Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome


Not prosecute me for what??

Lying to the FBI is 5 years....

Unless you are a card carrying member of the Mossad like Wray and Garland, then.... you are CHOSEN to be ABOVE THE LAW....

Chosen, you like that word, don't cha....
Lying to the FBI is 5 years....

Unless you are a card carrying member of the Mossad like Wray and Garland, then.... you are CHOSEN to be ABOVE THE LAW....

Chosen, you like that word, don't cha....
WTF? When did I lie to the FBI??
Mossad reading comprehension problem....

Read the above four posts again, with a HEBREW TO ENGLISH translator this time...
A Hebrew-English dictionary can't translate your posts. I would need a Retard-English dictionary to decipher your ramblings.
Simple, he wasn't a toxic POS like Trump.

Describing Low IQ Joe as a "toxic POS" would be a compliment.

You have no evidence any significant Republican voter block voted for Biden. You had the loud Zionist 911 W traitors (Cheney, Bolton, Kinzinger, McConnell) but not the voters. Zionist Traitors make up under 1% of GOP voters. Most are Dem voters, like Bloomberg....
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

This is like a bad dream reading this
You have no evidence any significant Republican voter block voted for Biden....make up under 1% of GOP voters


I have to ask, because Trumpsters sure seem to have a tendency to make up whatever they feel like.

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I have to ask, because Trumpsters sure seem to have a tendency to make up whatever they feel like.


OK, and relative to past elections...

Yeah. The Reagan Democrat. How did Reagan win 49 states in 1984 while the Dems kept the House and Senate.

A LOT more than 8% of registered Dems voted for him.

Those polls are also done by liars who wanted Biden to win. Trump had historically high GOP support and approval. Only Zionist 911 traitors in the GOP supported Biden, because Biden is a fellow Zionist 911 traitor.

Just look who supported Biden

Rupert Murdoch
Fox News
Paul Ryan

The 911 and 911 cover up crowd.
OK, and relative to past elections...

Yeah. The Reagan Democrat. How did Reagan win 49 states in 1984 while the Dems kept the House and Senate.

A LOT more than 8% of registered Dems voted for him.

Those polls are also done by liars who wanted Biden to win. Trump had historically high GOP support and approval. Only Zionist 911 traitors in the GOP supported Biden, because Biden is a fellow Zionist 911 traitor.

Just look who supported Biden

Rupert Murdoch
Fox News
Paul Ryan

The 911 and 911 cover up crowd.
What the fuck are you blabbing about?

You said less than 1% of Republicans voted for Biden and I'm asking for a source, because everything I've ever seen shows somewhere around 8%
What the fuck are you blabbing about?

You said less than 1% of Republicans voted for Biden and I'm asking for a source, because everything I've ever seen shows somewhere around 8%

Less than 1% of Republicans are zionist traitors.

Many "registered Republicans" are Dem frauds, and ditto the other way.

The ones actively opposing Trump were all Zionist 911 Traitors.

Your 8% number is too high and is still "excellent" from a historical perspective. Trump had historically strong GOP support. Low IQ Joe finished 5th in the NH primary with 100% name recognition.... Many anti war Democrats did not vote for Biden the "warmonger" according to Bernie....

The claim that Republicans en mass rejected Trump is laughable. Not even close.

The only explanation of the "results" of the election = massive fraud in the states that voted GOP state house and senate, all of the "fraud states."
Less than 1% of Republicans are zionist traitors.

Your 8% number is too high and is still "excellent" from a historical perspective.

Ok, so just to set aside your anti-semitic shpiel and to concentrate on the facts:

1% you used has no actual sourcing, it's just something you say.
Stupid fucking liberals never learn.

Remember the feeling you shit heads had 4 years ago?

Are you ready for that again?

You’d think after that humiliation they would humble themselves a little but here we are.
Ok, I'm ready.

Trump wins Pennsylvania cookie poll . . . A 'cookie poll' that has accurately predicted the outcome of the last three elections has named its winner. A Pennsylvania bakery has said that it's Trump-themed cookies are 'vastly' outselling the Biden-themed alternative by a margin of almost 6 to 1. Owner Kathleen Lochel has told Fox News that some customers have even been driving from out to state to pick up the treats. 'Right now, Donald Trump is still in the lead... we've sold about 28,000 [Trump] cookies to 5,000 [of Biden's],' Lochel said on Monday, adding that with pending orders, she expected Trump cookie sales to get close to 29,000. Daily Mail

Turn in next week for another episode of How The Cookie Crumbles.


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