CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Crumble

Doesn't sound like it's "falling apart"....but then, that's the Gateway Pundit for you.

Federal prosecutors have begun seeking 60-day delays across a series of Capitol riot cases, calling the probe “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

In a nine-page filing lodged in multiple cases Friday morning, U.S. attorneys handling cases stemming from the Jan. 6 insurrection cited the rapidly growing roster of defendants and the enormous cache of evidence they must sift through to get a complete picture of the crimes committed that day.

“The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Attack will likely be one of the largest in American history,” prosecutors said, “both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.”

That evidence, they said, includes findings of more than 900 search warrants executed in nearly every state. It also includes more than 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage supplied by some of the 14 federal and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the Capitol response — from the FBI to the Secret Service to the Arlington, Va., police department.
Authorities are also combing through 1,600 electronic devices, conducting hundreds of searches of text messages from multiple providers, and reviewing 210,000 tips and 80,000 witness interviews.....
Wow, 900 search warrants, 15,000 hours of surveillance footage from 14 federal agencies, 1600 electronic devices, 210,000 trips, and 80,000 witness interviews. That's a lot. I hope they prosecute individuals deserving.

By the way, how many search warrants, hours of surveillance footage from how many federal agencies, and how many electronic devices, and how many trips and how many witnesses did they use to search for all those responsible for the 8 months of violence, burning, and destruction we saw?

By the way, I completely disagree with the fbi using phone records to find people. That's invasion of privacy, and if I'm not mistaken, people who were simply in the area that day and not part of the riot are having agents show up at their door.
Doesn't sound like it's "falling apart"....but then, that's the Gateway Pundit for you.

Federal prosecutors have begun seeking 60-day delays across a series of Capitol riot cases, calling the probe “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

In a nine-page filing lodged in multiple cases Friday morning, U.S. attorneys handling cases stemming from the Jan. 6 insurrection cited the rapidly growing roster of defendants and the enormous cache of evidence they must sift through to get a complete picture of the crimes committed that day.

“The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Attack will likely be one of the largest in American history,” prosecutors said, “both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.”

That evidence, they said, includes findings of more than 900 search warrants executed in nearly every state. It also includes more than 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage supplied by some of the 14 federal and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the Capitol response — from the FBI to the Secret Service to the Arlington, Va., police department.
Authorities are also combing through 1,600 electronic devices, conducting hundreds of searches of text messages from multiple providers, and reviewing 210,000 tips and 80,000 witness interviews.....
The fact remains, one fatality due to over aggressive actions of a black capitol police officer when he murdered an unarmed, female U.S. veteran who was taking pictures--I can't breathe, indeed. White Lives Matter.
Over agressive? What exactly was he supposed to do when a violent protester was climbing through a window her mob had just broke to get to the congressmembers he was protecting? And ignored orders to get down?
What was she going to do--shoot him with her phone. Get real.
what is he supposed to do? There is a mob with her. what should he do? How does he know she is unarmed? Or the othets trying to get through?
well, there are tasers, or, one woman against...4? Fully grown trained security personnel? I guess there are other things they COULD have done...but she was a right winger, so I suppose the shooting was justified to you.
Doesn't sound like it's "falling apart"....but then, that's the Gateway Pundit for you.

Federal prosecutors have begun seeking 60-day delays across a series of Capitol riot cases, calling the probe “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

In a nine-page filing lodged in multiple cases Friday morning, U.S. attorneys handling cases stemming from the Jan. 6 insurrection cited the rapidly growing roster of defendants and the enormous cache of evidence they must sift through to get a complete picture of the crimes committed that day.

“The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Attack will likely be one of the largest in American history,” prosecutors said, “both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.”

That evidence, they said, includes findings of more than 900 search warrants executed in nearly every state. It also includes more than 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage supplied by some of the 14 federal and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the Capitol response — from the FBI to the Secret Service to the Arlington, Va., police department.
Authorities are also combing through 1,600 electronic devices, conducting hundreds of searches of text messages from multiple providers, and reviewing 210,000 tips and 80,000 witness interviews.....
Can anybody present just one news story that the Gateway pundit got right?

Just ONE, anyone?
If they tried half as hard to find the election fraud, none of this would have happened on Jan. 6.
It was all out in the open and the Republicans didn't find squat... hell, their own election officials and judges said as much... time and again and again and again.

January 6th happened because gullible unthinking beetle-browed easily-misled Neanderthals were told by your Orange Baboon-God to intimidate Congress.
There was never an evidentiary hearing moron.
That's because there was insufficient probable cause to proceed, twit.
They need to prosecute all those people who have been burning down our cities. If they don't, the justice system is a sham.
So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do just that while he was still in power?
Because the states had jurisdiction. Trump offered to help with the National Guard. They rejected his help and recently dismissed cases against the arsonists and looters. You are an uninformed waste of time.
Federal property falls under Federal jurisdiction. Ask any bailiff in a US Court or any veteran visiting VA Medical Center property.
If they tried half as hard to find the election fraud, none of this would have happened on Jan. 6.
It was all out in the open and the Republicans didn't find squat... hell, their own election officials and judges said as much... time and again and again and again.

January 6th happened because gullible unthinking beetle-browed easily-misled Neanderthals were told by your Orange Baboon-God to intimidate Congress.
There was never an evidentiary hearing moron.
That's because there was insufficient probable cause to proceed, twit.
Sure, transparency, that's the ticket. You are a brainwashed moron. Not worth the effort to educate.
They need to prosecute all those people who have been burning down our cities. If they don't, the justice system is a sham.
So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do just that while he was still in power?
Because the states had jurisdiction. Trump offered to help with the National Guard. They rejected his help and recently dismissed cases against the arsonists and looters. You are an uninformed waste of time.
Federal property falls under Federal jurisdiction. Ask any bailiff in a US Court or any veteran visiting VA Medical Center property.
The Feds dismissed the cases.
Doesn't sound like it's "falling apart"....but then, that's the Gateway Pundit for you.

Federal prosecutors have begun seeking 60-day delays across a series of Capitol riot cases, calling the probe “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

In a nine-page filing lodged in multiple cases Friday morning, U.S. attorneys handling cases stemming from the Jan. 6 insurrection cited the rapidly growing roster of defendants and the enormous cache of evidence they must sift through to get a complete picture of the crimes committed that day.

“The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Attack will likely be one of the largest in American history,” prosecutors said, “both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.”

That evidence, they said, includes findings of more than 900 search warrants executed in nearly every state. It also includes more than 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage supplied by some of the 14 federal and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the Capitol response — from the FBI to the Secret Service to the Arlington, Va., police department.
Authorities are also combing through 1,600 electronic devices, conducting hundreds of searches of text messages from multiple providers, and reviewing 210,000 tips and 80,000 witness interviews.....
Can anybody present just one news story that the Gateway pundit got right?

Just ONE, anyone?
The one you quoted.
...The Feds dismissed the cases.
Ahhhhhhh.... so there WAS a Federal jurisdiction after all, eh? Mighty White of you to finally acknowledge that obvious fact. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now... that was "The Feds" during the tenure of the
RUMP Administration, wasn't it?

So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do a better job of it? :cool:
...The Feds dismissed the cases.
Ahhhhhhh.... so there WAS a Federal jurisdiction after all, eh? Mighty White of you to finally acknowledge that obvious fact. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now... that was "The Feds" during the tenure of the
RUMP Administration, wasn't it?

So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do a better job of it? :cool:
Ahhh, there it is. Didn't take long at all. You are a racist bigot.
They need to prosecute all those people who have been burning down our cities. If they don't, the justice system is a sham.
So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do just that while he was still in power?
Your ignorance of our federal system of justice is the reason you ask this foolish question.
Attacks on Federal facilities (like courthouses) can be prosecuted in the Federal court system, fool.

Ditto for assaults on the Federal officers and contract law-enforcement agents who were guarding such facilities.
90 people in Portland were charged and now Biden dropped charges against over 30 of them.
Your Orange Baboon had a half-year or more to effect actual prosecutions... why was the issue still in-question by the time Old Joe was sworn in?

Because the DOJ is a corrupt arm of the Democrat party.
...Ahhh, there it is. Didn't take long at all. You are a racist bigot.
I AM a racist.

YOU are a racist.

We are ALL racist to some extent or another.

But it's whether we allow racist thoughts to govern our actions or to harm others that measures our worthiness on that topic.

I have worked for a great many years in various highly diverse environments and have a great deal of respect for many others not of my own race.

If you trigger on the "Mighty White of You" time-tested meme ( this a Black phrase coming from a White guy ) then you're just engaging in ad hominems.

Now.... go dry-hump somebody else's leg, junior, 'cause you're botherin' the grown-ups and you're borin' the hell outta me.


If you have something intelligent to contribute concerning the existence of Federal jurisdiction on Federal property, have at it.
...Ahhh, there it is. Didn't take long at all. You are a racist bigot.
I AM a racist.

YOU are a racist.

We are ALL racist to some extent or another.

But it's whether we allow racist thoughts to govern our actions or to harm others that measures our worthiness on that topic.

I have worked for a great many years in various highly diverse environments and have a great deal of respect for many others not of my own race.

If you trigger on the "Mighty White of You" time-tested meme ( this a Black phrase coming from a White guy ) then you're just engaging in ad hominems.

Now.... go dry-hump somebody else's leg, junior, 'cause you're botherin' the grown-ups and you're borin' the hell outta me.


If you have something intelligent to contribute concerning the existence of Federal jurisdiction on Federal property, have at it.
Typical response from a moron that got caught in his own hypocrisy. YOU ARE A RACIST. I am a human being that you know absolutely NOTHING about. Don't try to label me with your own failings. Now take your indignation down the road, keyboard warrior. You know where the ignore button is.
...The Feds dismissed the cases.
Ahhhhhhh.... so there WAS a Federal jurisdiction after all, eh? Mighty White of you to finally acknowledge that obvious fact. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now... that was "The Feds" during the tenure of the
RUMP Administration, wasn't it?

So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do a better job of it? :cool:
Yes, the National Guard that Pelosi called storm troopers.
If they tried half as hard to find the election fraud, none of this would have happened on Jan. 6.
It was all out in the open and the Republicans didn't find squat... hell, their own election officials and judges said as much... time and again and again and again.

January 6th happened because gullible unthinking beetle-browed easily-misled Neanderthals were told by your Orange Baboon-God to intimidate Congress.

Hate makes you very angry. Enjoy.

I saw the exchanges up in the thread between the poster Coyote and the avatarees I quote above.
First, lemme say.....poster Coyote doesn't need me to be his 6. He can handle the fringie-ness offered by some of our more prolific and misinformed posters, thank you very much.

OK, having said that: RIP Ashley Babbitt. And comfort to her family. Hers was a tragic death. A wrongful death. 'Wrongful', we are sad to her own agency. By her own actions. And her own misunderstandings of a political dynamic that misled her. But, the primary agency of her misunderstandings.....was, regrettably, her own.

However, poor mis-informed Ms Babbitt went where angels fear tread.
Where she was explicitly warned NOT to go.
And she went in a manner that threatened duly authorized officers of the law who were oath-required to protect the space she violently breached.

And, tragically, it cost her.

Now, we have posters here who are suggesting the officer should have known she carried only a phone...and not a weapon. Another hinting she was shot only because she was, in his words, a "right-winger'. Another suggests that she ONLY climbed into a window.....and thus her shooting was wrongful.


OK, let's do this drill once again.
It has been presented several times on this venue:

Ms. Babbitt was an integral part of a violent mob who had already broken into the Capitol of the United States. She and her cohorts came to yet another locked the Speaker's Lobby, a fairly sacrosanct part of the Capitol complex.

Behind that door were armed officers who were charged in their official duties to protect that doorway, that Lobby, that Capitol. And Ms.Babbitt and her co-conspirators reached that door and they violently...violently...began actions to breach it. (all of this has been presented as video from both outside the door, and from inside the lobby).

As they began their battering of the door in their attempt to breach.....they were loudly and insistently warned to back off. They continued. And then a pistol in the hands of an officer was brandished. And the crowd was warned. The criminals on the other side of the door doing the battering acknowledged there was a gun present....and it was aimed in their direction. Yet, they continued battering.

A breach was effected. An opening was battered open. And into it quickly and aggressively Ms.Babbitt was thrust or jumped. Dressed in a concealing shroud that could have concealed C-4 explosives, a Glock17, or lipstick. The officers on the other side of the door fearing for their lives as the door was being battered down......had no way in this God's good green earth....what could be hidden in Ms.Babbitt's shrouded figure.

So, she and her group were expressly warned. But they continued. They advanced in an aggressive manner. In the face of an acknowledged firearm held by an officer of the law. And then Ms. Babbitt jumped into threatening proximity to those officers.

Tragically, it cost her.
By a well aimed, specifically aimed, bullet. Aimed at a threatening figure (male? female? who could tell?) who emerged into a space that was personally threatening to officers of the law.

Yes, indeed, it cost.

RIP, and may comfort come to her family[/q
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Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case

Interesting that they want a greater window / delay for a simple investigation of some miscreants than the POTUS was permitted to save an American election!

Crash and burn, crash and burn.

First, an editor's note.
I could not correct the paragraph after Batcat quote that started: "So a protester......"

In the format presented above it looks like the next paragraph, starting as: "I saw the exchange....." is being attributed to Batcat.
He didn't type that. I did.

And then couldn't edit the formatting.

So you know.

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