Cartel - The Movie - What's wrong with public education

It is always the problem with anything that is taxpayer funded... corruption is easy. Personally, I think the public school system needs an overall because we are failing some really important people... the next generation.
The avg. teacher salary is $55K - yet in many districts the classroom costs exceed $300K. I know the NJEA is not happy, but from the trailer, it does not look like they are "bashing teachers". They expose all the corruptocrats.

I am not "pro union" however they do serve an important role for good teachers. Yesterday 9 of my non-tenured friends and colleagues were let go. From antecdotal evidence, it seems they were the ones with high standards and enforced the rules. That does not jive with the status quo.

I'm seeing the movie tomorrow.
The avg. teacher salary is $55K - yet in many districts the classroom costs exceed $300K. I know the NJEA is not happy, but from the trailer, it does not look like they are "bashing teachers". They expose all the corruptocrats.

I am not "pro union" however they do serve an important role for good teachers. Yesterday 9 of my non-tenured friends and colleagues were let go. From antecdotal evidence, it seems they were the ones with high standards and enforced the rules. That does not jive with the status quo.

I'm seeing the movie tomorrow.

Cool. I hope you'll feed back on it.

Of course, unions are not all bad. They serve an important function, but some are far too powerful and do not serve their members. It's like any other organization of it's type. It starts off as a good idea, but the money and power brings too much corruption - just like government!!

I am pro teachers - good teachers. Teaching, to me, is a calling, not a job or even a profession. Really good teachers can have a huge impact on a child. I know.... I am a writer because of my English teacher. He was inspirational and taught me a lot. He encouraged me, and I tend to suffer from 'imposter syndrome'. :lol: So, for me, he played a huge role in my life.

But this spending has got to stop. It is ridiculous to be spending $300k+ on one class of kids and getting worse results! That is laughable. If it was a business, someone would be fired. I think we need to treat the public sector the same way business does. Either you do it right or we fire you and get someone who will.
It is always the problem with anything that is taxpayer funded... corruption is easy. Personally, I think the public school system needs an overall because we are failing some really important people... the next generation.

we're 'failing' because 70% of this country is telling their kids that there is no such thing as evolution.
Jillian Wrote:
we're 'failing' because 70% of this country is telling their kids that there is no such thing as evolution.

Yawn. Do you honestly think that more parents are teaching their children that NOW, then there were back when American education was working? Give me a break.

Trust me, Jillian, I'm working my ass off in an inner-city school. These kids aren't failing because their parents aren't teaching them about evolution. They're failing (in part) because their parents aren't teaching them anything except how to be a victim.
It is always the problem with anything that is taxpayer funded... corruption is easy. Personally, I think the public school system needs an overall because we are failing some really important people... the next generation.

we're 'failing' because 70% of this country is telling their kids that there is no such thing as evolution.

Is that right? That's the sole reason for children failing in school?

I hope, reading that back, you realize just how completely ridiculous that claim is, mo chara.
The Cartel Movie - A Film by Bob Bowdon - The Film

Wow. Money is not the answer. Teachers are not the problem. Tenure may be necessary for those that speak out. Who woulda thunk?

Very, very interesting.
Tenure and the system is top heavy with grossly overpaid bureaucrats and educrats...The money to pay them doesn't just come out of Lucky Leprechaun's pot o' gold.

My understanding is that Chanel is proposing protection for teachers who blow the whistle on corruption. I think that is a good idea. It is the corruption that is killing public schools, not tenure as such. Tenure does need to be considered, in that bad teachers should not get tenure.
Jillian Wrote:
we're 'failing' because 70% of this country is telling their kids that there is no such thing as evolution.

Yawn. Do you honestly think that more parents are teaching their children that NOW, then there were back when American education was working? Give me a break.

Trust me, Jillian, I'm working my ass off in an inner-city school. These kids aren't failing because their parents aren't teaching them about evolution. They're failing (in part) because their parents aren't teaching them anything except how to be a victim.
i'd add to that that your system is satisfied with passing the blame to parents.
I don't see anyone in "my system" laying blame on the parents in any serious way whatsoever. Barack Obama gave lip service to the fact that parents needed to turn off the game systems and teach their children that their education was their responsibility and was important...but after he was elected, he never mentioned it again in any serious venue. The NEA, Dept. of Ed., etc. are blaming lack of funds, overcrowded classrooms, etc....they aren't blaming parents. Most people I talk to are blaming teachers and unions...just like many of you here...and many aren't blaming parents.

Teachers and others are asking for parents to help instill an understanding of the value of education because they understand how integral parents can be to the success of their children.

And most teachers (myself included...if you actually READ my post you'll see that I stated that parents were PART of the problem) will state openly and without hesitation that parents are only PART of the problem...not the sole problem.

It was JILLIAN who stated that parents were the sole problem. More specifically, she stated that anti-evolution parents were the sole problem. I stated that parents who do not teach their children that education is important but rather teach them to play victim are PART of the problem.

Nice try though.
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i think parenting has the biggest influence on the effectiveness of education. money and class size pale in comparison. the public school system has all sorts of other priorities, none include educating on the virtues of education for primary school students. making active compensation for the lipservice that the president down to, indeed, teachers put on the discipline and motivation from parents. if it is missing, it is your responsibility to replace it. you dont make the system, but you are part of it. i'm voicing my opinion, perhaps to a fingernail instead of the ear. potentially even a well-trimmed fingernail, but part of the system failing to produce satisfactory results nonetheless.

the result is a going through the motions which puts teachers and students alike in a web of failure to sustain the impetus to ask for more money, hire more teachers and complain about facilities. you'll think that the point of public ed was to sell bonds (and psych drugs).
I don't see anyone in "my system" laying blame on the parents in any serious way whatsoever. Barack Obama gave lip service to the fact that parents needed to turn off the game systems and teach their children that their education was their responsibility and was important...but after he was elected, he never mentioned it again in any serious venue. The NEA, Dept. of Ed., etc. are blaming lack of funds, overcrowded classrooms, etc....they aren't blaming parents. Most people I talk to are blaming teachers and unions...just like many of you here...and many aren't blaming parents.

Teachers and others are asking for parents to help instill an understanding of the value of education because they understand how integral parents can be to the success of their children.

And most teachers (myself included...if you actually READ my post you'll see that I stated that parents were PART of the problem) will state openly and without hesitation that parents are only PART of the problem...not the sole problem.

It was JILLIAN who stated that parents were the sole problem. More specifically, she stated that anti-evolution parents were the sole problem. I stated that parents who do not teach their children that education is important but rather teach them to play victim are PART of the problem.

Nice try though.

Actually, Jillian stated that it's because parents don't teach evolution to their kids. I find that a fascinating opinion. Albeit a totally ridiculous one.... Jillian clearly did not watch any of the clips provided.

Because most thinking individuals would be a tad concerned that we have a failing school system that is spending in excess of $300k per class. Most intelligent people would, probably, be unlikely to blame parents not teaching their kids evolution. They might blame the parents for not preparing their children for school, or not ensuring that their kids understand the importance of education, or allowing their kids to be stuck in front of a tv or games system for hours on end.... but most would not say the collapse of public schools is down to parents not teaching their kids evolution.

I think that, as usual, there is blame to go around. Teachers. Parents. Unions. The state and federal government. Each as their share.
read deeper, CG. that is a statement about some folks satisfaction with ignorance, and an increasingly anti-, nay, counter-intellectual movement on the right side of america. i'd couple that with the deeply entrenched relegation to failure mentality from those on the left.

in the end, i dont think 70% of people do anything like she says. i feel most people sabotage their kid's education by what they don't do/say/believe/teach versus what they do.
I don't see anyone in "my system" laying blame on the parents in any serious way whatsoever. Barack Obama gave lip service to the fact that parents needed to turn off the game systems and teach their children that their education was their responsibility and was important...but after he was elected, he never mentioned it again in any serious venue.

And then he allowed the DC Voucher program which enabled poor kids who wanted a better eduction to go to private schools to be canceled - forcing them back into under performing public schools (while sending his daughters to Sidwell).
Right...It's mostly the fault of the fundies.


It's mostly the fault of parents and Federalization.

It's not a coincidence that the Federalization of education and the welfarization of many families has resulted in kids being set adrift in a system which serves the bureaucrats instead of providing an education.
You have it all wrong, the system is working perfectly.

The system was sabotaged by Progressives and is designed to graduated idiots and wards of the state who have no connection whatsoever with their own history and culture and have been trained to look to government for their sustenance.
You are correct - that is the current purpose of public education; and the big reason why poor and middle class kids must not be allowed off the public school reservation.

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