn't aware...No comment...."
Welcome to the USSA... Obama went full dictator with the NDAA and the Wire Taping... (so as Bush with the Patriot Act.)
He's also unaware of what kind of fertilizer they use on the National Mall -- and how much a security guard at the Smithsonian takes home.

But he's 10 times more aware of the important executive things than W. ever was.

So, say thank you Mr. President and STFU.
He's also unaware of what kind of fertilizer they use on the National Mall -- and how much a security guard at the Smithsonian takes home.

But he's 10 times more aware of the important executive things than W. ever was.

So, say thank you Mr. President and STFU.

Your boy is going down so suck it
I heard today that this administration has investigated leaks 2 times that of all other administrations combined. It was also stated leaks that made the administration look good, were not investigated. If true, that is outstanding.

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