Siberia burning

Climate change is occurring most rapidly at the poles. It is not surprising that someplace like Siberia is burning up, concerning its proximity to the Arctic. The Western United States is experiencing record setting heat and drought, and still people dismiss it as not being connected to human influenced climate change.

Among the biggest threats to the poles is rapid climate change. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has been rising for more than a century, with hefty contributions from the fossil fuels used to power our homes, businesses, and cars. The increasingly dense blanket of greenhouse gases is trapping heat and taking its toll on the planet, especially at the poles. Global temperatures have increased since the 1800s with models predicting their continued rise, and sea ice has been decreasing in extent and thickness. By 2040, Arctic sea ice may disappear altogether during summer months.

The first line is a lie:

Polar bears are threatened by the loss of sea ice in the Arctic. (K. Elliott, NOAA, Hidden Ocean 2005)

Boom there goes your links credibility, since Polar Bears population increased a lot since your TEN year old article was published


Epic Fail!
The first line is a lie:
No, it is not.

The South Pole is warming at a rate nearly three times faster than the global average, scientists have discovered. And much of that warming is linked to climate cycles happening thousands of miles away in the tropics.

How did you not know this? You should read more and comment less. And read carefully the links I kindly provide you, read slow enough to understand the information therein. If you have questions, ask., I'll do my best to explain things to you.
The ramifications fo climate change are coming at us like a freight train. Let us not leave our children with this mess and start the hard work to fix it.
And just how does one "fix" climate change?
The first line is a lie:
No, it is not.

The South Pole is warming at a rate nearly three times faster than the global average, scientists have discovered. And much of that warming is linked to climate cycles happening thousands of miles away in the tropics.

How did you not know this? You should read more and comment less. And read carefully the links I kindly provide you, read slow enough to understand the information therein. If you have questions, ask., I'll do my best to explain things to you.


Suppose the South Pole is getting warmer. Why is this bad, and what can be done to stop it?

And what would be the side effects of any effort to cool the south pole down? How much would this plan- which you haven't specified- actually cost and how effective would it be?
“…..For the third year in a row, residents of northeastern Siberia are reeling from the worst wildfires they can remember, and many are left feeling helpless, angry and alone.

They endure the coldest winters outside Antarctica with little complaint. But in recent years, summer temperatures in the Russian Arctic have gone as high as 100 degrees, feeding enormous blazes that thaw what was once permanently frozen ground.

Last year, wildfires scorched more than 60,000 square miles of forest and tundra, an area the size of Florida. That is more than four times the area that burned in the United States during its devastating 2020 fire season. This year, more than 30,000 square miles have already burned in Russia, according to government statistics, with the region only two weeks into its peak fire season.

Scientists say that the huge fires have been made possible by the extraordinary summer heat in recent years in northern Siberia, which has been warming faster than just about any other part of the world. And the impact may be felt far from Siberia. The fires may potentially accelerate climate change by releasing enormous quantities of greenhouse gases and destroying Russia’s vast boreal forests, which absorb carbon out of the atmosphere.

Last year, the record-setting fires in the remote Siberian region of Yakutia released roughly as much carbon dioxide as did all the fuel consumption in Mexico in 2018, according to Mark Parrington, a senior scientist at the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service in Reading, England.”

An area larger than Florida burned last year in Siberia. Think about it. This year another 30,000 square miles so far and the fire season has barely begun.

The ramifications fo climate change are coming at us like a freight train. Let us not leave our children with this mess and start the hard work to fix it.

More CO2 ?

Gotta love it.
The first line is a lie:
No, it is not.

The South Pole is warming at a rate nearly three times faster than the global average, scientists have discovered. And much of that warming is linked to climate cycles happening thousands of miles away in the tropics.

How did you not know this? You should read more and comment less. And read carefully the links I kindly provide you, read slow enough to understand the information therein. If you have questions, ask., I'll do my best to explain things to you.

Ha ha it is YOU who needs to stop making deflections since I never talked about temperature at all, it was about POLAR BEARS, here is the quote for the second time:

Polar bears are threatened by the loss of sea ice in the Arctic. (K. Elliott, NOAA, Hidden Ocean 2005)

That is the LIE I was talking about, then showed the Polar Bear population numbers went up and stayed up to this day.

Your deflection was terrible!
The first line is a lie:
No, it is not.

The South Pole is warming at a rate nearly three times faster than the global average, scientists have discovered. And much of that warming is linked to climate cycles happening thousands of miles away in the tropics.

How did you not know this? You should read more and comment less. And read carefully the links I kindly provide you, read slow enough to understand the information therein. If you have questions, ask., I'll do my best to explain things to you.

Did you bother to read the silly paper?

Here, we use an ensemble of climate model experiments to show this recent warming lies within the upper bounds of the simulated range of natural variability.



Not good enough? lets go the HadCrut4 data then:


Diagram showing area weighted Antarctic (70-90oS) monthly surface air temperature anomalies (HadCRUT4) since January 2000, in relation to the WMO normal period 1961-1990. The thin blue line shows the monthly temperature anomaly, while the thicker red line shows the running 37 month (c.3 yr) average. Last month shown: March 2021. Last diagram update: 4 June 2021.



Diagram showing area weighted Antarctic ( 70-90oS) monthly surface air temperature anomalies (HadCRUT4) since January 2000, in relation to the WMO normal period 1961-1990. The thin blue line shows the monthly temperature anomaly, while the thicker red line shows the running 37 month (c.3 yr) average. The year 1957 was an international geophysical year, and several meteorological stations were established in the Antarctic because of this. Before 1957, the meteorological coverage of the Antarctic continent is poor. Last month shown: March 2021. Last diagram update: 4 June 2021.


Antarctic long meteorological data series


Long Antarctic surface annual air temperature series: Halley, Vostok, Amundsen-Scott and McMurdo. Annual values were calculated from monthly average temperatures. Almost unavoidably, some missing monthly data were encountered in some of the series. In such cases, the missing values were generated as either 1) the average of the preceding and following monthly values, or 2) the average for the month registered the preceding year and the following year. The thin blue line represents the mean annual air temperature, and the thick blue line is the running 5 year average. Click here to read about data smoothing. Data source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and Rimfrost. Last year shown: 2020. Last update 1 February 2021.



They are waaaaay below zero....


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That is just a tiny area compared to the enormous size of Siberia. .... :cool:
What the fuck do you think you are doing? The quote was 30,000 square miles, not 30,000 acres! That is not a minor amount of forest. And last year the total was 60,000 square miles. And this year, we are significantly above the amount burned in last years record year in California, and already have one fire in Oregon that has burned 440 square miles and is still rapidly expanding. 116 in Portland, Oregon, 121 in British Columbia, and you idiotic assholes still claim nothing has changed.
Yessirreeeeeee.................Bob! Remember all them thar 4 engine jumbo jets making retardant drops, and the dozens of big helicopters dumping water on those fires. And the hundreds of fire fighting crews coming from all over the United States to fight the fires of 1910 and those other fire years. Maybe you should try to compare apples to apples, you of the room temperature IQ.
Yessirreeeeeee.................Bob! Remember all them thar 4 engine jumbo jets making retardant drops, and the dozens of big helicopters dumping water on those fires. And the hundreds of fire fighting crews coming from all over the United States to fight the fires of 1910 and those other fire years. Maybe you should try to compare apples to apples, you of the room temperature IQ.
Well this IQ never had a boss. Nor an alarm clock. and called every single shot in his life. Not bad for such a loqw IQ huh. God working for someone is for low IQs...lolololol

I meant to say those fires back 100 yrs ago were just as bad you absolute stupid mother fucking idiot

I'm saying that not every weather event we have is caused by this nonsense you absolute piece of fucking filthy garbage

How many hoaxes can a dumb ass believe for CS

It is July you fucking retard hope the grid by you fries and takes months to repair
Uh, yeah, it is. Clearly you know NOTHING about Siberia.
These people are so fucking stupid it embarrasses me. These fires smolder unending in the ground even in winter.

Is the planet getting warmer? Appears so. Is it man made. Some.

I remember the ice age they were predicting in the 70s.LOLOLOL

My God how dumb people really ae
Maybe they should do like Trump says and rake the forests. He said it worked for Finland, although it is news to the Finnish people.
They do "rake" their forests. They just use machinery to do it.
Its funny because their president was talking to trump about forest management and he doesnt even know how they do it :lol:
They do "rake" their forests. They just use machinery to do it.
Its funny because their president was talking to trump about forest management and he doesnt even know how they do it :lol:

Get up off your knees you Trump cock holster.
They do "rake" their forests. They just use machinery to do it.
Its funny because their president was talking to trump about forest management and he doesnt even know how they do it :lol:
Interesting article. You got to admit though, cleanup by earth moving machinery after clear-cutting is a lot different that raking the forest and was not mention by Donnie, and even drew denial from the Finnish President and Finnish people.
Interesting article. You got to admit though, cleanup by earth moving machinery after clear-cutting is a lot different that raking the forest and was not mention by Donnie, and even drew denial from the Finnish President and Finnish people.
True but trump is a dumbass.
Lets face it. He doesnt have the best words. lol
I doubt he meant people were out there with rakes. :lol:
True but trump is a dumbass.
Lets face it. He doesnt have the best words. lol
I doubt he meant people were out there with rakes. :lol:
Correct on the first two lines. I am not sure on the last line. He did not clarify to that effect when he was immediately ridiculed, after using his remarks to attack western state forestry management, even when most of the land that burned that year was under federal forestry management and regulation. He never has been Mr ecology or one to even enforce existing ecologic regulations, nor propose new ones, even if necessary.
Correct on the first two lines. I am not sure on the last line. He did not clarify to that effect when he was immediately ridiculed, after using his remarks to attack western state forestry management, even when most of the land that burned that year was under federal forestry management and regulation. He never has been Mr ecology or one to even enforce existing ecologic regulations, nor propose new ones, even if necessary.
He cant clarify. He is an idiot. Like when he implied we should shove light bulbs up our ass. That clearly wasnt what he was talking about because the doctor he was talking to was working on UV light as treatment.
He is stupid but i doubt he meant people rake 100s of thousands of acres with their hands.

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