Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.
I weigh 145.
Zimmerman was 5'7" and 185 at booking. Hardly the buff young man that Martin was.

guess I'm going to stop calling you "Big Ern" :(
Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting

He wasn't "booked" until there was an outcry about the fact that he was only "taken in for questioning" on the night of the shooting and released.
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Missourian, if you confront me I public, and I tell you to leave me alone and walk away, and you follow me and I tell you to leave me alone and you keep following me, yes, I can call the police and have you arrested. And if you pull a gun, I have every right to defend myself and do whatever necessary to protect myself.

I agree with this.

I have every right to follow you, and confront you. Glad you abandoned that other crap.

And yes, you can tell me to leave you alone, AND you can call the police.

What you cannot do is attack me physically.

We are agreed...that was exactly my point.

I cannot pull a gun on you, ever, unless I am in fear for my life.

We agree on that.

So here is where we are.

Did Martin attack Zimmerman, get on top of him and beat him?

Yes, we have evidence that this occurred.

Did Zimmerman attack Martin?

There is no evidence that he did.

Did Zimmerman pull his gun on Martin before the attack?

There is absolutely zero evidence to support this.

Did Martin slam Zimmerman's head into the a hard object while he was on the ground?

There are photographs that document these injuries taken at the Zimmerman's statement.

Was Zimmerman on the ground screaming for help?

It appears there are two witnesses to corroborate this account.

Those are the facts.
Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.

According to the report at the police station on the night of the shooting, Zimmerman was 5' 8" and 200 pounds. According to the autopsy, Trayvon was 5'11 and weighted 158, a relatively tall, skinny teenager.

He was 5'7" and 185 pounds at booking. You do realize that the police report was an estimate and had Martin at 6'2", don't you?
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How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.
I weigh 145.
Zimmerman was 5'7" and 185 at booking. Hardly the buff young man that Martin was.

guess I'm going to stop calling you "Big Ern" :(

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting

He wasn't "booked" until there was an outcry about the fact that he was only "taken in for questioning" on the night of the shooting and released.

They recorded his height and weight because it is on the record. He out weighed Trayvon by 40 pounds. He does not look particularly out of shape or anything in the re-enactment the next day. And he was only 28. There is no reason to think a tall, skinny teenager should be so easily able to over power him as he describes.
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I weigh 145.
Zimmerman was 5'7" and 185 at booking. Hardly the buff young man that Martin was.

guess I'm going to stop calling you "Big Ern" :(

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting

He wasn't "booked" until there was an outcry about the fact that he was only "taken in for questioning" on the night of the shooting and released.

They recorded his height and weight because it is on the record. He out weighed Trayvon by 40 pounds. He does not look particularly out of shape or anything in the re-enactment the next day. And he was only 28. There is no reason to think a tall, skinny teenager should be so easily able to over power him as he describes.

A short fat guy doesn't look out of shape to you?

Welcome to my nightmare
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This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.

This is ridiculous. As far as Trayvon Martin would know, the suspicious individual was Zimmerman. Some guy following him around the area, chasing him when he ran. Martin had no idea Zimmerman was from neighborhood watch. He would only know some wierdo was following and chasing him. The 'suspcious individual' is Zimmerman, and therefore, according to you, Martin would have every right to confront him, and according to the law, every right to use force to prevent Zimmerman to commit an illegal act against him, which Trayvon, based on Zimmerman's behavior, had every right to assume was going to happen.


You can't just start BEATING someone because you SUSPECT they are a weirdo.

Martin had every right to confront Zimmerman.

Martin: "You have a problem..."

Zimmerman: "No."

Totally cool and well within his rights.

Martin: "Well you do now!"

Still 100% within his rights.

Next, Martin exceeds his rights by punching Zimmerman in the face.

Your rights END at the tip of my nose.


Now, I know what you are going to say...this is Zimmerman's account of the incident.

And that is fair...but it is the only one the jury is going to hear...there is no rebuttal testimony.

That's it.

You may have a alternate supposition, but it's just a guess not supported by a single shred of evidence.

Therefore, it is irrelevant.

Court proceedings are about what you can prove, not what you suspect.

It is an account that is total BS and right out of a stupid B movie dialogue. The jury is not going to believe that dialogue. As well, Trayvon had EVERY RIGHT to confront with force someone he thought was bent on harming him. He would have no other reason to know or assume why some guy was following and chasing him.
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Based on what "evidence"?

GZ's testimony is tainted by his lying to the judge. The 911 transcript indicates that GZ was provoking TM by following him even after TM tried to run away. Provoking someone to violence renders the "self defense" use of lethal force null and void.

However this is all just speculation since it will be up to the jury to decide. Whichever way they do one side or the other will be unhappy.

Wrong--the 911 transcript indicates nothing about GZ provoking anyone. My God we have all these people who get "provoked" so easily. If you see someone talking on a cell phone does that provoke you into beating their head against the sidewalk ?

The 911 transcript indicates that not only was GZ following TM but he was also running after him. That amounts to provocation.

The Trayvon Martin Killing, Explained | Mother Jones

After discussing his location with the dispatcher, Zimmerman exclaimed, "Shit, he's running," and the following sounds suggest he left his vehicle to run after Martin.

"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asked. Zimmerman replied: "Yep."
How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.

According to the report at the police station on the night of the shooting, Zimmerman was 5' 8" and 200 pounds. According to the autopsy, Trayvon was 5'11 and weighted 158, a relatively tall, skinny teenager.

He was 5'7" and 185 pounds at booking. You do realize that the police report was an estimate and had Martin at 6'2", don't you?

Yep they did do that.
I weigh 145.
Zimmerman was 5'7" and 185 at booking. Hardly the buff young man that Martin was.

guess I'm going to stop calling you "Big Ern" :(

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting
He wasn't "booked" until there was an outcry about the fact that he was only "taken in for questioning" on the night of the shooting and released.

They recorded his height and weight because it is on the record. He out weighed Trayvon by 40 pounds. He does not look particularly out of shape or anything in the re-enactment the next day. And he was only 28. There is no reason to think a tall, skinny teenager should be so easily able to over power him as he describes.

Height and weight are very poor measures of hand to hand combat superiority.

Ever when I was at the height of physical fitness, training every day, maxing my P.T. tests in the Army (82 sit-ups in two minute, 91 pushups in two minutes and running two miles in 10 minutes 52 seconds) I was bested in hand to hand by tall wiry guys and shorter guys. At the time I was 5' 11" and 190 lbs.

You learn quite quickly not the judge the book by it's cover.
guess I'm going to stop calling you "Big Ern" :(

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He wasn't "booked" until there was an outcry about the fact that he was only "taken in for questioning" on the night of the shooting and released.

They recorded his height and weight because it is on the record. He out weighed Trayvon by 40 pounds. He does not look particularly out of shape or anything in the re-enactment the next day. And he was only 28. There is no reason to think a tall, skinny teenager should be so easily able to over power him as he describes.

Height and weight are very poor measures of hand to hand combat superiority.

Ever when I was at the height of physical fitness, training every day, maxing my P.T. tests in the Army (82 sit-ups in two minute, 91 pushups in two minutes and running two miles in 10 minutes 52 seconds) I was bested in hand to hand by tall wiry guys and shorter guys. At the time I was 5' 11" and 190 lbs.

You learn quite quickly not the judge the book by it's cover.

And yet that is what those are doing who assume Zimmerman was out of shape and over weight.
They recorded his height and weight because it is on the record. He out weighed Trayvon by 40 pounds. He does not look particularly out of shape or anything in the re-enactment the next day. And he was only 28. There is no reason to think a tall, skinny teenager should be so easily able to over power him as he describes.

Height and weight are very poor measures of hand to hand combat superiority.

Ever when I was at the height of physical fitness, training every day, maxing my P.T. tests in the Army (82 sit-ups in two minute, 91 pushups in two minutes and running two miles in 10 minutes 52 seconds) I was bested in hand to hand by tall wiry guys and shorter guys. At the time I was 5' 11" and 190 lbs.

You learn quite quickly not the judge the book by it's cover.

And yet that is what those are doing who assume Zimmerman was out of shape and over weight.

Well, perhaps guilt is making him eat like a fat ass now?

the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

I think it is baffling that an all female jury was chosen. I mean, Marcia Clark totally blew it when she was offered expert (Vinson and Elkins state-of-the-art jury selection program, VisionQuest) advice on voir dire for the O J Simpson jury. Thus a majority of black females decided that O J was innocent.

So it is truly a conundrum to see that Zimmerman's attorneys allowed this to happen being that women are far less likely to carry a gun and exercise the Stand Your Ground law than men.
This is ridiculous. As far as Trayvon Martin would know, the suspicious individual was Zimmerman. Some guy following him around the area, chasing him when he ran. Martin had no idea Zimmerman was from neighborhood watch. He would only know some wierdo was following and chasing him. The 'suspcious individual' is Zimmerman, and therefore, according to you, Martin would have every right to confront him, and according to the law, every right to use force to prevent Zimmerman to commit an illegal act against him, which Trayvon, based on Zimmerman's behavior, had every right to assume was going to happen.


You can't just start BEATING someone because you SUSPECT they are a weirdo.

Martin had every right to confront Zimmerman.

Martin: "You have a problem..."

Zimmerman: "No."

Totally cool and well within his rights.

Martin: "Well you do now!"

Still 100% within his rights.

Next, Martin exceeds his rights by punching Zimmerman in the face.

Your rights END at the tip of my nose.


Now, I know what you are going to say...this is Zimmerman's account of the incident.

And that is fair...but it is the only one the jury is going to hear...there is no rebuttal testimony.

That's it.

You may have a alternate supposition, but it's just a guess not supported by a single shred of evidence.

Therefore, it is irrelevant.

Court proceedings are about what you can prove, not what you suspect.

It is an account that is total BS and right out of a stupid B movie dialogue. The jury is not going to believe that dialogue. As well, Trayvon had EVERY RIGHT to confront with force someone he thought was bent on harming him. He would have no other reason to know or assume why some guy was following and chasing him.

No, he doesn't.

In fact, you couldn't possibly be more wrong.

Please, provide a single example to back this up.

That anyone has a right to confront someone with force based on the BELIEF of harm.

I won't hold my breath.
They recorded his height and weight because it is on the record. He out weighed Trayvon by 40 pounds. He does not look particularly out of shape or anything in the re-enactment the next day. And he was only 28. There is no reason to think a tall, skinny teenager should be so easily able to over power him as he describes.

Height and weight are very poor measures of hand to hand combat superiority.

Ever when I was at the height of physical fitness, training every day, maxing my P.T. tests in the Army (82 sit-ups in two minute, 91 pushups in two minutes and running two miles in 10 minutes 52 seconds) I was bested in hand to hand by tall wiry guys and shorter guys. At the time I was 5' 11" and 190 lbs.

You learn quite quickly not the judge the book by it's cover.

And yet that is what those are doing who assume Zimmerman was out of shape and over weight.

The facts are that Martin had Zimmerman down. Martin was on top of Zimmerman. And Martin was beating Zimmerman.

Whether Zimmerman was in shape or out of shape is irrelevant.

That Martin was tall and wiry is irrelevant.

The facts are all that matter.
If this pans out and the defense has Jeremy and one other eyewitness to testify that Zimmerman yelling for help - that erased any doubt I still had and I am squarely on the Self Defense Train. Jeremy was practically sitting on top of them from his 911 call vantage point.

The train has left the station.

Jeremy recanted his statement saying he assumed the person yelling for help was the guy wearing white and red because he was on the bottom. I would hardly call 30 feet "sitting on top". It was dark, raining and Jeremy's porch light was shinning in his face and everyone else said it was too dark to see anything. We would need a whole new thread to discuss Witness # 6.

Who is this other witness you speak of?
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