Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Trayvon was doing absolutely nothing wrong. He was walking innocently home from the store. He was not commiting a crime. He did not provoke anything. The statute you posted has nothing to do with this situation. Innocent people walking alone at night do not deserved to be followed, stalking or chased. Period. However, an innocent person walking alone at night who is followed, stalked and chased by a stranger has every reason to feel threatened and in imminent danger of harm.

Not so...

According to the statute...Even if Zimmerman provoked the attack, if the attack is so forceful that there is a fear of great bodily harm or death and no possibility of escape...lethal force is still justified.

No matter how you slice it, Zimmerman was within his rights to defend himself.

But the fight was not deadly. Zimmerman was not in fear of great bodily harm or imminent death. He was barely injured, had a bloody nose, a black eye and some scrapes to his head. It was no more than a school yard fist fight. Deadly force was not justified.

Given enough blows to the head on the concrete, he could have suffered subdural hematomas, a concussion, skull fractures... and you say this fight wasn't deadly? So, that video of Martin egging on the senseless beating of a homeless man by his friends doesn't show you he had a propensity for senseless violence? Of course it doesn't. Not deadly? Well it was, Trayvon Martin died because he wanted to be mister macho.

Deadly force was justified.
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The fact is that the police dispatcher told Zimmerman not to follow Martin, it's in the audio transcript. Or did you forget that minor fact?

IF this stupid motherfucking idiot Zimmerman had OBEYED the POLICE, everybody would be alive today. Nobody would be in jail and certainly NOBODY WOULD BE DEAD.

What part of fucking reality goes past your head at the speed of a bullet that was NOT supposed to be carried by Zimmerman in the first place? THe HOA specifically forbade their neighborhood watch volunteers to carry arms. THAT'S THE FACTS.

No, he didn't...he said "we don't NEED you to do that."

That is a far cry from "don't follow him."

And THAT, my friend, is a fact.

So what did the dispatcher mean? Did he say, "Please continue to follow him until the officers arrive?"

Did he say, "Please confront him and retain him until an officer arrives"?

I'm waiting for your interpretation, because you are distorting the facts.

Oh and while you are at it, please refute that the HOA said it was against their rules for volunteers to carry weapons.

I'll be waiting right here for your factual answer.

Oh, wait....I got it for you, Einstein:

Are you following him?




Ok, we don't need you to do that.



Yes, I gave you a neg rep...FTR, it said "Do you really need to be an ass."

Now to your question.

Have you read the transcript?

The dispatcher says "OK, we really don't need you to do that."

Zimmerman: "ok"

And then Zimmerman heads off to meet the police on foot.

He has lost Martin...doesn't have a clue where he is...and he says so to the Dispatcher...paraphrased "I don't want to give out that info, I don't know where the guy is."

On a different subject, I will show you the same respect I show to every other poster.

I don't demand the same, but a modicum of civility is appreciated.
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If this pans out and the defense has Jeremy and one other eyewitness to testify that Zimmerman yelling for help - that erased any doubt I still had and I am squarely on the Self Defense Train. Jeremy was practically sitting on top of them from his 911 call vantage point.

The train has left the station.

Jeremy recanted his statement saying he assumed the person yelling for help was the guy wearing white and red because he was on the bottom. I would hardly call 30 feet "sitting on top". It was dark, raining and Jeremy's porch light was shinning in his face and everyone else said it was too dark to see anything. We would need a whole new thread to discuss Witness # 6.

Who is this other witness you speak of?

you have course have proof of this

Welcome to my nightmare
I don't have to quote the transcript because it says nothing about it. That is what duck was trying to pull and I caught him at it.

You, Ernie S., are one of the biggest liars here. For one, you call yourself an American patriot, which makes the Lady Liberty hide her eyes in shame every time you do that.

further proof jake is a liar:

In other words the proceedings pertains only to the dispatcher not being able to determine who was screaming because of outside sounds.

The dispatcher will be called to testify to what he and GZ said to each other. Yep, GZ was told not to get out of the car.

what kind of stupid does one have to be to deny saying something that they wrote down?
I don't have to quote the transcript because it says nothing about it. That is what duck was trying to pull and I caught him at it.

You, Ernie S., are one of the biggest liars here. For one, you call yourself an American patriot, which makes the Lady Liberty hide her eyes in shame every time you do that.

further proof jake is a liar:

In other words the proceedings pertains only to the dispatcher not being able to determine who was screaming because of outside sounds.

The dispatcher will be called to testify to what he and GZ said to each other. Yep, GZ was told not to get out of the car.

what kind of stupid does one have to be to deny saying something that they wrote down?

Yurt, the transcript does not say what dumbo was saying it said. Or you for that matter.

You continue forever a liar.
supporting gay marriage means i'm far right


poor dishonest jake

You are a liar and on notice.

You show unusual common sense on gay marriage. Much of the rest of your politics are f'd up, and I point out to you all the time.
I don't have to quote the transcript because it says nothing about it. That is what duck was trying to pull and I caught him at it.

You, Ernie S., are one of the biggest liars here. For one, you call yourself an American patriot, which makes the Lady Liberty hide her eyes in shame every time you do that.

further proof jake is a liar:

In other words the proceedings pertains only to the dispatcher not being able to determine who was screaming because of outside sounds.

The dispatcher will be called to testify to what he and GZ said to each other. Yep, GZ was told not to get out of the car.

what kind of stupid does one have to be to deny saying something that they wrote down?

Yurt, the transcript does not say what dumbo was saying it said. Or you for that matter.

You continue forever a liar.

jake claims he never said the dispatcher told him not to get out of the car, i show exactly where jake claimed that and that makes me a liar

supporting gay marriage means i'm far right


poor dishonest jake

You are a liar and on notice.

You show unusual common sense on gay marriage. Much of the rest of your politics are f'd up, and I point out to you all the time.

still whining that i got you banned for pm'ing me after you cried to the mods about pm's? lol....sissy boy.

you have never once pointed out any flaw in my political beliefs. you're delusional.
Yurt, continues to lie. GZ was told not to pursue TM, thus not to get out of his car.

Yurt, on notice, continues to lie. It will catch him. Yurt was banned, flat fact. End of story.

You have no common sense political beliefs: just a hodge podge of emotions.
Yurt, continues to lie. GZ was told not to pursue TM, thus not to get out of his car.

Yurt, on notice, continues to lie. It will catch him. Yurt was banned, flat fact. End of story.

You have no common sense political beliefs: just a hodge podge of emotions.

and here jake is again stating zimmerman was told not to get out of the car

yet, when i point out his earlier post i'm a liar

you need professional help jake. you don't even realize how bad you lie. are the one who is on notice and the one who was banned first. i was banned because i admitted to responding to your pm. i was honest, i could have lied and i would not have been banned.
Why was he following him? If he had been following you in a similar manner, you might have confronted him too.

It is not illegal or inherently threatening to walk behind someone.

He was stalking him, and he had a gun, which he used.

After he got the snot beat out of him. Okay, let me beat the snot out of you one day, you'll wish you'd had a gun then, wouldn't you? Oh don't worry, we don't want people defending themselves. Nooo, that would be baaaad!
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Why was he following him? If he had been following you in a similar manner, you might have confronted him too.

It is not illegal or inherently threatening to walk behind someone.

He was stalking him, and he had a gun, which he used.

Thank God. Had he not been armed, they might be talking about a 17 year old black kid on trial for killing a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator.

Well, they might be in Sanford, FL. It would hardly be a national story.
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