Siberia burning

nope, someone may be doing that experiment, but there is no way to know anything for another thousand years. You still are posting with data that doesn't exist. stop it already. Still waiting for you to answer CrusaderFrank's question, how hot is 120 PPM of CO2?
You mean that those articles in the scientific journals do not exist? What a silly liar you are. However, ignorant asses like you are becoming more and more irrelevant every day. As people are observing the climate changing in their backyard, they are realizing that those like you are living in some alternative reality, and have no opinions or real information. Just lies and delusions.
observing the climate changing in their backyard
like what? tell me how my backyard climate changed this past winter? it was........................... winter. It didn't convert to summer. you're factually incorrect.
like what? tell me how my backyard climate changed this past winter? it was........................... winter. It didn't convert to summer. you're factually incorrect.
You posts are just about as dumb as is possible. You know damned well that is not what climate change means.
The geologic record shows CO2 as a response to climate change, dummy.
LOL And you Phd is in what science? LOL So, I am to take the illiterate spews of a willfully ignorant anonymous poster over the research of scientists that have spent decades doing research. LOL Ding, old boy, your title is well chosen, for a dingbat you surely are. Here is what the record shows.
LOL And you Phd is in what science? LOL So, I am to take the illiterate spews of a willfully ignorant anonymous poster over the research of scientists that have spent decades doing research. LOL Ding, old boy, your title is well chosen, for a dingbat you surely are. Here is what the record shows.

I told you that already. Engineering.

Learn some geologic record, dummy.
You posts are just about as dumb as is possible. You know damned well that is not what climate change means.
Correct. He does. He intentionally says shit he knows is stupid and wrong, because he revels both in the attention he gets and in thinking he is making other posters "dance for him", when they have to debunk his steaming crap. That's the only type of poster i put on ignore, which is where he is: the bad actors.
Just need to point out here.........nobody is caring about this outside of this forum. Just sayin'..... :2up:
You posts are just about as dumb as is possible. You know damned well that is not what climate change means.
No it is YOUR failure to answer a simple question, you replied with a cut aqnd paste but no actually answer the question which as the following:

"nope, someone may be doing that experiment, but there is no way to know anything for another thousand years. You still are posting with data that doesn't exist. stop it already. Still waiting for you to answer CrusaderFrank's question, how hot is 120 PPM of CO2?"


How hot is the increase of 120 ppm?

Isn't that an easy question to understand?
Well no shit, genius. I bet climate scientists know that. What is at issue is the extreme measure of both.
It's natural so it's not an issue. If "climate scientists" knew much of anything we wouldn't have had "global ice age"; no,"global warming"; no, "climate change" panic for the last 50 yrs. with no real noticeable change in the weather which they still can't seem to predict reliably 3 days ahead of time.
The climate scientists also claimed polar bears would be extinct by the year 2000
But that didn't happen either.
Polar bear populations have increased. ... :cool:
Your attitudes are pathological and criminal. Many people will die from climate change, while fools like you advocate we do nothing about it.

Have you ever taken a science course? Did you pass? I doubt it...
It's natural so it's not an issue. If "climate scientists" knew much of anything we wouldn't have had "global ice age"; no,"global warming"; no, "climate change" panic for the last 50 yrs. with no real noticeable change in the weather which they still can't seem to predict reliably 3 days ahead of time.
Another scientific illiterate pontificating about science.

In fact there has been significant warming over the past 50 years, and it correlates with the presence of greenhouse gases. Tell us, Mr. Science Guy, what caused the end-Permian extinctions? And how long did it take to warm the atmosphere from those volcanic emissions? And how fast is the warming occurring now?

You're simply 100% wrong. Best to shut up now.
What is "normal"?

The Earth has a 100,000 year cycle. Normal can't be seen by people who die after 100 years.
The word "normal" is problematic, but we could say that the current changes are not "natural", since they're being caused by industrial emissions. And the results will be catastrophic. Yet, we know how to ameliorate this, but can't do it adequately due to the opposition of corporate-cloned Qtip heads.

RepubliQans are about to be responsible for a lot of death.. more even than they've caused from COVID

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