Cat with eating disorder

Sky Dancer

Jan 21, 2009
My kitten, Henry has gotten obese, since our two outdoor cats, Peter and Nicholas have moved indoors. Henry's sister, Lily, has no problem with the other cats, and no other cat is obese.

He's obviously insecure, he lays his whole body down on top of the food bowl.

How can I help him get over this before he explodes?

I'm thinking of moving him into another room with his own food bowl.
My kitten, Henry has gotten obese, since our two outdoor cats, Peter and Nicholas have moved indoors. Henry's sister, Lily, has no problem with the other cats, and no other cat is obese.

He's obviously insecure, he lays his whole body down on top of the food bowl.

How can I help him get over this before he explodes?

I'm thinking of moving him into another room with his own food bowl.

Thats what I was going to suggest.

Have a set din din time for them, and separate them during it.

Obesity can kill them just like it can us.
Read the pet food manufacturer's label. Feed the critters, one and all. the minimum.
You are the master of their domain.

What is it about "meow" that you don't like?


Your response?
My kitten, Henry has gotten obese, since our two outdoor cats, Peter and Nicholas have moved indoors. Henry's sister, Lily, has no problem with the other cats, and no other cat is obese.

He's obviously insecure, he lays his whole body down on top of the food bowl.

How can I help him get over this before he explodes?

I'm thinking of moving him into another room with his own food bowl.

Are they self feeding... as in a bowl of food out all he time? If that is the case you will have to have feeding times and each cat have his or her own food bowl....

If he is laying his whole body over the food ...that is called "food guarding" ... a natural dominance thing. It is saying... MY FOOD.... keep back. Growling is not uncommon. Watch to make sure he his not chewing off the whiskers of the other cats.....

How old is he... and has he been to the vet. Was he wormed?
My kitten, Henry has gotten obese, since our two outdoor cats, Peter and Nicholas have moved indoors. Henry's sister, Lily, has no problem with the other cats, and no other cat is obese.

He's obviously insecure, he lays his whole body down on top of the food bowl.

How can I help him get over this before he explodes?

I'm thinking of moving him into another room with his own food bowl.

Thats what I was going to suggest.

Have a set din din time for them, and separate them during it.

Obesity can kill them just like it can us.

I've had the cats food on free serve. You're suggesting a set dinner time. Hmm.
My cat gets three ( count 'em, 3) 1/4 cup scoops in the morning...

"One for you, one for me, and one for the mysterious guest that sneaks up in the night and eats the remainder". I tell my cat every day.

Read the directions. Stop listening to MEOW.

Your pet is bored. Bored out of it's ever loving fucking mind.
It's not hungry. It's bored. And it's your fault and it's your problem.

Entertain the animal. Take it's mind off of the food.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've heard this referred to as Scarlett O'Hara Syndrome--"As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!"
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Here's an odd solution I just read about:

"Snappy became so heavy that she could no longer jump from a chair to the floor without knocking the wind out of her. We tried everything we could think of. Finally, my husband just fed her all she could eat and more. He just stood there and kept putting more down. She ate until she threw up and then she ate more. This went on for several days. Then she just stopped overeating. It took some time but eventually she got back down to a "fighting" weight and she could run and jump again."
Buy one of those lazer pointers for $2.95. Cats chase the shit out of that little red dot. Stupid fuckers.

Hither and yon they doth scamper.
MEOW my ass. Don't get me wrong. I really like my cat.
I just refuse to like it to its own death.
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That's a lot of cats.


You can never have to much pussy!


I have 6

I never had more than two of any beast at a time.

I'm allergic to cats - horribly allergic. Not allergic to anything else but cats. So, I'm obviously a dog person. I wish I could like cats, too. :sad:

I am allergic too....and they aggravate my asthma. But no way in hell am i giving them up....ill just take more drugs.
I'm dying laughing reading this thread and realizing what sick fuckers I post with.

I'm down to Sonya and Niakawa two rescues. I lost C82 this most amazing soul at the end of August. Rescued her a couple of years ago. A doll. Just a doll. Really miss her.

Now to fat cats. Well that's my Niakawa, my chubbo. I love her so. And she eats no more than Sonya. She's learning that attempting to climb on the top of the curtain rods are not a good idea this year, lol. Jumping jacks are in her future with me this winter.

I love her to death.
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You can never have to much pussy!


I have 6

I never had more than two of any beast at a time.

I'm allergic to cats - horribly allergic. Not allergic to anything else but cats. So, I'm obviously a dog person. I wish I could like cats, too. :sad:

I am allergic too....and they aggravate my asthma. But no way in hell am i giving them up....ill just take more drugs.

my hubby 2 pumps a month, but he loves them so.
Buy one of those lazer pointers for $2.95. Cats chase the shit out of that little red dot. Stupid fuckers.

Hither and yon they doth scamper.

Henry is very mischievous and active. If there's any unusual sounds in the house, it's usually Henry up to something.

Right now, Peter is on top of the piano, Lily is asleep in the dogs bed, Daisy the dog is asleep in the kitty's bed and Henry is pushing things around the kitchen floor, it sounds like he's moved into my studio now, and is thumping a large sheet of paper I last used for a workshop.

Nicholas, is on top of the dresser, pretending to be bored.
My kitten, Henry has gotten obese, since our two outdoor cats, Peter and Nicholas have moved indoors. Henry's sister, Lily, has no problem with the other cats, and no other cat is obese.

He's obviously insecure, he lays his whole body down on top of the food bowl.

How can I help him get over this before he explodes?

I'm thinking of moving him into another room with his own food bowl.

My daughter had a cat that did that. He ate ALL the food. The vet told her she had to start feeding the cats separately. That cat lost about 15 pounds. But he had also become diabetic, so for the last few years of his life, he got his blood sugar checked and shots of insulin.

I never had more than two of any beast at a time.

I'm allergic to cats - horribly allergic. Not allergic to anything else but cats. So, I'm obviously a dog person. I wish I could like cats, too. :sad:

I am allergic too....and they aggravate my asthma. But no way in hell am i giving them up....ill just take more drugs.

my hubby 2 pumps a month, but he loves them so.

The doctor says get rid of the cats.....i tell him right the prescriptions. My heaviest cat topped out at 28 pounds...yes i know he was fat. But he was very very happy and playfully, he died when he was 17.

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