CARVE, Alaska, Tundra, Permafrost, etc.


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2012
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

Your video didn't prove a thing about global warming. Permafrost has been damaging human constructions for hundreds of years. There's nothing new in the video.
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

Your video didn't prove a thing about global warming. Permafrost has been damaging human constructions for hundreds of years. There's nothing new in the video.

3.4F degree temperature increase in the last 60 years? That's new.
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

A lot of that is methane gas. Matter of fact, there are videos showing people drilling holes in the ice and then setting it on fire from all the methane that's being released due to warmer temperatures.

Matter of fact, Alaska has lost quite a bit of it's coastline due to erosion. Remember a year or two back when they had to evacuate Eskimo fishing villages because the shoreline had washed away?
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

Your video didn't prove a thing about global warming. Permafrost has been damaging human constructions for hundreds of years. There's nothing new in the video.

What is new is the amount of thawing.

Permafrost Damage

However, such methods can't protect a building against climate changes. Recent warming trends in the Arctic over recent years have already resulted in damaged roads, buildings, pipelines and other structures.

Climate Change, Permafrost, and Impacts on Civil Infrastructure

AWG and climate change are already established as fact. Do try and keep up.
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

Your video didn't prove a thing about global warming. Permafrost has been damaging human constructions for hundreds of years. There's nothing new in the video.

3.4F degree temperature increase in the last 60 years? That's new.

The video failed to demonstrate that any of the phenomena displayed in the veto where the result of this temperature increase. These types of phenomena have been occurring in Northern regions for centuries.
I ran across this;

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

Alaska sinks as climate change thaws permafrost

"The thawing of permafrost — frozen ground covering most of Alaska — doesn't just damage roads, buildings and airport runways. It also releases vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

Your video didn't prove a thing about global warming. Permafrost has been damaging human constructions for hundreds of years. There's nothing new in the video.

What is new is the amount of thawing.

Permafrost Damage

However, such methods can't protect a building against climate changes. Recent warming trends in the Arctic over recent years have already resulted in damaged roads, buildings, pipelines and other structures.

Your website failed to demonstrate any additional damage resulting from global warming. It just flat out claimed that global warming made the damage worse without providing any supporting evidence.

Climate Change, Permafrost, and Impacts on Civil Infrastructure

AWG and climate change are already established as fact. Do try and keep up.

I don't have time to read this document now. I'll read it later and then give you my opinion on it. However, I'm betting I'll have the same reaction to it as I've had to your other cites. No proof, just a lot of unsubstantiated claims.
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Permafrost USED to extend down into Pennsylvania.. It all thawed, the globe is still here.

Why is that?
Alaska builds differently to adapt to climate change

Alaska builds differently to adapt to climate change

"We take a very practical approach to adaptation," says Jack Hebert,president of the non-profit Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks. He and colleagues try to avoid building on permafrost, land that is frozen underground but can thaw when temperatures are too high. Since Alaska's temperatures have risen twice as fast as those in the lower 48, more permafrost is thawing, ruining roads and houses."
For those who haven't run across it;

Climate Change: News - Is a sleeping climate giant stirring in the Arctic?

Is a sleeping climate giant stirring in the Arctic?


They fly over the trundra, taking air samples.

The CARVE campaign flights are conducted aboard a specially instrumented NASA C-23 Sherpa aircraft from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Va. Most of the time, the CARVE scientists fly the plane "down in the mud," at about 500 feet (152 meters) above the ground. The low altitude above the Arctic surface allows the scientists to measure interesting exchanges of carbon taking place between Earth's surface and atmosphere. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


The CARVE scientists observed episodic, localized bursts of methane being emitted from the tundra as the spring thaw progressed northward over Alaska's North Slope in May and June 2012. Reds and yellows represent the highest concentrations of methane, and blues the lowest. The methane is released from the topsoil as it thaws. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

"Permafrost (perennially frozen) soils underlie much of the Arctic. Each summer, the top layers of these soils thaw. The thawed layer varies in depth from about 4 inches (10 centimeters) in the coldest tundra regions to several yards, or meters, in the southern boreal forests. This active soil layer at the surface provides the precarious foothold on which Arctic vegetation survives. The Arctic's extremely cold, wet conditions prevent dead plants and animals from decomposing, so each year another layer gets added to the reservoirs of organic carbon sequestered just beneath the topsoil. "

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