Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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I'd rather support Zimmerman than Martin.

Why? Zimmerman caused the trouble.
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Based on what "evidence"?

GZ's testimony is tainted by his lying to the judge. The 911 transcript indicates that GZ was provoking TM by following him even after TM tried to run away. Provoking someone to violence renders the "self defense" use of lethal force null and void.

However this is all just speculation since it will be up to the jury to decide. Whichever way they do one side or the other will be unhappy.
Why? Zimmerman caused the trouble.
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Based on what "evidence"?

GZ's testimony is tainted by his lying to the judge. The 911 transcript indicates that GZ was provoking TM by following him even after TM tried to run away. Provoking someone to violence renders the "self defense" use of lethal force null and void.

However this is all just speculation since it will be up to the jury to decide. Whichever way they do one side or the other will be unhappy.

Wrong--the 911 transcript indicates nothing about GZ provoking anyone. My God we have all these people who get "provoked" so easily. If you see someone talking on a cell phone does that provoke you into beating their head against the sidewalk ?
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Based on what "evidence"?

GZ's testimony is tainted by his lying to the judge. The 911 transcript indicates that GZ was provoking TM by following him even after TM tried to run away. Provoking someone to violence renders the "self defense" use of lethal force null and void.

However this is all just speculation since it will be up to the jury to decide. Whichever way they do one side or the other will be unhappy.

Wrong--the 911 transcript indicates nothing about GZ provoking anyone. My God we have all these people who get "provoked" so easily. If you see someone talking on a cell phone does that provoke you into beating their head against the sidewalk ?

A thug by any other name....................

Just sayin'......
Why? Zimmerman caused the trouble.
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Based on what "evidence"?

GZ's testimony is tainted by his lying to the judge. The 911 transcript indicates that GZ was provoking TM by following him even after TM tried to run away. Provoking someone to violence renders the "self defense" use of lethal force null and void.

However this is all just speculation since it will be up to the jury to decide. Whichever way they do one side or the other will be unhappy.

he also phoned his GF to tell her some strange looking guy was following him
Why? Zimmerman caused the trouble.
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Based on what "evidence"?

GZ's testimony is tainted by his lying to the judge. The 911 transcript indicates that GZ was provoking TM by following him even after TM tried to run away. Provoking someone to violence renders the "self defense" use of lethal force null and void.

However this is all just speculation since it will be up to the jury to decide. Whichever way they do one side or the other will be unhappy.
GZ also screwed up by going on Hannity (Fox- quelle surprise! :rolleyes: ) His lawyer even says that was a mistake :lol:
All Zimmerman did was follow him. Martin was the one to initiate violence.

Why was he following him? If he had been following you in a similar manner, you might have confronted him too.

It is not illegal or inherently threatening to walk behind someone.

With all thats been going on w/ say the catholic church, hint-hint, why you keep saying that klangrrl? He was a teenager & GZ is a hulking 200 lb 5'8" 28 yr old. Seems very awkward at minimum.
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Wrong--the 911 transcript indicates nothing about GZ provoking anyone. My God we have all these people who get "provoked" so easily. If you see someone talking on a cell phone does that provoke you into beating their head against the sidewalk ?

good post Matthew.....err..... dillo :thup:
Except the eye witness and medical reports support Zimmerman's account. Troubling, no?

There is no witness that said Martin was bashing Zimmerman head on the pavement. And Zimmerman refused medical treatment at the scene and never had an x-ray taken of his nose.

in the first frye hearing it was revealed by accident

(however the judge did let in as a question) by defense

that there is a 2nd witness on scene that

says it was zimmerman screaming for help

You are really on top of this case, Brother Jon.

Thanks for keeping us apprised of these most interesting developments. :thup:
There is no witness that said Martin was bashing Zimmerman head on the pavement. And Zimmerman refused medical treatment at the scene and never had an x-ray taken of his nose.

in the first frye hearing it was revealed by accident

(however the judge did let in as a question) by defense

that there is a 2nd witness on scene that

says it was zimmerman screaming for help

You are really on top of this case, Brother Jon.

Thanks for keeping us apprised of these most interesting developments. :thup:

i just happened to be watching it when it happened

the state objected

but the judge over ruled it

and allowed omara to ask the question to the states expert if he was aware

of a 2nd eye witness that said it was zimmerman screaming
Originally Posted by MeBelle60
I can still flip someone the bird!

Hmmm..... we have a photo of Trayvon flipping the bird, which apparently proves he's a thug.
The Following User Says Thank You to Esmeralda For This Useful Post:
Noomi (Today)
I have a hand crippled by pinched nerves which I must get operated on.
The only finger not afflicted is my middle finger.

I shared it with some people on this board.

Recently I was asked how my hand was doing.
Rather than complain I chose humor, because flipping someone the bird is the only thing this hand is good for right now.

And the next time you share a about you serve it with some grave:tongue:.
Just out of curiousity, how do you interpret "We don't need you to do that." This is a serious question. Given the overall situation at that time, how do you interpret "We don't need you to do that." What's the fair and honest interpretation of that, which was told to George by the 911 operator.

just as it says we dont need you to do that

zimmerman said ok and stopped as well

however that was said outside of the car

there was not mention by dispatch to

remain in the car

there are 4 requests by dispatch requesting assistance by zimmerman

prior to the we dont need you to do that

this will come into play in court

BTW you didn't interpret what you think "We don't need you to do that" means. Interpret means to say what you think that statement suggests. The jury will certainly look at it closely and they will interpret it. I think it means the 911 operator is not in a position to issue an outright order but is saying what is suggested as the most reasonable way to behave. That he is suggesting Zimmerman should not follow Trayvon and leave this to the police. Had he obeyed, Trayvon would still be alive. And yes, he did continue to follow Trayvon after that statment was made by the 911 operator. That's how Trayvon ended up dead. If Zimmerman was just standing outside his car, that's where the body would have been, and it wasn't anywhere near Zimmerman's vehicle.

The record remains quite clear. Ernie S. dictates nothing here. Provide a quote? When the reactionary slags here start doing what they are demanding, the rest of us can consider it. And when I dismembered the quote supposedly saying that he didn't, the weirdo reactionaries ran around screaming and then went over to crap in the corner.

Ernie S., quit crapping in the corner, you unethical shit, and stay with the topic.
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This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.
This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.

There is no evidence Martin assaulted Zimmerman or bashed his head against the ground.
This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.

There is no evidence Martin assaulted Zimmerman or bashed his head against the ground.

Except for the photographic evidence, witness statements, police statements, forensic evidence and autopsy reports...

Aside from that, you are right, there is no evidence...:doubt:

Denying reality won't make it go away...
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in the first frye hearing it was revealed by accident

(however the judge did let in as a question) by defense

that there is a 2nd witness on scene that

says it was zimmerman screaming for help

You are really on top of this case, Brother Jon.

Thanks for keeping us apprised of these most interesting developments. :thup:

i just happened to be watching it when it happened

the state objected

but the judge over ruled it

and allowed omara to ask the question to the states expert if he was aware

of a 2nd eye witness that said it was zimmerman screaming

Jeremy!! There he is...2nd witness.
This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.

There is no evidence Martin assaulted Zimmerman or bashed his head against the ground.

ahh you're actually going to use evidence now. Will that be all the time or just when it suits you ?
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