Cash strapped NRA discloses spending on foreign fundraising for first time

Interesting. Do you have a link to something on that that I could read? Thanks.

Edit: just doing some quick searches and, though I haven’t found the info you mentioned yet, I did find this, not sure if you or others here have seen it.

The NRA is still concerned only with training, coaching, range development, sponsoring matches, etc. They have to be to maintain their tax status.

The NRA-ILA and NRA-PVF are the main politically active arms and are deliberately kept strictly separated. Donations for political activities of any type must be made directly to them to keep them separate from the NRA proper; any money donated to just the NRA can not cross over to the other arms engaged in political activity.

The National Rifle Association disclosed spending on foreign fundraising for the first time in the gun rights group’s history as it faced a multimillion-dollar shortfall for a third consecutive year, new tax returns reveal.

Cash-strapped NRA discloses spending on foreign fundraising for first time

Oh imagine that one must be a demonictart pos that got in on this one and set them up for a good fall....... gotta stay on top of these losers........they'll screw you any way they can.

Or it could be that the NRA needs to go back to being a real Non Profit and not a PAC. It appears that almost everything they do is that of a PaC and it's now coming to roost. I once was a member but left when they started spending way too much time in Politics and not enough time teaching Gun Safety and working with the Manufacturers to make a safer product. According to your article, most of their expenses have been to the PaC which means they aren't a Non Profit at all.

Wrong. Half of any 501(c)(3) non profit can invest up to 50% of their funds to political action groups. The NRA campaigned hard to get that changed and they have been running roughshod over it since.

I don't quite remember where I gleaned that information. But if you notice, the bulk of the expenses is listed on your url as "Other Expenses".
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.

If you are on one side, it's okay if your side does it. But the other side is damned for it. Actually, it needs to go back the way it was before where ZERO foreign money could be used and a Non Profit had to stay completely out of Politics. We have the best Politicians Money Can Buy and they are purchased often.
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.

If you are on one side, it's okay if your side does it. But the other side is damned for it. Actually, it needs to go back the way it was before where ZERO foreign money could be used and a Non Profit had to stay completely out of Politics. We have the best Politicians Money Can Buy and they are purchased often.[/QUOT

Your side does it? The NRA?
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.

If you are on one side, it's okay if your side does it. But the other side is damned for it. Actually, it needs to go back the way it was before where ZERO foreign money could be used and a Non Profit had to stay completely out of Politics. We have the best Politicians Money Can Buy and they are purchased often.[/QUOT

Your side does it? The NRA?

You need to pay attention to the quotes. And I used to be a NRA member before they went ape shit crazy and became the Madison Avenue Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists.
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.

If you are on one side, it's okay if your side does it. But the other side is damned for it. Actually, it needs to go back the way it was before where ZERO foreign money could be used and a Non Profit had to stay completely out of Politics. We have the best Politicians Money Can Buy and they are purchased often.[/QUOT

Your side does it? The NRA?

You need to pay attention to the quotes. And I used to be a NRA member before they went ape shit crazy and became the Madison Avenue Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists.
How does that work when the organization that represents skeet shooters, armed women and the 2nd Amendment ends up being ape shit crazy? How many Madison Avenue ad agencies are Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists? Don't you have it backwards?
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.

If you are on one side, it's okay if your side does it. But the other side is damned for it. Actually, it needs to go back the way it was before where ZERO foreign money could be used and a Non Profit had to stay completely out of Politics. We have the best Politicians Money Can Buy and they are purchased often.[/QUOT

Your side does it? The NRA?

You need to pay attention to the quotes. And I used to be a NRA member before they went ape shit crazy and became the Madison Avenue Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists.
How does that work when the organization that represents skeet shooters, armed women and the 2nd Amendment ends up being ape shit crazy? How many Madison Avenue ad agencies are Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists? Don't you have it backwards?

Sorry, no free ride here. When the NRA created their PAC and used funds that was supposed to go to their non profit to fund it. Those funds that went to the PAC could have easily gone to their Non Profit Programs. What's happened is the Non Profit Programs have gone down while the Political PAC importance has gone up. And there are quite a few members questioning it today. Many of us questioned it years ago.
I guess it's not illegal for the NRA to engage in foreign fundraising but I recall Clinton's V.P. Al Gore illegally soliciting donations from the White House aimed at Buddhist Monks. Gore's defense was "no controlling legal authority" and the mainstream media laughed.

If you are on one side, it's okay if your side does it. But the other side is damned for it. Actually, it needs to go back the way it was before where ZERO foreign money could be used and a Non Profit had to stay completely out of Politics. We have the best Politicians Money Can Buy and they are purchased often.[/QUOT

Your side does it? The NRA?

You need to pay attention to the quotes. And I used to be a NRA member before they went ape shit crazy and became the Madison Avenue Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists.
How does that work when the organization that represents skeet shooters, armed women and the 2nd Amendment ends up being ape shit crazy? How many Madison Avenue ad agencies are Marketers for the Gun Lobbyists? Don't you have it backwards?

Sorry, no free ride here. When the NRA created their PAC and used funds that was supposed to go to their non profit to fund it. Those funds that went to the PAC could have easily gone to their Non Profit Programs. What's happened is the Non Profit Programs have gone down while the Political PAC importance has gone up. And there are quite a few members questioning it today. Many of us questioned it years ago.
So what? The NRA has been bashed so much in the liberal media that it's a wonder it survives at all. My guess is that it will bounce back and 2nd Amendment advocates, skeet shooters, hunters, collectors and women's rights supporters will continue to have a voice.

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