Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Missourian, if you confront me I public, and I tell you to leave me alone and walk away, and you follow me and I tell you to leave me alone and you keep following me, yes, I can call the police and have you arrested. And if you pull a gun, I have every right to defend myself and do whatever necessary to protect myself.

You are on indefensible ground, Missourian. Flatly.

You go into public and confront others, the consequences of your choice are your responsibility.

Think carefully before confronting someone in public.
Don’t bother, there’s no point trying to reason with such hate and ignorance.

Being suspended from school three times in the first half of the school year is not considered a crime.

He was suspended for 1) tardiness, 2) writing WTF on a locker, and 3) having a baggie in his backpack with 'traces' of marajuana in it. They also found some women's jewelry and a screwdriver in his backpack, but never found out where the jewelry came from. He was not an honor student, but this kind of stuff does not constitute his being either a thug or a criminal. Petty theft, graffiti, smoking pot (a 17 year old--seriously, this is not abnormal), and tardiness? It's laughable for people to try to make out these things make him anything other than a fairly average imperfect, rebellious teen. When he was younger than Trayvon, my brother was stealing cars (for joy rides) and getting expelled, not suspended but expelled, from 3 high schools and spending a year in juvenile detention hall. Even he wouldn't be considered a thug or a criminal, just a kid with problems.

A repeat offender car thief wouldn't be considered a criminal? Are you fucking kidding me? Expelled from 3 high schools and he's not a thug?

But a man that successfully defends himself from a "model citizen" who is trying to beat him to death, IS a thug and a criminal? OK I got it now. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Only in the heads of loonies like you.
The first police report said the wounds on Zimmerman were consistent with his recitation of events of the evening his attacker was shot in self-defense. They agreed it was self-defense and let Zimmerman go home.

I wouldn't call Katzndogz loony. I'd say he was well-read.

Patrolmen are not medical forensics experts. And the police did not think Zimmerman account was consistent with the evidence. Police wanted Zimmerman arrested but Republican ex Fox News analyst State Attorney said no...

What a mindless response. You provide no links to your claim. The State Attorney General was pressured into issuing an arrest warrant, even before the details of the incident were released, namely in the person of Angela Corey.

On March 21, 2012 IN NEW YORK CITY LIMO (With Crump) Pam Bondi (on phone): “Hey Sybrina, Tracy, are you there? Hi. I am so very, very, sorry. As attorney general, I have absolutely no legal authority to take the case, and I looked, I tried.”

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Missourian, if you confront me I public, and I tell you to leave me alone and walk away, and you follow me and I tell you to leave me alone and you keep following me, yes, I can call the police and have you arrested. And if you pull a gun, I have every right to defend myself and do whatever necessary to protect myself.

You are on indefensible ground, Missourian. Flatly.

You go into public and confront others, the consequences of your choice are your responsibility.

Think carefully before confronting someone in public.

agreed. Did GZ even announce to his victim that he was neighborhood watch?
Missourian, if you confront me I public, and I tell you to leave me alone and walk away, and you follow me and I tell you to leave me alone and you keep following me, yes, I can call the police and have you arrested. And if you pull a gun, I have every right to defend myself and do whatever necessary to protect myself.

You are on indefensible ground, Missourian. Flatly.

You go into public and confront others, the consequences of your choice are your responsibility.

Think carefully before confronting someone in public.

agreed. Did GZ even announce to his victim that he was neighborhood watch?

Missourian, if you confront me I public, and I tell you to leave me alone and walk away, and you follow me and I tell you to leave me alone and you keep following me, yes, I can call the police and have you arrested. And if you pull a gun, I have every right to defend myself and do whatever necessary to protect myself.

You are on indefensible ground, Missourian. Flatly.

You go into public and confront others, the consequences of your choice are your responsibility.

Think carefully before confronting someone in public.
There in lies the problem, Fake.
Zimmerman did follow Martin, but he was acting in his capacity as a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator.
It is not illegal to follow someone who's motives are suspect.
It IS, however, illegal to assault someone and break his nose then pound his head into the sidewalk.
This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.

This is ridiculous. As far as Trayvon Martin would know, the suspicious individual was Zimmerman. Some guy following him around the area, chasing him when he ran. Martin had no idea Zimmerman was from neighborhood watch. He would only know some wierdo was following and chasing him. The 'suspcious individual' is Zimmerman, and therefore, according to you, Martin would have every right to confront him, and according to the law, every right to use force to prevent Zimmerman to commit an illegal act against him, which Trayvon, based on Zimmerman's behavior, had every right to assume was going to happen.


You can't just start BEATING someone because you SUSPECT they are a weirdo.

Martin had every right to confront Zimmerman.

Martin: "You have a problem..."

Zimmerman: "No."

Totally cool and well within his rights.

Martin: "Well you do now!"

Still 100% within his rights.

Next, Martin exceeds his rights by punching Zimmerman in the face.

Your rights END at the tip of my nose.


Now, I know what you are going to say...this is Zimmerman's account of the incident.

And that is fair...but it is the only one the jury is going to hear...there is no rebuttal testimony.

That's it.

You may have a alternate supposition, but it's just a guess not supported by a single shred of evidence.

Therefore, it is irrelevant.

Court proceedings are about what you can prove, not what you suspect.
So you are okay with killing children when they aren't in Fetus Form?

Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.

According to the report at the police station on the night of the shooting, Zimmerman was 5' 8" and 200 pounds. According to the autopsy, Trayvon was 5'11 and weighted 158, a relatively tall, skinny teenager.
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Missourian, if you confront me I public, and I tell you to leave me alone and walk away, and you follow me and I tell you to leave me alone and you keep following me, yes, I can call the police and have you arrested. And if you pull a gun, I have every right to defend myself and do whatever necessary to protect myself.

You are on indefensible ground, Missourian. Flatly.

You go into public and confront others, the consequences of your choice are your responsibility.

Think carefully before confronting someone in public.
There in lies the problem, Fake.
Zimmerman did follow Martin, but he was acting in his capacity as a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator.
It is not illegal to follow someone who's motives are suspect.
It IS, however, illegal to assault someone and break his nose then pound his head into the sidewalk.

Zimmerman contended early on that he was walking back to his truck when Martin jumped him. It sounds to me as if he broke off his patrol.
So you are okay with killing children when they aren't in Fetus Form?

Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

And he was not the thug with the gun.

No he was the thug who had been expelled from school for the 3rd time that term.
Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator (with a gun) that was doing his job.

If we accept the evidence so far made public, the real thug here brought the proverbial knife to a gun fight and paid with his life.
So you are okay with killing children when they aren't in Fetus Form?

Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.
I weigh 145.
Zimmerman was 5'7" and 185 at booking. Hardly the buff young man that Martin was.
Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.
I weigh 145.
Zimmerman was 5'7" and 185 at booking. Hardly the buff young man that Martin was.

Truthseeker - Z was weighed at the police station at 200.
Here's where this 185/200 is coming from:

Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′7″ (1.70 m); and his weight as 185 lb (84 kg) on his Seminole County Sheriff's Office Inmate Booking Information dated 4/11/2012, the date of his arrest.[60] Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting.[61]
Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

How many men are a 158 pounds? Zimmerman was what 240+ lbs.

Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

Truth seeker is not even sure he is talking.

One does not find the truth obscured in a haze of cannabis smoke.
One should not use the words truthseeker and 420 together.
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