Carter Page FISA Warrant Perfectly Legal

There were apparently errors in the FISA warrants - but I've never heard they were "illegal".

Yeah...errors that would have gotten the requests denied had they been truthful.

"illegal" is a technical term.

Lying is moral one.

The people who falsified those requests were liars, hence they were immoral.
Well, look at what they did to Flynn. A 3 Star General who served in this nation's uniform for 33 years, even under enemy fire. While being fired on, he dove off a 30 foot cliff in Grenada in order to rescue a drowning sailor.

Eric Felten’s 2019 column on the FBI 302s may help us understand what is happening here: “Are Unrecorded FBI Interviews a G-Man’s License to Lie?”
Peter S and Lisa Page went from investigative superstars to black sheep, after their bias was exposed.

good luck, Carter! you should be president one day!
Why all this concern over Carter friggin Page?

he’s a piece of shit that Trump fired because of his Russian connections
Why all this concern over Carter friggin Page?

he’s a piece of shit that Trump fired because of his Russian connections

Because his RIGHTS were violated you fucking stalinist prick!
Why all this concern over Carter friggin Page?

he’s a piece of shit that Trump fired because of his Russian connections
I don't want ANY Americans illegally spied on by our government. Whether I personally like them or not has no effect on their inherent right against illegal spying.
One of the most popular arguments on the right to excuse President Donald Trump from wrongdoing ahead of any findings from the Russia investigation is to claim that the investigation itself is corrupt — and these arguments typically center on the idea, with no evidence whatsoever, that the FBI lied to the judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court when pursuing a warrant to probe Trump’s presidential campaign.

Trump himself has made this claim on Twitter, saying that “the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon” for “the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC,” and that “the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account” because they “Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team.” And he even recklessly moved to declassify sensitive documents surrounding the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, in the attempt to try to prove this misconduct.

But Trump is wrong. And in fact, he is so stunningly wrong that his own lawyers with the Department of Justice had to take the extraordinary step of saying, in a filing to the D.C. District Court for a Freedom of Information Act case, that Trump essentially has no idea what he’s talking about on FISA classification, and that what he says on Twitter cannot be presumed to be evidence of anything:

The idea that the FBI misled FISA judges to get a warrant against the Trump campaign has been debunked by the release of the FISA applications, revealing that there was a perfectly solid legal basis to investigate Carter Page amid his suspicious travel to Russia.

But this narrative persists among Trump’s political allies, and in the right-wing echo chamber. Outgoing House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) released a flimsy, partisan memo that claimed to prove FISA wrongdoing. Meanwhile, right-wing commentators like Sean Hannity have enthusiastically called for heads to roll at the FBI over the supposed lies in FISA court.

Thus, it would seem the short form of the DOJ’s argument in this filing is: Mr. President, lay off the Fox News.

More: The US Justice Department just filed court documents arguing that Trump has no idea what he's talking about

Well, that settles that. I agree that Trump (and his base) should lay off the Fox News.
Well, those claims didn't age well. The FISA Warrants were illegal and used to illegally spy on The President of The United States.

THE GREAT RECKONING BEGINS: Fix the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and Punish the Crooks Who Abused It.

In the past, the public expected responsible reporters to scrutinize government operations. In the FISC saga, contemporary mainstream media served as a PR tool for crooked cops and spies. So-called elite press outfits like The New York Times and The Washington Post unquestioningly touted intelligence leaks that have proven to be false.​

Though mainstream media outlets take scant notice, angry calls to disband the court have not faded. The decibels will increase when federal prosecutor John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax becomes headline news.​
Did they said it was "illegal"?
That's like saying if a cop catches me stealing and sez I stole a dime when I really stole a nickel the cops wrong.

Just quote where the IG said the Carter Page FISA warrants were "illegal".

The IG said there was serious misconduct, he made one criminal referral and said he would leave it to the DOJ for further determination. You didn't watch his testimony, did ya?


Even though mistakes were made - where did the IG say the FISA warrants were "illegal".

Give it the fuck up, moron.
You seriously think you can LIE to the FISA Court, withhold evidence, submit a forged document and remain under the color of law? Think!

You tell the truth, disclose evidence, refrain from tampering with documents, so that you REMAIN under the color of law!

Lies and crimes are laundered into truth just because you manage to trick a judge into being dumb enough to believe you. My goodness, you can't figure this out on your own?

FBI director admits: Yes, surveillance of Carter Page was illegal

FBI Director Christopher Wray agreed that the Justice Department and the FBI illegally surveilled Carter Page when they used British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s unverified dossier to obtain four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against the Trump campaign associate.

The report by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded that the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation was flawed, and he criticized the DOJ and the FBI for 17 “significant errors and omissions” related to secret surveillance court filings targeting Page. The filings made use of the dossier compiled by Steele, who’d been hired by Fusion GPS, which in turn was hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign through the Perkins Coie law firm.

“The report acknowledges that ... this was illegal surveillance with respect to at least several of these FISA applications, because there was not probable cause or proper predication, correct?” Ratcliffe asked.

“Right,” Wray replied.

Judge James Boasberg, the FISA court’s presiding judge, quoted the DOJ as saying that by the third and fourth warrants against Page, “if not earlier, there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that [Carter] Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.”

Boasberg said that “the Court understands the government to have concluded, in view of the material misstatements and omissions, that the Court's authorizations” related to the April 2017 and June 2017 Page FISA renewals “were not valid.” Thus far, the DOJ has not reached a public decision on the initial October 2016 FISA application or the January 2017 renewal.

FBI director admits: Yes, surveillance of Carter Page was illegal

In a rare public order, the FISA court criticized how the FBI handled the Page applications as "antithetical to the heightened duty of candor," and demanded an evaluation from the bureau. The FISA court also ordered a review of all FISA filings handled by Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who forged a key document about Page in the third renewal process. He is now under criminal investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham, a prosecutor from Connecticut who was tasked by Attorney General William Barr with investigating the Trump-Russia inquiry.
One of the most popular arguments on the right to excuse President Donald Trump from wrongdoing ahead of any findings from the Russia investigation is to claim that the investigation itself is corrupt — and these arguments typically center on the idea, with no evidence whatsoever, that the FBI lied to the judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court when pursuing a warrant to probe Trump’s presidential campaign.

Trump himself has made this claim on Twitter, saying that “the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon” for “the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC,” and that “the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account” because they “Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team.” And he even recklessly moved to declassify sensitive documents surrounding the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, in the attempt to try to prove this misconduct.

But Trump is wrong. And in fact, he is so stunningly wrong that his own lawyers with the Department of Justice had to take the extraordinary step of saying, in a filing to the D.C. District Court for a Freedom of Information Act case, that Trump essentially has no idea what he’s talking about on FISA classification, and that what he says on Twitter cannot be presumed to be evidence of anything:

The idea that the FBI misled FISA judges to get a warrant against the Trump campaign has been debunked by the release of the FISA applications, revealing that there was a perfectly solid legal basis to investigate Carter Page amid his suspicious travel to Russia.

But this narrative persists among Trump’s political allies, and in the right-wing echo chamber. Outgoing House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) released a flimsy, partisan memo that claimed to prove FISA wrongdoing. Meanwhile, right-wing commentators like Sean Hannity have enthusiastically called for heads to roll at the FBI over the supposed lies in FISA court.

Thus, it would seem the short form of the DOJ’s argument in this filing is: Mr. President, lay off the Fox News.

More: The US Justice Department just filed court documents arguing that Trump has no idea what he's talking about

Well, that settles that. I agree that Trump (and his base) should lay off the Fox News.
Well these claims didn't age well.

FISA Court Bars FBI Officials Involved in Carter Page Spy Warrants From Seeking Surveillance
DOJ and FBI officials involved in the wiretapping of Trump’s former campaign advisor Carter Page have been barred from seeking surveillance.

Presiding FISA judge James Boasberg on Wednesday issued the new rule in a 19-page order.

“The government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications,” Boasberg wrote.

Trump went to Loser Casting and requested to hire their most loyal losers.

He got what he asked for.

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