Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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The only reason she would lie about her whereabouts during the kid's funeral is that she's hiding her activities.

And that always means drugs/partying....or she was being detained.

Criminal activity. I guarantee it. If the prosecutors are found to have been HIDING it, it's over as far as this trial goes.

Maybe, the rumors say something very shocking. More shocking than that.

I'll hunt around later and see if I can find a reliable source.
Are you referring to TMs girlfriend? She's already been caught in a lie,and the evidence doesnt support her story.

the evidence does support her story....and no she didn't lie...

I have yet to figure out what the significance of her "story" is. She says that Trayvon noticed a guy watching him from his car...and Zimmerman has said he was watching him.

She says Trayvon approached him...which also works with Zimmerman's story.

The part that is the lie is what follows...and there's absolutely no supporting evidence for that. You have Zimmerman's statement, and hers...and at that point it comes down to who is more credible, and more likely to be right?

An 18 year old druggie, who has been busted for lying....or Zimmerman.

I would certainly take her word over a lying, wannabe cop, cousin molesting,racist, cop assaulting, wife beater. :eek:
The only reason she would lie about her whereabouts during the kid's funeral is that she's hiding her activities.

And that always means drugs/partying....or she was being detained.

Criminal activity. I guarantee it. If the prosecutors are found to have been HIDING it, it's over as far as this trial goes.

Maybe, the rumors say something very shocking. More shocking than that.

I'll hunt around later and see if I can find a reliable source.

US media pushes false narrative that DD (Witness 8) lied in Zimmerman case

US media pushes false narrative that DD (Witness 8) lied in Zimmerman case | Frederick Leatherman Law Blog
the evidence does support her story....and no she didn't lie...

I have yet to figure out what the significance of her "story" is. She says that Trayvon noticed a guy watching him from his car...and Zimmerman has said he was watching him.

She says Trayvon approached him...which also works with Zimmerman's story.

The part that is the lie is what follows...and there's absolutely no supporting evidence for that. You have Zimmerman's statement, and hers...and at that point it comes down to who is more credible, and more likely to be right?

An 18 year old druggie, who has been busted for lying....or Zimmerman.

I would certainly take her word over a lying, wannabe cop, cousin molesting,racist, cop assaulting, wife beater. :eek:

Why do you hate Hispanics? And what's with the compulsive lying?
The only reason she would lie about her whereabouts during the kid's funeral is that she's hiding her activities.

And that always means drugs/partying....or she was being detained.

Criminal activity. I guarantee it. If the prosecutors are found to have been HIDING it, it's over as far as this trial goes.

Maybe, the rumors say something very shocking. More shocking than that.

I'll hunt around later and see if I can find a reliable source.

US media pushes false narrative that DD (Witness 8) lied in Zimmerman case

US media pushes false narrative that DD (Witness 8) lied in Zimmerman case | Frederick Leatherman Law Blog

Um.. that's a blog. A blog is someone's opinion.

Previous link was to the news story where the PROSECUTION ADMITTED she lied under oath.

Ohhh, Fredrick Letherman - well that's authoritative;

Wait - who is this Fredrick Leatherman?

{I believe our country is ruled by greed and our legal and political system has been corrupted and broken by the 1%. We need to fix it and we need to fix it now.}

Oh, he's an OWS Shitter - a fucknut whackjob.

Well damn, guess that wraps it up - lynch Zimmerman now....
one example is a resident heard “What are you doing around here?”.

I haven't heard anything about TMs girlfriend having anything thats a case breaker.
Pretty sure we would know if that were the case.
I guess we'll see.

This is from last week's depo. So it's new.

She(TM girlfriend) said Martin thought he had lost Zimmerman, then said Zimmerman found and confronted Martin both verbally and physically.
Why is this so hard?

Preconceived bias against the accused. They've blocked from their mind all evidence and/or developments that may point to the innocence of George Zimmerman.

Thanks for clearing that up. I thought my red bold 6 font wasn't clear enough and I needed to go to 7 font, glittery dancing font.

It could be as big as this:


And they still wouldn't give a rat's ass.
The only reason she would lie about her whereabouts during the kid's funeral is that she's hiding her activities.

And that always means drugs/partying....or she was being detained.

Criminal activity. I guarantee it. If the prosecutors are found to have been HIDING it, it's over as far as this trial goes.

Maybe she lied because she can't deal with funerals. Some people just can't face funerals. It's a type of phobia. To assume it has to do with some kind of illegal behavior is more racism. If she were a white girl, it's highly unlikely people would assume she was doing drugs or something related to criminal activity instead of going to the funeral.
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Maybe, the rumors say something very shocking. More shocking than that.

I'll hunt around later and see if I can find a reliable source.

US media pushes false narrative that DD (Witness 8) lied in Zimmerman case

US media pushes false narrative that DD (Witness 8) lied in Zimmerman case | Frederick Leatherman Law Blog

Um.. that's a blog. A blog is someone's opinion.

Previous link was to the news story where the PROSECUTION ADMITTED she lied under oath.

I would love to see a credible link..
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